All posts by Shivam Verma

Shivam Verma, Co-Founder and CTO at Chat360, is a seasoned technology leader, boasting a wealth of experience in product development, architecture, design, data engineering, reporting systems, and team building. Armed with a Bachelor's in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Shivam is dedicated to driving technological innovation and excellence. His journey is marked by a profound passion for crafting exceptional products and tackling real-world challenges through advanced technology and superior software engineering practices. At Chat360, Shivam has played a pivotal role in providing AI-Powered Tech solutions to industry leaders in the B2B domain, onboarding renowned clients both in India and overseas, solidifying the company's footprint in the global landscape. Shivam's expertise extends to the realms of Generative AI and Conversational AI. Under his leadership, Chat360 has developed and evolved an AI-powered SaaS product that empowers enterprises worldwide to generate digital revenue more efficiently, significantly reducing the Cost Per Lead and maximizing conversion rate. Beyond technical proficiency, Shivam is recognized for his exceptional leadership skills. He actively engages in training and mentoring new and existing team members, infusing an analytical and logical approach to design tailor made products that meet the unique needs of diverse industries. His ability to provide optimistic solutions reflects a commitment to driving success in the technology domain. Shivam stands as a driving force in the technological landscape, leading Chat360 to new heights with a focus on cutting-edge solutions, client satisfaction, and team development.

How to use AI-based chatbot to answer FAQs?

Good customer experience is a thing today. Customers don’t settle for anything less. Having so many business alternatives and options in the market, they come to you only when you are capable of offering the best service.

A FAQ section is a very effective and crucial section you should have for that matter. It addresses common queries and concerns that your customers may have. And helps provide detailed information about products and services useful for making a purchase.

However, customers might find it hard to quickly figure out the solution due to its lengthy structure and scattered content. 

That is when chatbot plays a major role. Enabling a FAQ chatbot allows you to resolve all your customers’ frequent queries in one place within a few clicks without having to leave your site or make an effort for calls and emails.

In the blog, we’ll talk about how to use AI chatbot to answer FAQs.

AI chatbots helping human to solve the queries


How does an AI-based chatbot answer questions?

AI-based chatbots use natural language processing (NPL) to recognize sentence structure, analyze knowledge and enhance their capability to answer questions.

Answering can be extremely effective as they thoroughly understand your business, its customers, and its context.

It doesn’t rely on a pre-programmed response but first ascertains what the customer is saying. Once they figure out what the user is seeking, the chatbot provides a relevant answer to them that the AI believes is correct based on available data 

The FAQ chatbot is capable of doing so by analyzing correct and erroneous responses over time.

How to create an AI-based chatbot to answer FAQs?

Automation of FAQ is a common use case of chatbots. FAQ automation is a great way to get started with artificial intelligence regardless of your business. It is the quickest way to provide a value solution for your employees and customers. So here’s how you can create an AI-based chatbot to answer FAQs.

1. Decide the scope of your FAQ chatbot

The goal and your audience decide the scope of your FAQ. The two elements should be kept as a top priority while building your chatbot. It makes it clear where you are going to deploy it.

You must identify your audience first and be clear about whom you’re Deploying the chatbot. Is it your employee, or is it your customer? This gives you a clear idea about how to write your utterance.

After you know who your audiences are, you should figure out what you can offer in a FAQ chatbot for the users to find helpful.

2. Use topics to group your FAQs

The topic is an idea of how we can group FAQs and workflow when building a FAQ-based chatbot. It helps to put the content in place. And NLU helps to classify the user’s input. For instance, if 2 questions are similar but have different topics, the NLU will classify the user’s input in a topic that allows them to choose the relevant answer.

3. Utterance

An utterance can be described as a variant of questions and intentions. For instance, if you want to know about the cost of a microphone, there are a dozen different ways to ask about it.

How much does a microphone cost?

What is the price of a microphone?

Is the microphone expensive?

They are crucial to train natural language understanding. That’s how the FAQ chatbot can understand the user input. Great utterances will result in a better FAQ chatbot which promotes a better conversational experience.

4. Customize your bot

Prepare your bot with stock responses for times it doesn’t know how to respond. That is because customers may come up with unpredictable queries never seen or dealt with before. 

5. Build your FAQ chatbot with chat360

Chat360 helps you create value for end users by dodging the major pitfalls while building a FAQ chatbot.

A comparison between Traditional Chatbots and AI Chatbots:

AI-based chatbots outshine traditional FAQs with instant responses, adaptability, and 24/7 availability, transforming user experience. They learn, scale, and personalize, collecting valuable data seamlessly. Compared to static traditional FAQs, chatbots reduce costs, offer multilingual support, and integrate with CRM systems, ensuring consistent, engaging, and efficient customer interactions.

Criteria AI-based Chatbots Traditional FAQs
Response Speed Instant responses based on real-time analysis Delayed responses due to manual updating and routing
User Interaction Natural language processing for conversational interactions Static text with limited interactivity
Adaptability Adapts and learns from user interactions for continuous improvement Fixed responses that may not evolve over time
Scalability Easily scales to handle growing volume of queries Limited scalability, may require manual updating
Availability 24/7 availability, catering to global users Limited availability, dependent on support hours
Personalization Tailors responses based on user preferences and behavior Generic responses applicable to a broader audience
Handling Complexity Capable of handling complex queries with evolving knowledge Limited capability to address intricate inquiries
Data Collection Collects and analyzes user data for insights and improvements Limited data collection beyond basic usage statistics
Consistency Delivers consistent responses every time Subject to variations in response quality
User Engagement Interactive, engaging users in a conversational manner Passive, users must navigate through static content
Maintenance Effort Automated updates and self-learning mechanisms Manual updates and periodic content reviews
Cost Efficiency Cost-effective, reduces reliance on human support May involve higher costs for human support staffing
Multilingual Support Capable of providing support in multiple languages Limited language support, may require translation
Learning Capability Learns from user interactions, improving over time Limited learning capability, static responses
Integration with CRM Seamlessly integrates with CRM systems for enhanced customer insights Limited or no integration, may require manual data entry
User Satisfaction Enhances overall user experience with instant and personalized responses May lead to frustration due to delays and generic answers
Upgradability Allows for easy integration of new features and technology advancements Limited flexibility, upgrades may require system overhaul
Security Adheres to strict security measures to safeguard user data Security measures may vary, potential concerns over data safety

The Benefits of FAQ Chatbots

One powerful tool that has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of customer support is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) chatbot. 

These AI-driven virtual assistants are designed to provide quick and accurate responses to common customer queries, offering numerous benefits that can significantly impact a company’s success. 

Below are the list of benefits of FAQ chatbots:

1. 24/7 Availability: 

FAQ chatbots never sleep. They’re always online, ready to assist customers, regardless of the time of day or night. This round-the-clock availability ensures that customers can find answers to their questions at their convenience, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

2. Instant Responses: 

Traditional customer support channels often involve waiting in long queues or waiting for email responses. FAQ chatbots provide instant responses, reducing customer frustration and improving their overall experience.

3. Reducing Call Center Load

AI powered chatbots can help you reduce your call center load and save cost. They provide the ultimate solution for businesses seeking to optimize customer support operations. The chatbots can be trained on the FAQ repository and can then communicate to resolve basic and advanced queries.

4. Cost Savings: 

Employing human customer support representatives can be expensive. FAQ chatbots offer a cost-effective solution by handling a significant portion of routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks that require human expertise.

5. Consistency: 

FAQ chatbots deliver consistent responses every time, ensuring that customers receive accurate and uniform information. This consistency helps in building trust and reliability with your customer base.

6. Scalability: 

Managing a growing business often presents the challenge of handling a rising volume of customer inquiries. FAQ chatbots can easily scale to accommodate a growing customer base without adding more human resources.

7. Data Collection: 

Chatbots can collect valuable data about customer preferences, common issues, and frequently asked questions. This data can be used to refine products or services and personalize customer interactions.

8. Improved User Experience: 

Chatbots are designed to be user-friendly and interactive. They guide users through their queries, making it easy for customers to find the information they need, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

9. Multilingual Support: 

FAQ chatbots can provide support in multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and expanding your customer base to a global audience.

10. Reduced Human Error: 

Human agents may make mistakes or overlook details when responding to queries. FAQ chatbots, on the other hand, are programmed to provide precise and error-free information consistently.

11. Enhanced Productivity: 

By automating routine tasks, FAQ chatbots allow human agents to focus on more strategic and value-added activities, increasing overall productivity.

12. Customer Insights: 

Through natural language processing and analysis, FAQ chatbots can gain insights into customer sentiment and common pain points, helping businesses make data-driven decisions and improve their offerings.

How to use an AI-based chatbot for answering B2B companies FAQs?

