All posts by Shivam Verma

Shivam Verma, Co-Founder and CTO at Chat360, is a seasoned technology leader, boasting a wealth of experience in product development, architecture, design, data engineering, reporting systems, and team building. Armed with a Bachelor's in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Shivam is dedicated to driving technological innovation and excellence. His journey is marked by a profound passion for crafting exceptional products and tackling real-world challenges through advanced technology and superior software engineering practices. At Chat360, Shivam has played a pivotal role in providing AI-Powered Tech solutions to industry leaders in the B2B domain, onboarding renowned clients both in India and overseas, solidifying the company's footprint in the global landscape. Shivam's expertise extends to the realms of Generative AI and Conversational AI. Under his leadership, Chat360 has developed and evolved an AI-powered SaaS product that empowers enterprises worldwide to generate digital revenue more efficiently, significantly reducing the Cost Per Lead and maximizing conversion rate. Beyond technical proficiency, Shivam is recognized for his exceptional leadership skills. He actively engages in training and mentoring new and existing team members, infusing an analytical and logical approach to design tailor made products that meet the unique needs of diverse industries. His ability to provide optimistic solutions reflects a commitment to driving success in the technology domain. Shivam stands as a driving force in the technological landscape, leading Chat360 to new heights with a focus on cutting-edge solutions, client satisfaction, and team development.

Using Instagram API to Retrieve Detailed User Posts & Follower Data

The significance of API has grown tremendously due to businesses increasing dependence on digital technologies to boost innovation, improve efficiency, and stay competitive. The API allows communication of various applications, services, and systems that share data. It helps businesses streamline their performance and reduce costs.

Likewise, Instagram API has a major role in providing developers with a set of powerful tools and features that help businesses leverage Instagram’s data to drive engagement and increase brand awareness.

The blog will help you to understand the way you can derive user posts and follower details with the help of Instagram API and the best practices to use it.

Setting up Your Instagram API Account

Before you set up your Instagram API account, you must create a Facebook app developer application and then work on either of these models:

  • Development mode, which only testers can connect to.
  • Live mode, which any member can connect to. 

However, you’ll notice that Facebook App is in the Development Mode by default. If you want to switch it to live mode, you will have to request permission and go through App Review.

Step1: Create a Facebook App

  • Browse Facebook Developers 
  • Click on My App and create a new app.
  • Once you create the app, go to the dashboard and navigate Settings>Basics.
  • Scroll down and click on Add Platform.
  • Add the website’s URL you choose and save your changes.

Step2: Configure Instagram Basic Display

  • Click on products.
  • Navigate Instagram Product.
  • Click on Set Up to include it in your app.
  • Click on Basic Display.
  • Scroll down the page and click on Create New App.

A form will occur on the screen which will ask you to complete the section using the following guidelines.

  • Display Name-You should enter the name of the Facebook app you just created.
  • Valid OAuth Redirect URLs- Here you must enter your website’s URL


  • Deauthorize Callback URL- it’s your website’s logout page URL.
  • Data Detection Request Callback URL-here you’ll have to once again enter your website’s URL.

Step3: Add an Instagram Test User

  • Select Roles>Roles.
  • Scroll down and click on Add IG Testers.
  • Enter your Instagram account username and send the invitation.
  • Now, open a new tap and browse the account 
  • After that, search for tester Invites and accept the invitation.
  • You can access your Instagram account through the Facebook app while it is in Development Mode.

However, to review the App via Live Mode, permission needs to be approved.

Configuring Instagram Settings

  • Log in to your site, and click on Instagram settings>settings.
  • App ID – paste your Instagram App ID shown in [ App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display].
  • App Secret – Paste your Instagram App Secret in [App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display].
  • Redirect URLs – Paste your Valid OAuth Redirect URLs are shown in [App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display>Client OAuth Settings].
  • Select Save Changes.
  • Now Click on the Execute button.

How to use Instagram API to Retrieve Detailed User Posts and Follower Data

Before you retrieve detailed user posts and follower data, you must have an access token. 