Lead generation

AI-based FAQ chatbot not only helps users resolve queries or provide the right content, but can also be used to generate leads. The FAQ chatbot consolidates all frequently asked questions into one place and allows a self-service option for the users. 

And then, the chatbot asks relevant questions to the users, which helps narrow down the products and services according to their interests, which increases the chance of purchase.

Data mining

Sales teams have to analyze data to discover customers’ needs. Especially when it’s a large b2b company, it’s next to impossible for human agents to manually mine, organize, and analyze relevant data related to services and the target audience.

A FAQ-based chatbot can automate the data mining process and assist the human agent in mapping the data based on organizational trends. It makes it easier for sales representatives to access this information immediately during the sales process.

Lead qualification

The AI chatbot detects unexpected and undisplayed facts and attitudes of your leads through data mining. It makes it clear whether or not the user is interested in making a purchase. Those who are more likely to make a purchase can be then taken good care of.

Lead nurturing

There’s a high chance of buying when you’re able to nurture your lead with reliable support. It builds a good relationship.

Lead nurturing is a process where you take good care of your prospects and customers at every stage of the sales funnel. It includes listening and identifying your customers’ needs and resolving their concerns.

AI-based chatbots can convert interested leads into customers by assisting them with relevant responses throughout their journey.

How to use AI-based chatbots to answer B2C companies’ FAQs?

For sales

Conversational AI has been a proven way to increase sales for most businesses. Be it any product or service, the chatbot lets its customers engage, interact with their business, and make a purchase.

The bot provides the customers with the best option without the person having to put in too much effort to find the right product.


AI-based FAQ chatbot help customers troubleshoot problems they have with your product and service after sales. For instance, they would like to return the product, want to know the delivery time, track the parcel, or initiate a refund. The solution is just a click away when you have deployed FAQ chatbot.

Chatbot for customer support

A very common use of chatbots is for customer service. Automated chatbot helps businesses save on customer service cost by reducing response time, liberating agents, and answering maximum routine questions. The AI provides an instant reply making sure no prospect slips out of hand.

Real estate

Most people visit real estate websites when they have to check the flat details and prices. However, the problem is, the website contains a large amount of information making it difficult for the users to go through them in detail. But no worries, the FAQ chatbot can book the user details directly to a project site visit by answering the questions right away.


It is found that most of the customers enjoy self-service options when they have any queries regarding the product. FAQ chatbot makes that happen. Having a sorted and easy process smoothens the purchase, and as a result, they’re more likely to return. 

On top of that, it’s a huge saving including a FAQ chatbot compared to a human’s cost. It’s beneficial in every way as Customers are ready to pay more for better service.

If you’re looking forward to improving your business productivity by automating a lot of tasks in your users’ journey and exploring how an AI-based FAQ chatbot can be useful for your business, feel free to check

Sign up for a free trial!

A Complete Guide to WhatsApp Business API Pricing: WhatsApp Chatbot Pricing [2024]

WhatsApp chatbot pricing refers to the cost associated with running and maintaining a chatbot on the WhatsApp platform. As more businesses are leveraging WhatsApp chatbots for their customer service needs, it’s essential to understand how pricing works.

The pricing typically includes hosting and subscription fees for access to the platform and pay-per-use costs for each customer conversation. The pricing structure can vary depending on the complexity of the chatbot and the number of customer conversations.

Whether you’re looking to automate customer support, drive sales, or enhance customer communication, knowing the WhatsApp API charges is essential.

In this blog, we’ll cover both aspects so you have the complete picture before you invest in this solution.

WhatsApp Business Pricing Models: API, App, and Enterprise Solutions

Meta offers three WhatsApp Business Models – WhatsApp Business, WhatsApp Business API, and WhatsApp Cloud API.

The pricing for WhatsApp Business is the simplest, it costs nothing. It’s FREE! Small businesses can use this model to engage with users immediately at no cost. 

WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Cloud API, models to support conversations at scale have similar pricing for their conversations but differ during the implementation process. WhatsApp Cloud API is hosted on Meta’s servers, hence doesn’t come with hosting charges. 

Whereas WhatsApp Business API can be hosted on Meta or a partner’s server. If hosted on a partner server, a business needs to pay a nominal amount for it, depending on the partner charges. Besides this, WhatsApp Business API through a partner has some set-up fee associated with it. 

WhatsApp chatbot pricing per conversation

The WhatsApp API can provide a quicker and more interactive experience for customers compared to traditional methods such as sending SMS and email or opening and closing tickets. This more conversational approach enhances the customer relationship. To make them more meaningful, Meta rates for using the WhatsApp Business API are based on conversations.

​​What is a conversation?

In WhatsApp chatbot pricing, a conversation is a fixed interaction between a business and a consumer in a 24-hour window. The conversation starts when the business sends a message to the user, either when they send the first message to the user or when they respond to a message sent by the user.

WhatsApp chatbot pricing changes based on who starts the conversion. The two types of conversation categories are

  1. User-initiated conversations: Here, the user sends the message first. The 24-hour window for this conversation type begins when the business responds to this user-initiated message. The first message is charged. Post this, businesses can send any number of messages in this 24-hour customer service window for free. 
  2. Business-initiated conversations: In this case, a business begins a conversation by sending a message first. This message is outside the 24-customer service period. Businesses need to use an approved message template to send a business-initiated conversation. 

This message is outside the 24-customer service period. Businesses need to use an approved message template to send a business-initiated conversation.

Some more information on a conversation:

  • A conversation is measured in a 24-hour session. 
  • The conversation starts when a business message is delivered to a user. This message could be business-initiated or a response to user-initiated. 
  • In a 24-hour window, businesses can send and receive any number of messages, including message templates, without incurring additional charges.
  • Once the 24-hour customer service window is closed, WhatsApp policy requires the business to send a template message. If a free-form message is sent outside the 24-hour window, it will not be delivered. 
  • The charges for user-initiated conversations are slightly less than for business-initiated conversations. See this India Rate Card for how these two types of conversations are charged. 
  • The charges for conversations are based on the user’s country code. That means the rate per conversation changes depending on where your user is conversing with your business. See the rates for the US vs. India vs. a European country

Are any WhatsApp chatbot conversations free?

Yes, WhatsApp chatbot pricing includes free conversations in two forms:

  1. Free-tier conversations
  2. Free entry points conversations.

Free-tier conversations

WhatsApp provides the first 1,000 conversations each month absolutely free. These conversations include both – user-initiated and business-initiated. This is great for businesses needing the API service but not having too many conversations. You get to pay only when you are ready to scale. 

One point to note is that the free conversations are associated with one WhatsApp Business account (WABA). If a WABA has multiple numbers associated with it, it will still have 1,000 conversations free across numbers. 

Based on the WABA’s timezone, the 1,000 free tier conversations count is refreshed every month. 

Free entry points conversations

WhatsApp conversations can also be started when a user clicks on a call to action (CTA) on Ads or Facebook page CTA button that leads to WhatsApp. Businesses are not charged when users initiate messages using these services. 

Free entry-point conversations are always user-initiated. The first conversation (24-hour window) from these entry points is free. Consequent conversations with the user (outside this customer service window) will be charged based on who starts the conversation. 

Optimizing WhatsApp API Usage for Cost Efficiency

It’s crucial to use the platform strategically if you want to get the most out of your WhatsApp API while keeping expenses down.

Start by automating answers to commonly requested queries or queries from clients. This lowers the requirement for human interaction and enables you to manage more messages without going over budget.

Segmenting your audience can also assist you in sending communications that are specifically targeted, making each campaign both economical and pertinent.

Timing your mails wisely is another method to maximize expenses. Depending on the pricing structure of your supplier, it may occasionally be more cost-effective to send bulk messages during off-peak hours.

Additionally, since session messages are less expensive within the 24-hour interaction window, think about utilizing them as often as you can. You may increase overall cost effectiveness and make the most of your budget by organizing your communications strategy with these pointers in mind.

Conversation examples and related charges 

To understand how WhatsApp chatbot pricing works, let’s see some examples of different scenarios. 

User-initiated conversations 

Scenario 1:
Customer reaches out for customer support 

User messages a business on the WhatsApp chatbot about a support-related query. When the business replies to this message, a user-initiated conversation starts. A 24-hour customer service window opens when the business replies. 

  • There is no limit (and no charge) to how many messages are exchanged in this window. 
  • The query is resolved within this time frame, and the business is charged only one user-initiated conversation. 

Scenario 2:
Customer reaches out for support that spans multiple days 

User messages a business regarding a query on the WhatsApp chatbot. When the business replies to this message, it starts a user-initiated conversation, opening up a 24-hour customer service window. However, the query is not resolved within this time frame. After the expiry of the window, the user sends a message first. 

  • After the first 24-hour window expires, the business can continue the conversation as long as it has not been 24 hours since the second user-initiated message. 
  • The business will be charged for two user-initiated conversations. 

Scenario 3:
Customer reached out for support, but it spans multiple days, and the business requires a message template 

User messages a business on the WhatsApp chatbot for support. When the business replies to this message, a user-initiated conversation starts. A 24-hour customer service window opens when the business replies. However, the query is not resolved within this time frame. After the expiry of the window, the business sends a message first, introducing a business-initiated conversation.

  • The business can only send a message to the user through approved message templates. 
  • The first message is charged as a user-initiated conversation. The second is charged as a business-initiated conversation. 

Business-initiated conversations 

Scenario 4:
Business starts a conversation with a message template 

Businesses can send messages to users to share updates or remind them about upcoming events. When the message is delivered, it starts a 24-hour window with a business-initiated conversation. 

  • The business can send as many messages in this 24-hour window as needed, including another message template. 
  • This scenario will cost the business one business-initiated conversation. 

Scenario 5:
Business starts a conversation that spans multiple days

The business sends a message to the consumer using the message template, let’s say, an order confirmation message. This starts a business-initiated conversation, spanning a 24-hour customer support window. After the window expires, the business sends another message to the user to update them on the shipping status. 

  • In this scenario, the business must use a message template to send the second message. 
  • Here, the business will be charged for two business-initiated conversations. 
  • During these windows, the business can send any number of messages to the user at no additional cost. 

Scenario 6:
Business starts a conversation that spans multiple days with user-initiated conversations

The business sends a message to the consumer using the message template, let’s say, an order confirmation message. This starts a business-initiated conversation, spanning a 24-hour customer support window. Within this window, the business sends another message to the user to update them on the shipping status. After the window expires, the user replies to the business, asking for the order status. 

  • In this scenario, the business will be charged for one business-initiated conversation and one user-initiated conversation. 
  • During these windows, the business can send any number of messages to the user at no additional cost. 

How to estimate total conversations per billing period?

You need two information pieces to get the total conversations in a billing period.

  1. Recipient’s country code
  2. Conversation type (you can get this from the pricing object in your webhook notifications)

Total conversations per billing period = Number of unique conversation IDs associated with a webhook with status=”delivered” and/or status=”read” in that billing period.


  • Conversations with ID “sent” will not be charged. 
  • The billing period for a conversation is determined by the timestamp on the first business message in a conversation using the WABA’s timezone. 
  • Only the first period will be charged if a conversation extends over two billing periods. There won’t be any additional charge in the following month. 

How Chat360 Can Help You Navigate WhatsApp Business API Pricing

It can be difficult to figure out the complicated world of WhatsApp Business API pricing, but Chat360 is here to make it easier. Our comprehensive knowledge of different price structures and suppliers enables us to assist you in selecting the most affordable option for your company’s requirements.

Chat360 offers the information and resources you need to make wise decisions, whether you’re trying to control high-volume communication, optimize message expenditures, or comprehend hidden expenses.

Chat360 assures that your business receives the most value without sacrificing functionality by providing smooth connectivity with the WhatsApp Business API in addition to pricing assistance.

With the help of our platform’s automated messaging, audience segmentation, and real-time analytics features, you can effectively manage your communication plan. You can increase client interaction, make the most of your budget, and confidently negotiate the intricacies of WhatsApp pricing with Chat360.

WhatsApp Business API Pricing – FAQs

A conversation is a 24-hour window from when a business sends a message to the user or replies to a user-initiated message.
Yes, a business can send a free-form message within a 24-hour session. If this window expires, businesses need to send a template message. This opens up a new conversation and another free window.
No, the first 1,000 conversations per month for each WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) are free. Also, user-initiated messages coming from CTAs on Ads and Facebook pages are free.
Conversations are charged based on (1) the user’s country code and (2) the conversation type.
Before conversation-based pricing, WhatsApp used to charge businesses on the number of template messages sent and the user’s country code. All user messages were free and would start a 24-hour window during which businesses could send free-form messages. But if they had to send a template message, it would be charged.
No, you will only be charged for the template message sent outside the 24-hour customer service window. You can send multiple template messages within this window at no additional cost.
No, a business will be charged only if they respond to a user message.

How to get a Chatbot on Facebook Gaming

If we talk about one of the most exciting online industries, which is not just profiting but entertaining simultaneously, it’s no doubt the gaming industry. And you must have heard about Facebook gaming which has been there for a while now. And chatbot on Facebook gaming has taken gaming to the next level. AI has managed to recognize the gaming industry with captivating gaming experiences.

Just like YouTube and Twitch, Facebook gaming allows the user to create and follow various ranges of gaming content. For instance, users can play games with friends from around the world, create their tournaments and challenge other players, and watch live streaming of their favorite player.

According to the Report, 382 million accumulated hours of live streaming watched on Facebook gaming in the third quarter of 2022.

In the blog, we’ll talk about how you can get a chatbot on Facebook gaming and why it is needed to do so.

How can you use a chatbot for gaming on Facebook?

There are several use cases of Facebook messenger chatbots in gaming. Streamers can use the bot to automate their chat section, where they can reply to basic viewers’ comments at specific times. Along with that, there are several other use cases that we’ll discuss below.

1. Provide in-game time support

Having to leave the game in between to raise an issue is a bit of an anticlimax for any player. Therefore provide an AI chatbot window on Facebook so that the players can access the support right there without having to go anywhere else. It helps to maintain the flow of the game without any interruption.

2. Incentivize using a game specimen

You must reach out to more people to make them aware of your game. Only when you market your game will your installs shoot up. And you can do that by embedding a mini-game in your chatbot. This way, the players can have a gist of your game. And if they enjoy playing it, they will also install and subscribe to your gaming app.

3. Boost engagement

Integrating a chatbot on your Facebook gaming allows you to keep your users engaged throughout the day. The chatbot automatically sends reminders and notifications about your progress in the game. It also delivers the players with various information regarding updates, rewards, and different in-app features that enhance the gaming experience.

4. Promotes global gaming experience

Players from around the world can get support any time of the day or night if they use a multilingual chatbot on Facebook gaming. As the chatbot performs 24/7, irrespective of any timezone.

5. Motivate and cheer your players

It’s human nature that nobody likes to lose. Most of the players, when they lose, leave the game and don’t come back again. Thereby, you can use the AI-driven chatbot to cheer them up and motivate them to return.

How to activate a chatbot on Facebook gaming?

Follow the given steps to activate the chatbot on Facebook gaming.

  1. Open the streamer dashboard
  2. Now, look for the creative tools tab.
  3. Go to the live dashboard.
  4. In the live dashboard, click on tools and settings.
  5. Under tools, click on chatbot.
  6. Now, the chatbot setting page will appear on your screen. On the left-hand side, select chatbot from the drop-down menu. It will take you to the new chatbot system from the old chat command systems. You can also get back to the old system when you wish.

Why should you enable chatbot on Facebook gaming?

Provide in-game player support

First, you should include a chatbot on Facebook gaming to assist players with instant in-game support. The AI-integrated chatbot uses machine learning algorithms to mimic human reasoning and logic that helps to play the game efficiently.

It enhances the player’s interaction by initiating real-time conversation for better gameplay. The conversational AI guides gameplay 24/7 with instant responses.


Like in-game bot support, the FAQ chatbot on Facebook gaming is equally important. That is because FAQs contain useful information for players, but navigating that information from different sources is an uphill task.

The chatbot integration consolidates all the FAQs in one place, making it easier for players to navigate.

Gather insights

Chatbot comes in handy when you have to collect essential data and information from players for marketing, remarketing, and segmentation. The conversation AI keeps a record of all conversations, which you can use to detect common questions, and pain points and get an in-depth understanding of users’ needs.

Wrap up 

A chatbot is a powerful tool that benefits the gaming industry by lowering support costs and speeding up resolution time. Since they are designed to work with unique human traits like speech, Natural language processing enables the chatbot to conduct integration with players in natural language, making the gaming experience flawless.

Further, read:

How to set up Facebook auto-reply?

Creating WhatsApp’s chatbot for your Business in 5 easy steps in 2024

It all happened in the year 2018 when WhatsApp introduced an API for business owners, and all the business interaction activities with customers changed. From catering to sales queries to managing customer pain points.

AI has transformed industries since its inception. Many B2B and B2C companies are using AI in their businesses to streamline business operations and increase revenue by adapting various AI tools and algorithms. From the latest report we can see an expected increase in chatbot market size to 4.2 billion by 2032. This projects an opportunity for businesses to adapt to the changing consumer behaviour and meet business goals.

Through WhatsApp, everything is possible. As WhatsApp chatbots can largely opt from a BSP (Business Solution Provider), you need to be aware and utilize WhatsApp chatbot features to increase your brand reach.