A. At first, you are required to have a developer account on the Instagram Developer Platform and create a new app.

Once you have your account created, you can derive an access token by making a GET request to the following URL: Instagram Authorize

? client _id={client _id}

& redirect _uri={redirect _uri}

& scope=user_profile,user_media

& response _type=code

Instead of {client _id} use, client ID of the app you created and use, redirected URI you specified while creating the app instead of {redirect _uri}.

This will redirect you to the Instagram login page. Here you’ll have to authenticate your Instagram account and authorize the application to access your data.

After you authorize the app, you’ll be redirected to the redirect URI you stated, and the authorization code will be included there.

B. Now, for an access token, exchange the authorization code by making a post request to the following URL:


? client_id={client _id}

& client _secret={client_secret}

&grant_type=authorization _code

& redirect _uri={redirect _uri}


  • Replace {client _id},{client_secret}, {redirect _uri}, & {code} with the values that were used in the first step.
  • This will give you a JSON response that includes an access token. You can use that to access the Instagram API.

1. Instagram API to get post insights

To get post insights, you’ll have to make a request to the Instagram API by making a GET request to the following URL:


Now replace ‘{media-id}’ with the media item you want to get the insights for, and ‘{metric}’ with the name of the metric you’re looking for (eg, engagement, reach, impression) and {access-token} with your API access token. 

Once you’re done with the request, you’ll receive a JSON response that contains insight about the post.

2. Instagram API to get followers’ data

Make a GET request to the following URL:


Now, replace {user-id} with the user ID with the Instagram account that you want to retrieve data from, and {access-token} with the token you obtained.

You’ll get a JSON response including the IDs and usernames of the followers.

3. Instagram API to get user’s details

Make a GET request from:


Now replace {user-id} with the user ID of the user whose details you want to retrieve.

You’ll get a JSON response that contains the username, account type, media count, follows count, and follower count of the account.

Best Practices for Using Instagram API

1. Understand Instagram’s API policies

Your application must comply with the terms and policies. So before starting to use the Instagram API, make sure you study and ensure the policies carefully. Failing to comply might result in the suspension of your account, or your access to the API might revoke.

Complying with the policies protects the user data. It ensures that the developers are not misusing user data. It helps build user trust and ensures that their data is being handled responsibly.

2. Cache API responses

Caching API responses enhance your application’s performance by reducing the number of API requests. You will need to request the data repeatedly, instead, your application retrieves the data from the cache. As a result, the speed of your application improves significantly. Along with that, caching API responses helps bring down network latency by storing the data closer to your application.

3. Handle errors properly 

Since errors are common in API usage, you must handle them to prevent affecting your application. It prevents confusion and frustration caused by error messages and improves user experiences. Also, handling errors avoids cascading failures that can result in prolonged downtime or system outages.


With the rise of e-commerce on social media platforms, brands are using the Instagram API to build a wide range of applications and services to enhance user engagement, analyze performance and sell their products and services.

And no doubt the implementation of Instagram API is only growing as it helps businesses stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. Hence, if you want to make more informed decisions for your business and stand out from your competitors, leveraging Instagram API can be a major boost.

Read further:

What is Instagram Chatbot?

How to use Instagram Chatbot for Direct Messages?

Best Android Chatbot Apps for Android & iOS

Chatbots have become an integral part of our daily routine in today’s world, where everything is going digital. They help us order food, book flights, and even give emotional support. With the surge in the use of chatbots, many applications have been developed to cater to users’ needs. In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 best chatbot apps that are available on both Android and iOS platforms. These apps are designed to make our lives easier, and we’ll explore their features, pros, and cons so that you can pick the one that suits your needs. Let’s dive in and see what these chatbot apps have to offer.

Today, there is a chatbot for everything. From banking assistants to virtual therapists, chatbots powered by artificial intelligence are doing rounds in the market. In fact, the pandemic has propelled chatbot usage by tenfolds. According to Statista, the global chatbot market is expected to touch a massive $1.25 billion by 2025, rising from a relatively low $190.8 million in 2016. And now, with the consistently evolving generative AI, chatbots are only going to make our lives simpler. AI chatbots are not only impacting our persona lives, but also helping businesses streamline and boost their efficiency at scale. 