Understanding the features of the WhatsApp bot is not rocket science, and you need to be aware of its overview functionality and find a reliable vendor who can provide one. In this blog, we’ll understand what features you need to look at before opting for a WhatsApp chatbot.

How to create WhatsApp Chatbot in 5 Easy Steps

Nowaday, creating your own WhatsApp Chatbot has become very easy and can take 10 or 20 minutes of your time. With multiple platforms providing a drag and drop Chatbot builder, you can create WhatsApp chatbot in just a few clicks of a button.

These AI Chatbot builders provide users a friendly dashboard by which you can create a fully functional chatbot and launch in seconds.

Let’s take a look at the steps to create your own WhatsApp Chatbot:

Step 1: Set up a WhatsApp Business Profile

Setting up a WhatsApp Chatbot is the first step to access all the features of WhatsApp for your Business. You can create a WhatsApp business profile by downloading WhatsApp Business App.

Step 2: Create an Account and Login to Chat360

Once you’ve created an account log in to Chat360’s AI Powered Chatbot builder dashboard and click on Create a New Bot.

Chat360 Dashboard

Step 3: Choose Create from Scratch

Click on Start from Scratch from the given option

Choose Create a chatbot from Scratch

Step 4: Select Bot type

Give name to your bot and select WhatsApp Chatbot and click on Create button.

Select ChatBot type amongst WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Website

Step 5: Create a workflow

Create a workflow for your WhatsApp Chatbot, you can also use GenAI feature on Chat360’s platform to train your chatbot tailored for your business.

Creating Chatbot Workflow on Chat360's drag and drop builder

Step 5: Integrate and publish your WhatsApp Chatbot

This is the last step where you have to integrate your WhatsApp API with your WhatsApp Chatbot.

Integrate and publish your WhatsApp Chatbot

If you need any assistance in creating, Integrating or publishing your WhatsApp Chatbot you can schedule a free demo today!

Benefits of WhatsApp chatbot for your business

It is estimated that over 3 billion people are using WhatsApp in 2024. Because of its versatility, end to end encryption and interactive messaging, WhatsApp proves to be the popular app amongst the masses.

Moreover, businesses on the other hand are using WhatsApp for their business activities which includes instant customer support, shopping and other major business operations, which helps them effectively use WhatsApp to increase their brand value.

Here is a list of crucial things that WhatsApp chatbots can perform.

1. WhatsApp click to chat link

WhatsApp has introduced this feature if a user has to interact with a business entity without saving their number. The click-to-chat link feature is one of a kind, and you will receive a link you can pass on to your users if they wish to interact with you.

The best part about click-to-chat links is their availability free of cost. You don’t need to worry about the limit of links that you can generate or users interacting with it via clicks. It’s freely available for everyone.

2. Interacting via QR codes

This functionality is similar to WhatsApp’s click-to-chat link feature. The only significant difference is that users will connect with you using a QR code, whereas click-to-talk requires an active link.

You can generate the QR code in the menu’s settings section. Please note that you maintain your QR codes while issuing them to your target audience.

QR codes feature ideally when you want to promote your brand on a large scale. You must display your QR code through pamphlets, banners, or digital signage.

3. WhatsApp Catalogue

WhatsApp platform allows you to use interactive attributes that will improve customer experience. There are crucial elements where you can showcase a catalogue that will carry out all your products or services offered by your business.

You can also use web links, create a short description, and mention the price. These elements make customer interaction more lively. If you want to use any graphic image, the WhatsApp chatbot platform allows you that.

4. Quick Replies

Streamlining communication and enhancing efficiency with quick replies is a predominant feature of WhatsApp Chatbot. Predefined responses programmed using an AI powered tool like Chat360 can utilize to answer frequently asked questions enabling swift interactions, saving time for both businesses and customers while maintaining consistency in messaging.

5. Automatic Greeting Message

Welcome customers with a personalised greeting message as soon as they initiate a conversation. Set up automated greetings to engage users proactively, providing a warm and welcoming experience from the moment they connect with your business.

6. Automatic Away Message

Ensure customers are informed even when your team is unavailable. Configure automatic away messages to notify users when your business is offline, setting expectations and offering alternative contact options or expected response times.

7. Contacts Labels

Organize and categorize your contacts efficiently with labels. Assign labels based on customer preferences, purchase history, or communication status, enabling targeted messaging and personalized interactions tailored to specific segments.

8. Message Statistics

Gaining insights into your messaging performance with comprehensive message statistics can be a useful parameter for WhatsApp. Track metrics such as delivery rates, read receipts, and response times to evaluate the effectiveness of your communication strategies and optimize engagement.

9. List Messages and Reply Buttons

Present information in a structured format using list messages and reply buttons. Display options or choices as a list with corresponding reply buttons, enabling users to make selections effortlessly and navigate through menus or options seamlessly.

10. Multi-language support

Business owners could sigh relief if they wonder whether the WhatsApp chatbot can respond to other language queries. Currently, WhatsApp supports 40+ languages which are enough to begin with.

Multi-language support is essential for businesses interacting with audiences from non-English regions, and this is highly utilized by eCommerce companies when they operate globally.

11. WhatsApp Payments

WhatsApp enables secure and convenient transactions with WhatsApp Payments. Facilitate seamless payment transactions within the chat interface, providing customers with a frictionless checkout experience and boosting conversion rates while ensuring data privacy and security.

12. List Messages and Reply Buttons

Present information in a structured format using list messages and reply buttons. Display options or choices as a list with corresponding reply buttons, enabling users to make selections effortlessly and navigate through menus or options seamlessly.

13. Analytics

Any business that invests a budget will definitely look for ROI. This is the same case with WhatsApp chatbot analytics, and you can measure various metrics based on a campaign you execute.

The campaign goal can be customer retention, making a sale, or servicing a customer. You can evaluate based on clicks received to your messages, blocks, open rate, etc.

This also helps it in terms of reporting. You can analyze the campaign data and determine which campaign to focus on.

Applications WhatsApp Chatbot for Different Industries

As we have seen above the use and benefits of WhatsApp Chatbot in different industries. WhatsApp Chatbots are here to stay and are emerging as a versatile tools in various industries. Let’s see how businesses in different sectors are leveraging this technology to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

1. Retail and E-commerce:

Order Tracking and Updates: E-commerce businesses utilize WhatsApp Chatbots to provide real-time order status updates, shipment tracking, and delivery notifications, ensuring seamless customer experiences.

Product Recommendations: By analyzing customer preferences and purchase history, retailers deploy chatbots to offer personalized product recommendations, enhancing cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

2. Hospitality and Travel:

Booking Assistance: Hotels and travel agencies deploy WhatsApp Chatbots to facilitate booking inquiries, reservation confirmations, and itinerary updates, offering travelers convenient access to information.

Customer Support: Chatbots provide round-the-clock assistance for travel-related queries, such as flight details, hotel amenities, and local attractions, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Account Management: Banks leverage WhatsApp Chatbots for account balance inquiries, transaction history, and fund transfers, enabling customers to manage their finances effortlessly.

Customer Education: Chatbots deliver personalized financial tips, investment advice, and budgeting strategies, empowering users to make informed decisions about their money management.

4. Healthcare:

Appointment Scheduling: Healthcare providers integrate WhatsApp Chatbots to automate appointment scheduling, remind patients of upcoming appointments, and facilitate virtual consultations, ensuring efficient healthcare delivery.

Symptom Assessment: Chatbots assist patients in assessing symptoms, providing initial diagnosis recommendations, and offering guidance on seeking appropriate medical care, improving accessibility to healthcare services.

5. Education:

Course Enrollment and Information: Educational institutions utilize WhatsApp Chatbots to assist students with course enrollment, provide program information, and offer academic support resources, enhancing the student experience.These are a few examples of how Businesses can use WhatsApp Chatbot to streamline the business operations. We can see applications in Real Estate, HR, Manufacturing, and more.

Summing up on WhatsApp chatbot features

As we have seen how powerful a WhatsApp chatbot can be, no business will hesitate to opt for it.

It would be best if you were wise enough to determine your requirements and match them with the WhatsApp bot’s capabilities, making it more convenient when choosing the platform based on WhatsApp chatbot features.

Chat360 offers GenAI-powered chatbots, seamlessly integrating with WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, websites, and CRMs. Chat360 optimizes WhatsApp operations in terms of Multichannel integraitons, Automating support, Order processing, Personalization, CRM integration, and more.

Let’s excel your business with Chat360, to streamline WhatsApp operations, drive efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Schedule a free demo today!

Why is Instagram chatbot essential for e-commerce and retail business?

Brand awareness is paramount for any e-commerce and retail company to engage customers and increase sales. The more aware people are, the more revenue your business is likely to generate. And no business today, for that matter, can deny the power of social media platforms. And Instagram is undoubtedly one of the best tools for building brand awareness.

Loyal followers and engagement in the platform help retail companies achieve measurable goals.

But easier said than done, how can you take care of every user that comes to you with curious intent regarding your product and service?

Well, the simple solution for that is automation. A chatbot can be your best Assistant for managing every customer’s queries without a miss and at any time .There are numerous examples and reasons showing how chatbots have transformed various industries, such as the retail, automobile, ecommerce, healthcare, etc.

Also, there are many other reasons why an Instagram chatbot is essential for your e-commerce and business. We’ll be talking about the same in the blog.

Why Use Instagram for your Ecommerce & Retail Business

Quick response for better service 

Customers get annoyed when they get a ‘hold on’ response. They’ll not be dilly-dallying and waiting for your assistance. Instead, without any hesitation, they’ll switch to a better service provider. 

Instagram chatbot reduces the pain of longer wait times for customers when they are looking for answers. The automation replies to every common and repetitive query in no time. And for any complex questions that require the customer service agent’s attention can be quickly handed over, as most of the queries are removed from the call queue.

24/7 support

Unlike human agents, automation tools don’t require rest or any breaks. Instagram chatbots are there to respond to customers’ concerns Irrespective of your business hours.

Since customers visit your Instagram page whenever they like, be it midnight. Human staff can’t stay active 24/7. However, Not being able to respond to the customers right at the moment can be a huge disappointment for customers. You’re losing potential clients in the process. Instagram chatbot prevents such situations.

Personalized offer

Instagram chatbot helps you take advantage of customer interest by offering customized offers to close the sale right away.

You can entice the user with special limited offers at the moment when they are ready to buy. The fear of missing out on feelings encourages them to make a purchase.

With an API-integrated chatbot, you can offer endless tailored messages according to the customer’s interest. Discounts and freebies are always a good strategy to convert potential customers.

Support during growth

Every business has a goal to grow rapidly. However, with growth comes responsibilities. For instance, when the customer base of an e-commerce or retail business grows, the support team takes time to adjust or at some point fails to effectively cope with the growth.

However, Automating repetitive and simple inquiries make it possible for your customer support team to comfortably embrace the growth and provide better service. Instagram chatbot meets the demand of a larger customer base and hands over the bigger problem to the human agent. Making it a lot easier for the agents. Also, It prevents customer service issues.


Deploying an Instagram chatbot will reduce your customer support expenses to a great extent. Since customers expect someone to answer their questions anytime they visit your Instagram. They won’t take even a minute to leave if they don’t get what they’re looking for.

But it gets costlier when you have to hire support staff to monitor live chats and provide assistance round the clock. But when you include an Instagram chatbot, there will no longer be the need to hire more human agents to perform such simple yet repetitive tasks.

More sales

The ultimate goal for any e-commerce and retail business is to make more sales. But before any visitor converts into a customer, they need reassurance. Instagram chatbot guides your customers throughout the process. 

You can provide instant access to a vast knowledge base to your prospect. That helps the customer select the right product that suits them the best. The customers will then have faith in your brand. They can rest assured that you’ll be there to support them even when the support team is unavailable.

Related: How to use Instagram Chatbot for Sales and Customer Support?


Now that you understand how essential an Instagram chatbot is for any e-commerce or retail business, you can also pick the best solution for your business. Based on your business requirements, you can opt for a simple Instagram chatbot solution or complex AI-based solutions-whatever suits you best. Instagram chatbot integration with API offers a better customer experience.Chat360 is here to help you with your digital presence and get in touch with your leads and prospects flawlessly. You can sign up for free to understand better.

How to set auto reply in Facebook messenger?

Businesses that effectively engage with their customers on platforms they frequent and provide tailored solutions are highly favored. Leveraging the power of Facebook Messenger, a renowned communication channel, proves to be instrumental in achieving this goal.

While customers anticipate using your business page for customer support, Facebook Messenger can be strategically employed to offer assistance and, concurrently, influence users to promptly engage with your products and services. This facilitates the establishment of a strong connection between businesses and their clientele.

Recognizing the limitations of human agents to address every user and handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, the implementation of auto-reply mechanisms becomes imperative. These automated responses serve as indispensable tools to enhance customer satisfaction and foster loyalty.

In the subsequent discussion, you will gain insights into configuring auto replies for Facebook Messenger, ensuring their efficacy in strengthening customer interactions.

What is an Auto reply in Facebook?

Auto replies are predefined responses sent automatically as your page’s first response to a new message. It gives a clear idea about the situation – whether agents are busy, on holiday, or out of the office.

The auto-reply leaves the users to rest assured that their message was received and is being processed. Hence it keeps customers connected even if the particular channel is unavailable.

Meanwhile, it buys you time to get back to the user with a well-crafted message.

Why do we need to set an auto-reply in FB messenger?

Customers expect support to be available 24/7. But it’s next to impossible for the customer support team to keep up with the sky-high expectations. At the same time, neglecting even a single message can be a loss. Therefore, using auto-replies can greatly help deliver instant replies to every single one of your customers, no matter what time.

Auto reply lets the customers know you’ve received their text and action is being taken. It gives clarity to customers about what to expect from you. The user will know that although you’re unable to assist them at the moment, you respect them enough to let them know.

How to set an auto-reply in Facebook messenger?

The points below will walk you through the process of setting up an auto-reply.

1. Open your Facebook business page. Tap on Inbox

Open your Facebook business page. Tap on Inbox

2. Next, Tap on automations.

Tap on automation

3. Here, navigate the instant reply button and click on Try it.

4. Select messenger as the preferred channel by ticking the box.

Select Messenger to turn on Auto reply on Facebook

5. Now, compose a message that you want to send as an auto-reply under Response Assistant. You can customize the message as you wish. You can add the customer’s name, business phone number, email ID, Facebook URL to your page, your website’s URL, and more.

Craft a personalized message for your visitors on Facebook business suite

Don’t forget to click on save the change to publish Facebook auto-reply. You can also take help of Facebook Messenger Templates to help you create templates for you. Below are the list of things where one can create an effiecient and robust auto reply on Facebook.

Creating Facebook messenger Chatbot using Chat360’s AI powered Dashboard

Yes, you can create a versatile chatbot for your Facebook Business Messenger, in order to keep your users always updated about your business, let it be customer support, operating hours, and much more.

The process is easy, it takes 4 steps to create a Facebook Messenger chatbot. We will discuss in detail to create an AI powered Facebook Messenger Chatbot for your Facebook Business.

Step 1: Signup/login to Chat360’s Dashboard, and click on Add new Chatbot in the top right corner

Signup/login to Chat360's Dashboard, and click on Add new Chatbot in the top right corner


Step 2: Click on ‘Create from Scratch’, give your Facebook messenger chatbot a name, select facebook messenger icon chatbot and click create

Give your facebook chatbot a name, select messenger chatbot and click create

Step 3: Design Facebook Chabot messenger Chatbot flow, on how your facebook chatbot will interact with the user.

Design Facebook Chabot messenger Chatbot flow


Step 4: To set up auto reply, you need to use GenAI element on Chat360’s dashboard. Here you can train your Facebook Messenger Chatbot using basic to advanced information about your business.

Train your Facebook messenger Chatbot using GenAI

If you need assistance in training your chatbot, you can schedule a demo with team Chat360, to get detailed insights on training a Facebook Messenger Chatbot using GenAI.

Things to keep in mind before setting up an auto-reply

1. Set clear expectations

A very common discomfort customers go through while receiving an auto-reply is the lack of specification about the estimated wait time for answers.

They are usually left with unclear messages like:

We will get in touch with you ASAP.”

Our representative will reach out to you very soon.”

Such messages fail to specify the time in terms of hours, days, or weeks, leaving the customers frustrated. Therefore to present such situations, you should set clear expectations regarding when you’ll be available to assist.

2. Keep it simple

Your auto-replies should be simple and precise so that it’s easy to understand. You must prevent technical jargon and complex vocabulary. The message should contain a friendly tone.

3. Give the “what next” option to customers.

Briefing the customers about the next step of action should be on top priority while composing auto-reply messages. It makes the customer feel that you, as a brand, can acknowledge the problem, which leaves them rest assured that you are there to provide a quick solution.

4. Make your auto-reply messages appealing with visuals

Visuals are a great way to engage users as compared to only text messages. Compelling visuals grab more attention and bring automatic messages to life.

You can add visuals by including GIF images or emojis in the text, increasing the chance of customers reading your message. Visuals make the message more appealing and exciting to the recipients.

5. Personalize your replies

The motive of sending messages to customers is to make each interaction meaningful and valuable. Personalizing your automated replies creates a good impression among users. They are more likely to become repeat buyers if they are happy with your brand’s personalized interaction.

Every interaction is crucial to enhance your brand personality, including auto-reply messages. A clear message aids the customer in making a decision. Therefore you must utilize every opportunity to provide a great customer experience. Well-crafted auto-reply messages help you meet customers’ expectations the right way.