Why are chatbot apps becoming a global phenomena

In the world of customer support, chatbots have been a hot topic for a few years now. From small businesses to major corporations, chatbots have become a staple for many customer service departments around the world. So why are chatbots becoming a global phenomenon? Let’s dive in and explore some of the reasons.

1. The chat is on: Conversational commerce takes center stage

Over the past few years, conversational commerce has become a major trend. Conversational commerce refers to the use of messaging apps, chatbots, and other conversational interfaces to facilitate communication between businesses and customers. This trend has been fueled by the rise of messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat, which have become ubiquitous in many parts of the world. According to a study by Facebook IQ, 61% of people across the globe say messaging is where they feel most comfortable when interacting with businesses.

2. 24/7 Assistance? Chatbots have got you covered

Chatbots offer a unique advantage in the world of customer service: they are available 24/7. Unlike human representatives, chatbots do not require sleep or breaks. This means that customers can receive assistance at any time, day or night, from anywhere in the world. As businesses continue to expand globally, this feature becomes increasingly important. 

Chatbots enable companies to provide consistent, high-quality customer service to customers across different time zones, without having to worry about staff availability or training. This can help build trust and loyalty with customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

3. Chatbots take the load off simple tasks

Another reason why chatbots are becoming so popular is that they can handle simple tasks. For example, if a customer has a question about a product or service, a chatbot can provide a quick and easy answer. This frees up human customer service representatives to handle more complex issues that require a human touch.

4. Chatbots can improve customer engagement

Chatbots are revolutionizing customer engagement with conversational AI. By providing 24/7 support and fast response times, they increase accessibility and convenience for customers, improving their experience and satisfaction. Chatbots can also offer personalized recommendations, engage with customers through social media, and integrate with other tools to streamline operations. These features foster stronger relationships, increase loyalty, and generate valuable insights for businesses.

Both Android and iOS host a myriad of great chatbot apps built to serve different objectives. We will be diving into 10 best chatbot apps available on Android and iOS.

Top 10 best chatbot apps for Android and iOS

1. Bing AI

Bing search is a web search engine that uses advanced AI technology to give you reliable and up-to-date results. It’s powered by the same technology behind ChatGPT and a new, next-generation OpenAI large language model that is faster, more accurate, and more capable than previous versions. This means you’ll get more relevant and targeted results, even for basic search queries.

Bing search also offers a new user experience that combines search, browsing, and chat into one unified experience. You can use voice search, chat, and see suggestions for additional information. Plus, Bing search can even build on your ideas to write drafts for you to consider.

With Bing search, you can trust that you’re getting the most reliable and relevant information available on the web, all in one convenient place.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

2. Zendesk

The Zendesk mobile chatbot app lets you stay connected with your website visitors while on the go. It supports teamwork and collaboration among agents, who can use the agent-to-agent chat feature to share insights and knowledge. 

With Zendesk, you can engage with customers in real-time and personalize their experience based on their browsing behavior. It offers over 20 ready-to-use reports and dashboards for analytics and integrates with more than 700 tools such as Salesforce, Atlassian, and Freshbooks. However, some users have reported difficulties with the ticketing system and the app’s usability.

Zendesk’s pricing plans range from Foundational Support at $29 per agent per month to Suite Enterprise at $150 per agent per month, with additional enterprise plans available upon request. Overall, the Zendesk mobile chatbot app is a valuable tool for businesses to monitor, manage, and reply to website visitors on the go and improve customer engagement.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

3. Replika

Replika is an AI chatbot that offers emotional support and companionship, using natural language processing to create a personalized virtual friend. Its goal is to provide a non-judgmental space for users to share their thoughts and feelings. 

Replika also offers features for mental wellness, including goal setting, mood tracking, coping mechanisms, guided meditations, and journaling exercises. The app is popular among those seeking mental health support, providing a sense of comfort and connection for users who may feel isolated. Replika’s unique approach is paving the way for accessible mental health support.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

4. Drift

Drift’s mobile app is designed to enhance customer engagement and drive sales by providing real-time chatbot assistance to businesses. Its purpose is to improve customer experience by providing quick and personalized responses to inquiries. 