Schedule a free demo today!

Leveraging AI Chatbot for Customer Service Operations

At present, Having an online presence for any business is indispensable. Since People spend most of their time on the internet, they would know about your business through your website. A survey says 93% of customers’ purchases begin with an online search.

Thereby, having a website is crucial to create brand awareness, generating leads, and many more.

However, having a website alone will not help you convert your potential clients into customers. You need to automate your website using AI powered conversational tools for making your website more powerful and interactive to achieve maximum results.

So that it’s capable of sorting through leads, excluding out the irrelevant ones, and then analyzing them before passing them on to your sales representatives. 

And for that matter, you can rely on website chatbots.

Website chatbot automates tasks across departments and starts conversions with prospects who visit your website, they can be your receptionists to guide your website visitors for easy assistance where you can elaborate more about your business and provide s them with useful information, asks them relevant questions that guide them for the sales team.

Why Use Website Chatbot for Customer Service?

Before starting our main subtopic on why to use website chatbot for customer service let us understand the definition of Website chatbot.

In simple terms, ‘A website chatbots are automated software programs designed to simulate conversation with users visiting a website. They can answer questions, provide information, and perform tasks based on user input, all without human intervention.’

Website chatbots are often integrated into customer service systems to assist with common inquiries, provide instant support, and guide users through various processes. They can handle tasks such as answering FAQs, helping with product recommendations, and resolving basic issues.

6 Benefits of Website Chatbot in Customer Service?

Routine duties carried out by customer support teams include responding to commonly asked inquiries (FAQs), offering advice on products, resolving minor problems, and assisting users with procedures like order tracking and account creation can be automated using website chatbot for customer service. 

Businesses can improve customer experience and make their websites more interactive by using a website chatbot to automate these duties. Chatbots ensure that clients obtain prompt and consistent assistance by offering rapid, round-the-clock support. 

In the end, this results in more effective and efficient customer service operations by increasing user happiness and freeing up customer service workers to concentrate on more complicated issues.

Let us check out how these operations can be easily automated using AI website chatbots for customer service:

1. Lead generation:

Chatbot helps you connect with more prospects, collect various contact information and guide the prospect through the sales funnel. It nurtures the customers with various personalized recommendations and offers and having a website chatbot makes reaching out to the right prospect a lot easier.

Website chatbot helps you reach out to prospects who will probably convert into a lead. Asking relevant questions, bots can qualify leads and direct them to the sales team for quick conversion.

2. 24/7 support:

Once you have customers from around the world, you need to provide 24/7 support to match their time zone. But deploying human representatives for the same can be hectic and time-consuming.

Therefore to overcome that, businesses are deploying chatbots to engage with customers, answer FAQs, and offer meaningful conversation quickly.

As per the survey, 67% of customers use a chatbot for support. You can automate your website support with a chatbot for 24/7 support. Offer quick responses to every query, even if repetitive.

3. Conversational marketing:

Businesses are opting for chatbots to automate marketing for conversations and provide real-time responses to customers.

The motive for using a website chatbot for marketing is to offer real-time customer interaction and move buyers through the sales funnel.

Al chatbot can help analyze the user data like name, gender, location, browsing history, and past purchase and customize the marketing experience. It personalizes the interaction by providing targeted messages which drive the conversion rate.

4. Sales Conversion:

Even if you manage to bring huge traffic to your business, it becomes useless if you can’t convert those leads and if you are unable to convert those visitors into qualified leads, the sale might not happen.

But with an AI-powered chatbot, you can generate high-quality leads and improve CRO on your website. The chatbot automates the sales process and qualifies the website visitors flawlessly with high engagement.

Through conversation, the bot understands what customers need and recommends the best product. There will be a sales boost when the chatbot answers the FAQ at the right time i.e. before and during the purchase.

5. Customer data and analytics 

Conversational AI is very effective when it comes to tracking customer data and bringing awareness to businesses. It studies the user data to track purchasing patterns and scan consumer behaviour, keep the customers updated through push notifications and provide users with product details. 

Similarly, the bots are useful to gather feedback through questions and work on the flaws to make the product or website better.

Website chatbot helps you analyze customer conversation and gives you insight into the progress they are making through the funnel.

6. Customer feedback

Every business must understand how their product or services are performing. And gathering feedback is a great way to know about that.

However, the traditional way of asking for feedback has always been an uphill task, which includes filling up the feedback form or answering questionnaires. Customers would not spend much time doing that.

Chatbots can make the whole process a lot easier and quicker and more interactive. It helps you fetch real-time customer feedback at any time of your customer’s journey.

Why do we need a website chatbot?

Smart deployment of a chatbot not just saves time and helps in lead qualification but also has different benefits.

It enhances the website feature, which benefits your businesses. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning that replicates human conversation ability to some extent, provides two-way conversation, and enhances customer engagement.

The chatbot will engage with leads at their convenience, even outside office hours. It integrates with your CRM and receives quality data that can be used to nurture qualified leads.

This promotes personalized customer service and enhances relationships with customers.

Chat360 AI Powered Chatbots for Customer Service

A Good chatbot can break a business’s chance to convert potential clients into customers. Whether sales, support, or marketing, AI chatbots can greatly help add value. With Chat360, you can connect with bigger communities hassle free without any geographical restrictions. You can serve your customers 24/7 even when you’re not online. You can schedule a free demo to see the action. yourself.

How to add Chatbot in WhatsApp group and community?

In today’s tech-savvy world, no one is probably unaware of “Whatsapp”. One of the most widely used apps globally, it has over 2 billion active users. As most consumers are using Whatsapp, it is necessary to integrate it into your business. 

Whether it is a group or community, you need to add chatbot in group for effective communication. It supports your business and keeps on revising and developing several checks and balances to help your company function well.

“Bot” is a computer-operated program that is employed to automate processes so that they can be carried out without human intervention. 

Using the Whatsapp Business API or WhatsApp Cloud API connection, a Whatsapp bot offers its users a real-time automated conversation experience. And this is right on the messaging platform itself!

What are WhatsApp groups and WhatsApp communities?

If you are a Whatsapp user, you must be aware of a Whatsapp Group. Through a Whatsapp group, communication with multiple people is possible simultaneously. You can invite and add more people to the group as and when required. It is a great platform to schedule activities, plan get-togethers or chat with your coworkers. 

The Whatsapp group is limited to adding 256 people in it, while Communities have the option of adding as many groups as they can in a community. The number of individual contacts is also there in the community. 

Also, the community admin possesses more control and power over the groups added to the community. 

chatbot in wa group community

Why do you need a chatbot in a WhatsApp group?

Chatbots have a significant role to play in the Whatsapp group. The benefits of a Whatsapp Chat Bot are:

  • Being the world’s most popular chat app, it provides wide reach to around 2.4 billion active users, assisted with 24×7 availability and high security
  • Reaching out to your clients and prospects quickly and at a scheduled time that works best for them
  • Easy access to the client’s through an app without putting them out of their comfort zone
  • Providing a tailored experience with each encounter by utilizing user history and data collection
  • Using the app for bookings, internal company communication, product/service promotion, and customer feedback

How to add chatbot in a WhatsApp group?

Adding a Whatsapp bot to the group chats can help you send alerts to keep the group members updated, also, they may get easy access to contact you whenever they need. Thus, a bot may be added to a Whatsapp group differently. 

Let us have a look at the steps to be followed to add a chatbot to a Whatsapp group:

Add the Bot’s Phone Number

The first step is to add the bot’s phone number to the group and instruct it to send a message to the group.

Include bot in a team

Subsequently, the bot will be included in the team. 

Include the Bot in the Group

Another method is to provide the WhatsApp ID of the bot in the group. 

Provide the WhatsApp ID to the Bot

Another method involves providing the WhatsApp ID of the bot within the group. This step is crucial for seamless integration.

Verify the WhatsApp Bot

Finally, you can open a conversation with the bot to confirm its presence. To obtain the WhatsApp ID, simply check the number displayed next to “WhatsApp” in the top bar of the chat interface. This step ensures that the bot is successfully integrated into your WhatsApp group.

Tips to add Bot on Desktop or Mobile

A Whatsapp chatbot acts as an assistant to your customers in real-time. Here the response can be in the form of a message, an image, a video, or buttons. 

The Whatsapp Business API helps you to create a Whatsapp bot that is activated when a user communicates with your company through a chat. 

A Whatsapp bot should be added to group conversations to make communication easy and also allow you to send notifications and updates to keep everyone informed.