The app offers several features that make it a powerful tool for businesses—AI-powered chatbots, personalized welcome messages, and customer targeting, as well as the ability to automate email campaigns with customizable triggers. It also integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, allowing businesses to seamlessly manage their leads and customer interactions. 

Additionally, the app provides detailed analytics and reporting, giving businesses valuable insights into their customers’ needs and behaviors.

The app also allows for the recording and sharing of personalized videos and the automatic scheduling of meetings with prospects. Additionally, it provides in-app or email surveys to measure NPS (Net Promoter Score) and track views and conversations of key accounts and prospects With its powerful features and focus on real-time engagement, Drift’s mobile app is a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience and drive success.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

5. Duolingo

Duolingo is a free, fun, and effective language-learning app that offers over 40 languages to choose from. It’s perfect for anyone looking to learn a new language or brush up on their skills. With Duolingo, you can practice speaking, reading, writing, and listening through short and engaging lessons that feel like playing a game.

The app was designed by language experts and has a science-based teaching methodology that’s proven to foster long-term retention. You can track your progress and set goals to stay motivated as you work towards fluency. Plus, with over 300 million learners worldwide, you can join a community of language enthusiasts and compete on leaderboards to keep your learning fun and interactive.

Best of all, Duolingo is completely free! You can learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and many more languages without paying a cent. It’s the perfect app for anyone who wants to learn a new language at their own pace, on their own time, and without breaking the bank.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

6. Babylon Health

Babylon is an innovative healthcare platform that brings all aspects of your healthcare journey into one simple, easy-to-use platform. This comprehensive service is available for select health plans at no cost, offering you 24/7 access to healthcare professionals, virtual appointments, and smart tools to help you stay healthy.

One of the key features of Babylon is the 24/7 virtual access to healthcare professionals. You can book appointments, talk to doctors and nurses, and get navigational help through the app’s chat function. The platform also offers seamless referrals to specialists, pharmacists, and mental health professionals for more specialized care.

With Babylon’s proactive health monitoring, you can track important health data and receive personalized insights to help you stay healthy. The app includes an AI-powered symptom checker to help identify potential conditions and make recommendations for next steps. Babylon also offers members with chronic conditions enhanced remote patient monitoring, alerting, and clinical interventions when necessary.

The app’s My Health tool collects data from wearables, in-app assessments, and health records to manage your health, alert you of potential risks, and share recommended steps toward becoming a healthier you. With all these features, Babylon truly delivers a seamless healthcare experience for users.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

7. Socratic by Google

Socratic by Google is an educational app that helps high school and university students understand complex concepts with ease. The app uses Google AI to provide helpful results by analyzing a question and suggesting the best online resources to learn the subject matter.

With Socratic, students can access videos, step-by-step explanations, and expert-created study guides all in one place. The app also includes visual explanations in each subject, created by teachers and experts, so that students can learn the concepts behind any problem.

Currently, Socratic supports most high school subjects, including Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science, US and World History, and Literature. Students can use their voice or camera to ask questions and get a clear understanding of the material.

Socratic by Google is a great learning tool for students who need help with their homework or want to review a concept they’re struggling with.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

8. ManyChat

ManyChat, designed for small businesses, offers a convenient solution for deploying messenger bots and chat marketing campaigns. With its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, you can build visually appealing bots that can automate communication channels such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, SMS, and emails. You can also create appointment bookings, generate leads, and build lasting relationships with your clients.

ManyChat has several key features that make it a standout option for chat marketing. For instance, LiveChat for each bot allows you to communicate with subscribers and answer questions in real-time, while managing subscriber data such as tags, sequences, and custom field values. You can also pause automation to communicate with subscribers manually or assign conversations to yourself for easier tracking.