Two simple tips to be followed are:

On your desktop

  • Go to the group where you want to add the bot 
  • Enter group Settings
  • Search for Bots
  • Add Bot 

On your mobile device

  • Go to the group where you want to add the bot 
  • Enter the Settings
  • Select Bots
  • Click Add on the Bot you want to add

It is advisable to always go for a reliable Whatsapp API vendor to get an AI Whatsapp Bot. For instance, Chat360 for WA is a preferred vendor that allows you to provide customer service through Whatsapp. Here multiple agents can log in and serve customers. 

Benefits of adding chatbot to whatsapp group

WhatsApp groups have become a hub for diverse communities and businesses. To enhance these group experiences, many are turning to chatbots as a powerful tool. 

Here are some of the key benefits of adding a chatbot to your WhatsApp group:

1. Instant Assistance: Chatbots provide immediate responses to common queries, ensuring that group members receive timely assistance. This is particularly useful for addressing frequently asked questions and resolving common issues without delay.

2. Round-the-Clock Availability: Unlike human moderators or administrators, chatbots are available 24/7. Group members can access information and support at any time, making your group more accessible and user-friendly across different time zones.

3. Efficiency and Time Savings: Chatbots can handle routine tasks such as welcoming new members, providing updates, or sending notifications. This automation frees up human administrators and moderators to focus on more strategic aspects of group management.

4. Data Collection and Insights: Chatbots can collect valuable data on user preferences, frequently asked questions, and engagement patterns. This data can help you better understand your group’s dynamics and tailor content and services to meet members’ needs more effectively.

5. Enhanced User Engagement: By initiating conversations and offering interactive content, chatbots make group interactions more engaging and dynamic. This results in improved member participation and a more vibrant community.

6. Scalability: As your WhatsApp group grows, chatbots can adapt to handle the increasing number of queries and interactions. They can scale with your group without a proportional increase in resources.

7. Consistency: Chatbots provide consistent responses and adhere to predefined guidelines. This ensures that all group members receive the same level of information and assistance, maintaining quality across the board.


In today’s market, Whatsapp bots are trending with AI-supported mechanisms and zero human intervention. They are one of the most efficient and preferred ways to automate repeated tasks along with improved agent efficiency for helping you boost and grow your business using Whatsapp automation.

With an easy and simple way of chatbot flow, the bot relies on your behalf, and you can deploy these bots on one-on-one chats or in group chats too. 

For adding chatbots, all you need to do is to get access to the services through a chatbot provider company and start employing them with the help of APIs for the best results. 


signup for whatsapp bot demo

How to verify WhatsApp Business Account?

When you successfully create a WhatsApp Business Account, the next immediate step would be to look for how to verify WhatsApp Business Account. We will be talking in depth regarding all the steps so that you get a green tick official WhatsApp badge for your account.

When communicating with your target audience, a verified WhatsApp Business Account builds trust amongst your users. You will receive a green tick verified badge beside your account name that helps in distinguishing whether you’re account is official or not.

Check out all the steps and let us know in the comments section if you face any issues with WhatsApp Business Account verification.

What is a verified WhatsApp Business Account?

In short, when a business verifies its account by submitting all the required documents to WhatsApp, they receive a verified WhatsApp Business Account.

The verification process differs in the way you do it. You may seek assistance from Business Solution Provider (BSP) or do it independently if you have the right tech skills. We will be discussing the steps later in this blog.

What is a green tick WhatsApp badge?

A green tick is a symbol that similarly looks to a right mark that is notified beside your WhatsApp Business Account name. This badge is directly received by WhatsApp and helps your business to boost its brand image when it comes to communicating with your customers.

Need for getting a verified WhatsApp Business Account or green tick badge

Helps in brand identification

To hurt a business’s reputation, many companies use low-level strategies to create duplicate brand accounts on WhatsApp. Through this, they try to steal the other company’s database or damage their reputation so that customers will not opt for anything from them. This is why a green tick on your WhatsApp profile is required when interacting with your customers.

You can receive a better response.

Compared to a non-verified WhatsApp Business Account, you’ll have an advantage when it comes to receiving a better response. When a user can identify that your account is genuine, they will not have to worry while interacting with your account on WhatsApp.

Creates safer environment

There will be many instances when a customer has to share confidential information; this is where the green tick verified badge will help your business.

Brand strategy

Verifying the WhatsApp Business Account is ideal for companies wishing to boost their brand image on social channels and seek high ROI from marketing.

Displays your account with a name

Traditionally, non-verified WhatsApp Business Accounts are identified with a phone number. But after verification, your business name will be directly displayed to the end-user rather than your contact number.

Requirement for WhatsApp Business Account verification

There is no proper clarity on the exact prerequisites needed to get a verified account. But on an overview, here is a list of things your business should possess.

Organic news coverage

When I’ve mentioned the term organic – this means non-paid advertisements. If your business is popular and is being covered by various media houses, it is a huge added advantage for the verification process. Because WhatsApp can’t randomly approve a business account name when no one knows about it.

Pro tip: Having a Wikipedia page of your company is enough to get WhatsApp’s attention.

WhatsApp Business API

If you have a WhatsApp Business API Account, there is a high chance for your account approval because Meta can determine your account quality based on past customer interaction data.

Verified Facebook Business Page

You have to create a Facebook page for your company and get it verified, and this will help in the green tick verification process for your WhatsApp account.

Business establishment

WhatsApp doesn’t allow individuals to receive a verified badge because they need to be a business that is registered through the local civic bodies.

Secured account

Setting up 2FA (2-factor authentication) makes your account more secure and helps in the verification process.

Clean records

WhatsApp analyses your business account interactions with past customers. If you haven’t received any policy violation like getting blocked or being reported as spam, then WhatsApp doesn’t mind issuing a green tick badge.

Related: Explore WhatsApp Chatbot Features

How to verify WhatsApp Business Account?

There are two ways to verify a WhatsApp Business Account – The traditional approach and taking assistance from BSP.

Traditional approach

There are multiple attributes that you have to pass when it comes to verifying your business account through this method.

1. You need to have all the prerequisites

Before verifying the account, you must self-evaluate to see whether your business account has fulfilled all the standards displayed in the prerequisites section. It will be easy if you follow all of the above conditions listed.

2. Visit the Facebook business manager account

Ensure that your FB account is verified before proceeding with this step. When all the prerequisites are fulfilled, visit the Facebook business manager section.

3. Navigate to direct support

Go to the business setting of your FB manager account. Then select WhatsApp account and see which account you need to get verified. After selecting, go to the ‘manage people’ section and click settings.

4. Reaching out to support team

You will find the ‘contact support’ button in the settings section. Enter all your business details and send. The review can happen from days to weeks, and you can simultaneously track the status from your FB manager account.

Verify through a Business Solution Provider (BSP)

This is one of the most common and widely used techniques for getting a verified green tick badge for a business account.

1. Clear some of the prerequisites suggested

Before proceeding, see whether you’ve met some of the required criteria. You must have a verified FB manager account, shouldn’t have violated any WhatsApp policies, and should be a legally registered business.

2. Reach out to a BSP

You need to contact a BSP – like and share all your business details with them. The points can be regarding your account status, business information, contact number, website address, FB profile URL, and so on.

3. WhatsApp Business API account

The BSP will create a WhatsApp Business API account for your company. It is one of the most critical steps in receiving a verified badge.

4. Get your account displayed with a green tick

In 2 weeks, you will receive a response from Meta for your business profile to get approved, and it will automatically pop up beside your business name on WhatsApp.

Note: The time taken for approval and getting a verified badge depends entirely on Meta. BSP acts like a bridge between your business and Meta. But the chances of getting a green tick badge are higher through BSP.

Challenges in verifying a WhatsApp Business Account

1. Finding a reliable BSP

When it comes to choosing a BSP, you need to be wiser in selecting them. Check out their past data on how is their customer service and solution deliverability. On that basis, you can opt for a service from them. Unlike, you need not worry about these constraints. We have a dedicated team with all the skills to provide you all the solutions.

2. Comes with a cost

You need to have a budget for registering a verified WhatsApp business account. You can talk to a BSP to learn more about it, and the cost varies from BSP to BSP.

3. Uncertainty

Getting a verified WhatsApp Business Account is challenging because of multiple unknown factors. But the best part is you can keep applying if your application gets rejected.


Here are some common problems users face while verifying a WhatsApp business account.

How long does WhatsApp take to verify the Business account?

When it comes to verification, there is no exact timeline for it, as it ranges from days to months. But as per our understanding and after looking at our client’s case, the turnaround time for verification will be a month. In a few cases, the account gets verified in just two weeks.

Why can’t my contact number be verified on WhatsApp?

There can be 4 instances when a user faces this problem: 

1) If you are using your phone number on a different WhatsApp account. This gets internally clashed, and the verification fails. 

2) If you are using a contact number that you do not own. Then the verification process will fail because WhatsApp sends an OTP to verify it.

3) If you are using any third-party apps like to block calls or messages, the verification can not be completed in the presence of those apps.