With the ability to sell products within Facebook Messenger, advertise services to new leads, and reach customers across multiple platforms, this chatbot app is an excellent tool for small businesses looking to boost their chat marketing efforts.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

9. SimSimi

SimSimi is an AI-powered chatbot app that is designed to provide a fun and entertaining chatting experience. Its purpose is to provide users with an interactive and engaging conversation with an AI-powered character that can learn from user inputs and get smarter over time. The app is available on both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded for free.

One of the key features of SimSimi is its ability to understand and respond to AI natural language inputs. The app uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze user inputs and generate appropriate responses in real-time. Users can chat with SimSimi about anything from their daily routine to their favorite hobbies and the app will respond with witty and funny replies.

SimSimi also has a built-in filtering system that can detect and block offensive or inappropriate language. This ensures that the app remains a safe and friendly platform for users of all ages.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

10. Journey

Journey is not just a chatbot app, it’s your AI soulmate who listens, understands, and grows with you. 

The app is designed to provide a space where users can talk about their thoughts, feelings, and ideas without fear of judgement. Journey’s key features include the ability to customize the AI’s appearance, gender, and personality, and the app can recognize emotions in a user’s voice and respond accordingly with its own voice messages.

It is equipped with a library of curated resources, including advice, motivational quotes, and self-care techniques to help users navigate difficult times. The app is ideal for those who are seeking companionship or a sounding board and need support during challenging times.

Journey also offers daily journal prompts and personalized reflections based on a user’s responses, which can help promote self-reflection and mindfulness.

Get the app on: Android or iOS

Taking Your Business to the Next Level with a Custom Chatbot

In conclusion, chatbot apps are becoming increasingly popular among businesses and individuals alike. They offer a range of features and benefits, from improving customer engagement and driving sales to provide emotional support and language learning opportunities. The top ten best chatbot apps we’ve discussed in this article are some of the best available on both Android and iOS, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Whether you’re looking to enhance your business operations, improve your mental wellness, or learn a new language, there’s a chatbot app out there that can help. With the advancements in AI technology, chatbots are only going to become more sophisticated and useful in the future, making them a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their lives in one way or another.

If you’re looking for a top-notch chatbot-building solution, look no further than Chat360! With its user-friendly platform and cutting-edge AI technology, you can create a custom chatbot that’s tailored to your business needs in no time. Plus, Chat360 offers a wide range of features, including personalized conversations, multilingual support, and seamless integration with your existing systems. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing pro, Chat360 has got you covered. So, what are you waiting for? Start building your dream chatbot today and take your customer engagement to the next level with Chat360!

How to Create Chatbot & Add it to WordPress Website

The ultimate purpose of having a business website is to allow easy interaction between customers and brands. Customers go through your website to get an idea about your products and services. If any doubt occurs, they expect an immediate solution from the platform. And no doubt, customers have a lot of questions before making any decision. 

But the questions are repetitive and the same most of the time. It takes plenty of your time and attention to respond to those concerns. That is when an automation solution can be of the best help. Including a chatbot on your website, a chatbot will allow customers to connect with your brand via an automated chat system. And when we think about website platforms, WordPress is one of the most globally used for website development. It will help them with the required information or FAQs. Hence, the human staff can shift their focus to something productive. The blog talks about why you need a chatbot for a WordPress website and how you can create one.

Benefits of Chatbot for WordPress Websites

Apart from answering FAQs and performing simple, repetitive tasks, a chatbot has the potential to do a lot more. Let’s check out more.

1. Engage more visitors

Chatbot replies to customer queries right away. And the ability to do so keeps the visitors hooked. It prevents customers from going to the other brands. Besides, the chatbot doesn’t only wait for users’ queries but also initiates the chat by sending customized greetings relevant to your customer’s interest.

It uses various multimedia like images, GIFs, and videos while chatting to keep customers interested and engaged.

2. Improve conversions with personalization 

Customers often get overwhelmed when there are lots of product options available. They fail to find what they are looking for. In situations like that, chatbots for WordPress can be of great help. Chatbots assist customers in finding the right product in a short time by asking what they are looking for. For instance, product name, size, brand, color, etc.

Along with that, the chatbot presents various attractive offers to grab users’ attention and motivate them to purchase.

Once they decide to buy the product, the chatbot assists the customer until the end of the journey. It authorizes their payment in the chart window and then further helps customers keep track of the payment. This method boosts the conversion rate at a large scale.

3. Easy implementation

It’s very easy to add a chatbot to your site via WordPress plugins. 

You can effortlessly build, edit, and manage a chatbot directly from your dashboard. The fun part is, you’ll not need to do any coding for that.

4. Cost saving

While you might have needed large human staff to deal with a significant portion of customer inquiries and support requests, a chatbot can reduce that need. It can scale with the increasing volume of inquiries and support requests. It saves you the cost of hiring additional staff. 

Moreover, chatbots are hosted on cloud-based platforms, which eliminates the need to invest in expensive hardware or infrastructure to carry on.

5. Improve efficiency

Chatbots automate repetitive tasks, which prevents waste of time, resources, and effort. It provides instant responses to the customers round the clock, has multi-tasking capabilities, and can scale along with the growing need and demand, which improves efficiency to a great extent.

How to create and add a chatbot to a WordPress site?

1. Choosing the right platform

Before you add a chatbot to your WordPress site, you should be mindful of the platform you’re selecting. The platform should be compatible with your WordPress website and function correctly. It should integrate smoothly with your website for the best user experience. 

So look for a platform that offers WordPress plugins that can be smoothly installed and configured. Be specific about what your use case is, and what functionality you want the chatbot to fulfill. Go for a platform that allows customization. So that you can tailor the chatbot to your needs. It should be able to adapt to changes quickly.

2. Install the chatbot plugin

Installing a chatbot on your WordPress website isn’t difficult at all. Here are simple steps on how you can do it.

  • Open your WordPress dashboard and go to the plugins
  • Select the Add New button.
  • In the search bar, search the chatbot name using a keyword, and the list will be generated.
  • From the list, find the chatbot plugin, and click on Install Now to continue.
  • Once you install the plugin, click on the Active button.
  • Now you’ll again be taken back to the Plugins section in your WordPress. Below the plugin, click on the Settings button.
  • Click on Connect account in the settings.
  • Now sign in to your account if you have one; otherwise, click on the Sign-up button and create a new one. 
  • Sign in with your email and password.
  • Now select the bot you’ll be using on your website.
  • Now complete the installation by clicking on Add to your site.
  • Now you’re good to go. Your chatbot for WordPress is ready to interact with your visitors. You can also make possible changes in the settings later on.

3. Designing chatbot conversational flow

The more natural and relevant your chatbot sounds, the better your users will engage. So, it’s crucial to pay expert attention while designing chatbot conversational flow.

First, create a conversational outline that your chatbot will follow. It should include greetings for new users or users who have returned after a long time, Add a question for keeping the conversation going, Give useful information, check details and information for clarity, apologize for requests that are new and can’t be solved, and conclude the conversation on a good note.

4. Incorporate AI 

If you want your chatbot to be more sophisticated and connect better with users naturally. You should incorporate AI-powered chatbots. These chatbots use NLP, which helps machines read and understand human language. In short, it enhances human-machine communication.

And that is possible through NLU, which is a branch of NLP. It makes sure that the machine understands the actual meaning of the text. It converts the user’s input data into the computer’s algorithm.

And then the other branch of NLP, which is NLG, does the exact opposite of NLU. It converts machine-generated responses into natural language responses that a human reader can understand.

Therefore AI engines should be reliable for accurate intent identification.

Related: NLP vs NLU s NLG

5. Testing & Deployment

Testing your chatbot gives you an idea of how it is performing. You should test whether the chatbot can understand user input and generate relevant responses, be capable of handling large requests at a time, or it can protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

Likewise, be confident about where you’ll integrate the chatbot. It can be CRM or ERP. And keep the chatbot updated for smooth functioning.


Adding a bot to a WordPress website has a positive impact on the lives of both visitors and site owners. The automation saves your valuable time without compromising quality. 