4) Check whether you have an active data connection, whether it is cellular based or through WiFi.

Why did Meta reject my WhatsApp account verification?

This can happen due to multiple instances. If you are not following the prerequisites that are listed above, it will result in getting your application being rejected. Ensure all the conditions and requirements are fulfilled before applying for the verification process.

Can I use Email for the verification process?

Currently, there is no such method as WhatsApp offers only a verification process through an SMS or phone call.

What is the advantage of applying for green tick verification through Chat360?

It will be a hassle-free approach where you can get a verified green tick badge using assistance from Chat360. If your application has been rejected in the past, you do not need to worry, as we will handle it on your behalf.

Further, read:

How to add bot in WhatsApp group?

Explore WhatsApp Chatbot Features

How to use Instagram Chatbot for Sales and Customer Support

With more and more business happening online, Insta bot is the new craze that is revolutionizing the way we do business. Whether you are using Instagram chatbot for sales or customer support, the bots can do anything.

A survey shows 80% of people make a purchase decision from Instagram by seeing ads and products displayed on the platform. This means you’ll receive more customer queries and requests via Instagram. And Deploying human staff to reply to every message and reach out to various users becomes inefficient.

At that time, automation plays a crucial role, for which we have Instagram Chatbot.

Talking about the Instagram chatbot, it is a messaging system that deals with human inquiries using automated responses. These conversational AI can send replies, make recommendations, and connect customers to a real human agent if they get stuck.

The article will walk you through how an Instagram chatbot can be used in customer support and sales.

Need for an Instagram chatbot in customer support and sales

Deploying an Instagram chatbot into your support strategy and sales relieves your team from monotonous tasks. It assists the customer and support team at more touch points along their journey. 

Other than that, there are various reasons to deploy Instagram chatbots in customer service and sales. Let’s have a look at some.

Save time 

As a business owner, you understand how tough it can be to stay on top of time management. Meanwhile, the idea of hiring someone else for a helping hand can be just as daunting because of the additional cost.

When you use Instagram Chatbot, the tension no longer exists. The Insta chatbot replies to all direct messages automatically. You don’t have to spend hours reading and replying to each message. The time can be better utilized for human-centric tasks.

Understand what customers truly think

Integrating a chatbot with Instagram helps you find out what customers think about your brand by collecting data from every previous conversation they had. Aside from that, the chatbot offers customers the opportunity to provide you feedback and share their thoughts. And the step acts as a valuable tool for creating a long-lasting relationship with your audiences.

Fast and accurate responses

The chat interface is the fastest way to interact with customers. A chatbot can keep up with higher even demand for customer support.

Conversational AI brings efficiencies to the customer support team and sales because chatbots are capable of answering questions immediately and in multiple languages. Being that quick with responses pleases customers that are looking for instant answers.

Uplift in sales

With an Instagram chatbot, it’s easier to gain a lot of information regarding what customers want. This data can be further utilized in up-selling and cross-selling products. For instance, if a customer is looking forward to purchasing a mobile phone, an Instagram chatbot can also suggest mobile covers and screens along with the phone. Satisfied customers will buy the product.

24/7 availability

Instagram chatbots are on duty 24/7. They respond to every single query without a miss. And that becomes practically impossible when it comes to human support. Especially during peak seasons, the lack of human staff leads to unanswered queries for customers. Handling multiple queries with quick and precise responses becomes daunting. However, the Instagram chatbot solves the problem in an instant, even during peak hours.

How to use Instagram Chatbot for customer support?

Assist with the sales process

Instagram Chatbot can help with lead qualification by collecting useful details from the customer.

For instance, if someone is interested in purchasing a CRM tool, the chatbot would ask the customer about the number of anticipated users and purchase timeline. This helps a business to connect the lead to the right sales team. Likewise, it guides the user with various recommendations based on their interest in referencing past conversations.

Product recommendations

Personalized and tailored recommendation to the interests of individual shoppers enhances the customer experience. Instagram chatbot adds so much value in the process by interacting with people and recommending products that align with the needs and interests of that particular shopper. And that is possible due to the chatbot’s machine learning algorithms.

The chatbot eliminates the need for scrolling through a dozen pages to find the right product. People need to answer a few questions; the chatbot recommends the perfect product within minutes or even seconds.

Answering FAQs

It’s frustrating for human agents to answer repeated questions against and again. Therefore you can save your staff for some complex tasks by automating your customer service with a chatbot.

Including an Instagram chatbot in your business will help in better response rates, increased sales, and happy staff who can now participate in more productive tasks. Their chatbot will lead your customer on a path you’ve set as they rely on data and rules that you feed them.

It not only saves time and labor costs, but it also avoids human error.

Orienting new customers

With so many competitors out there, you should pay good attention to your first-time customers. You must provide all the basic yet useful information that a customer requires to initiate a purchase. A chatbot does the job well. 

From greeting customers to providing various product-related information, it does it all. Also, promote newsletters, videos, and guides within the chart, educating shoppers about the product and service.

How to use an Instagram chatbot for sales?

Instagram engagement

Chatbot helps you broaden your reach on Instagram. It can answer reactions to your Instagram story, communicate with your followers, and chat with people who are interested in your product. The Instagram chatbot will assist you with your marketing strategy, enhance relationships with customers and increase sales.

Order confirmation and package tracking

Every customer wants to stay updated regarding their package and shipping details. According to a survey, 70% of buyers consider order tracking one of the top three things they consider when shopping online.

An Instagram chatbot can help buyers with order confirmation and package tracking, sending the confirmation number to buyers right after the order is processed.

The bot can also track the package shipment at buyers’ request and keep them updated on where their order is and when they will get it.

Cancel orders and subscriptions

Customers sometimes cancel their order before it is shipped, maybe they could have mistakenly purchased the wrong product or provided the wrong shipping address, or perhaps, they could have simply changed their mind and do not want the product anymore.

Instagram chatbot helps initiate order cancellation in no time. Customers no longer have to go through a long order cancellation process.

The chatbot simply offers a one-click order confirmation button to your customers, then collects the reason for cancellation from the buyer.

Also, the bot helps the customer navigate through alternative products if they wish for that.

Order Refund

Return is more like making the best of a bad situation, and your business is not making any money in this situation. However, it’s important to make sure that you leave a good impression while providing a smooth return and refund facility. 

After all, happy customers do come back and spend time and money on your product if they are satisfied with your product and service.

Instagram chatbot keeps the process simple and easy. It initiates the return process and keeps you updated with tracking by interrogating your back-end systems for information.

Capture customer feedback

Customer feedback drives improvement in any business and tells you how effective your service is or the problem that your product elicits.

Yet, collecting feedback is a slow and tedious process, including filling out forms and slow emails. 

The alternative way to inject speed and ease into the feedback process is through the chatbot. The Instagram chatbot can easily collect both quantitative and qualitative feedback.

Tips for using an Instagram chatbot for customers’ experience

You should be mindful of various things before opting for an Instagram chatbot. It can make or break your way of doing business. Therefore, here are some tips.

Don’t spam

There’s a huge benefit of using an Instagram chatbot; you can send personalized product offers and deals to attract your customers. But only if you send it in the right quantity. 

Sliding into users’ DMs too often or replying to users’ inquiries with pushy messages will have a negative impact. The users are more likely to block you in that case. Thereby you should refrain from spamming the users with frequent messages.

Make your Instagram chatbot approachable and simple to talk to

Your Instagram chatbot needs to be clear and easy to understand so that it feels natural. Make sure to keep the words clear and simple, maintaining a friendly tone and voice. Allow users to ask questions related to common problems. And provide quick and easy replies.

Divert to a human agent

While chatbots effectively solve common queries, some require human intervention to get resolved. Such complex queries need to be passed on to human agents. For that, you can include a ‘go live’ button in your chatbot to connect the user with live agents.

Monitor your bot’s activity

It’s crucial to analyze your bot’s performance every once in a while to see if it’s performing the way you need it to. Even tiny details can make a huge difference. Thereby measuring the performance of your chatbot; it makes the required adjustments. 

For instance, check whether the voice, tone, and style are going well with the users. Then test the chatbot with different wording and style until you find the best one that goes well with your business.

Research platform before buying

Since the use of chatbots is growing massively, so is its supply. But not all chatbots meet your requirements. You should be mindful while selecting one for your business. You can research the tool properly by looking for case studies, customer reviews, and various evidence that promises a better platform quality.


The Instagram account, which has engaging content and the correct automation targeting, will generate activity and interactions.

While posts, ads, and Instagram stories engage customers in public, the chatbot converts those prospects into customers and makes sales in private. 

I hope the article made it clear to you why you should include an Instagram chatbot for your business. You can try Chat360 by signing up for free and so how it works.

Read further:

How to use Instagram API to get Users, Posts & Followers details