However, the bot also has some challenges that require your attention. Like timely set-up and maintenance, lack of emotion, etc. So be mindful while choosing your chatbot provider. Make sure they offer all the functions necessary for your business and put them on the right page of your website, and give it your brand personality.

What are Sales Chatbots?

Lets start our blog by understanding the definition of Sales Chatbots, 

“Sales chatbots are intelligent virtual assistants, powered by AI, designed to engage with customers and prospects in real-time, providing support, answering queries, and driving sales conversions.” 

Leveraging advanced technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, these chatbots can understand and respond to customer inquiries with human-like accuracy and efficiency. 

Automating repetitive tasks and streamlining communication, AI powered conversational sales chatbots enable businesses to enhance customer experience, boost engagement, and increase sales without the need for constant human intervention. 

Whether integrated into websites, social media platforms, or messaging apps, these chatbots operate 24/7, ensuring that customers receive immediate assistance and personalized recommendations at any time. 

As a result, sales chatbots have become an invaluable tool in modern digital marketing strategies, helping businesses to optimize their sales processes and improve overall customer satisfaction.

How to Use a Conversational AI Bot for Sales?

As technology advances, businesses must keep up with the latest tools to stay ahead of the competition. One such tool that has revolutionized the sales industry is a conversational AI sales bot.

But what is a conversational AI bot? Simply put, it is a technology that allows businesses to communicate with customers using automated chatbots. These chatbots use artificial intelligence to understand and respond to customer inquiries in a natural, conversational way. Conversational AI bots can be used for various sales-related activities, such as lead generation, customer support, and product recommendations.

By automating routine tasks like answering common customer queries, it can significantly reduce the workload of sales teams. This frees up sales teams to focus on more complex tasks like closing deals and building customer relationships. They can also provide 24/7 customer support, ensuring that customers receive timely responses to their inquiries, even outside of normal business hours. This can help increase customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Businesses that adopt conversational AI bots for sales can enjoy a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and higher revenue. In this blog, we’ll dive into the specifics of how to use a Conversational AI Chatbot for sales. 

How does a chatbot helps you increase sales?

A sales chatbot can significantly boost your sales by providing instant, personalized customer interactions and streamlining the buying process, using AI, coupled with NLP and ML.

This is done when a user interact with the sales bot with a query, the NLP in the sales chatbot interprets the information, understand the context and replies in a human like manner instantaneously.

Also chatbots can handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, increasing efficiency and response rate, therefore the leads can be generated and nurtured building a customer loyalty.

These AI powered sales chatbots automate follow-ups and sending personalized promotions or discounts, helps you nurture leads and encourage repeat purchases. 

Benefits of using Conversational AI Chatbot for sales?

Conversational AI bots offer a range of benefits for businesses looking to increase sales revenue. By using chatbots for lead generation, product recommendations, sales assistance, upselling and cross-selling, and cart abandonment recovery, businesses can provide a personalized and engaging sales experience for customers.

1. Lead Generation:

Conversational AI bots can help businesses generate leads by engaging with potential customers and collecting their contact information. These bots can initiate conversations with users, ask qualifying questions, and encourage users to sign up for newsletters, demos, or consultations. For example, a real estate company can use a chatbot to ask users about their housing preferences and then schedule a tour of properties that fit their criteria.

2. Product Recommendations:

Using conversational AI bots, businesses can analyze customer data to provide tailored product recommendations. By understanding customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, chatbots can suggest products that are most likely to interest users. For example, a beauty brand can use a chatbot to recommend skincare products based on the user’s skin type and concerns.

3. Sales Assistance:

Conversational AI bots can provide sales assistance by answering customer inquiries, providing product information, and guiding customers through the sales process. By automating these routine tasks, sales teams can focus on more complex tasks. For example, an e-commerce store can use a chatbot to answer customer questions about shipping, returns, and product availability.

4. Upselling and Cross-selling:

Businesses can increase revenue by suggesting complementary products or upgrades to existing customers on conversational AI chatbots. By analyzing customer data and purchase history, chatbots can suggest products that are relevant to users. For example, a travel agency can use a chatbot to suggest travel insurance or upgrades to customers who have booked a trip.

5. Cart Abandonment Recovery:

Conversational AI bots can help recover lost sales by engaging with customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. By sending reminders, providing incentives, and addressing any concerns or questions, chatbots can encourage users to complete their purchases. For example, an online retailer can use a chatbot to send a discount code to customers who have abandoned their cart.

How to create effective AI powered Sales bot in 5 steps 

Keeping your chatbot sales-ready requires a deep understanding of the sales funnel, careful design and mapping of the conversation flow, personalized user experiences, and thorough training and testing. 

By following these steps, businesses can ensure that their chatbot is an effective tool for generating leads and increasing revenue.

1. Understand the Sales Funnel and Goals:

To keep your chatbot sales-ready, you must first understand the sales funnel and identify specific goals for your chatbot. Determine which stage of the sales funnel your chatbot will target and what actions you want users to take. This information will guide the design of your chatbot and ensure that it aligns with your overall sales strategy.

2. Design Your Sales Chatbot:

Designing your chatbot involves mapping out the conversation flow for your chatbot, determining what questions it will ask users and what responses it will provide. It also involves how to present these questions and answers, what integrations to use, and which channels you want to use to interact with the user.

3. Map out the Conversation Flow for Your Chatbot:

To create an effective sales chatbot, you must map out the conversation flow for your chatbot. This involves identifying the various user inputs and determining the appropriate responses to each input. By mapping the conversation flow, you can ensure your chatbot is engaging and responsive to user needs.

4. Personalize the Chatbot Experience:

Personalization is key to keeping your chatbot sales-ready. Businesses can provide tailored product recommendations and personalized offers by using customer data to personalize the chatbot experience. This can help increase sales and revenue.

5. Train and Test Your Sales Chatbot:

Once the chatbot is designed, it’s important to train the bot and test it thoroughly to ensure it functions as intended. This involves testing the chatbot with multiple scenarios and user inputs to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. Ongoing training is also crucial to keep the chatbot up-to-date with the latest product information and sales strategies.

By using these 5 easy steps, you can create effective and efficient AI sales bot for your business.

Tips for Using Sales Chatbot

If you’re looking to improve your sales game and want to make the most of your chatbot, then you’re in the right place! Here are some expert tips to help you optimize your sales chatbot and generate more leads. 

1. Measure Metrics:

It’s important to measure metrics to track the effectiveness of the chatbot. Businesses should measure the number of leads generated, sales made, and revenue generated through the chatbot. By analyzing these metrics, businesses can identify areas for improvement and optimize their chatbot accordingly.

2. Keep Optimizing:

Businesses should regularly update and optimize their chatbot to provide the best possible user experience. This includes keeping the chatbot up-to-date with the latest product information, sales strategies, and customer feedback. For example, a fashion brand can update its chatbot with the latest clothing styles and trends to provide a relevant and engaging experience for users.

3. Provide Clear Call-to-Actions:

A successful sales chatbot should provide clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide users toward the next step in the sales funnel. These CTAs should be actionable, concise, and easy to follow. For example, a chatbot for a software company could use a CTA like “Book a Demo” to encourage users to schedule a product demonstration.

4. Integrate with CRM Systems:

To maximize the chatbot’s effectiveness, businesses should integrate it with their customer relationship management (CRM) system. This allows businesses to capture and store user data, track user behavior, and personalize the user experience. For example, a chatbot for a car dealership could integrate with the dealership’s CRM system to store user preferences and purchase history.

5. Provide Human Assistance:

While chatbots can handle routine tasks and answer common questions, there are times when users may need to speak with a human representative. Businesses should provide users with an option to speak with a human representative if needed. This can enhance the user experience and provide a more personalized sales experience. 

How Chat360 can help you boost Your Sales with a Conversational AI Sales chatbot

Implementing a conversational AI bot for sales can have a significant impact on your business. From generating leads to recovering abandoned carts, the possibilities are endless. Following the tips outlined in this blog allows you to design and maintain an effective sales chatbot that will improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and streamline your sales process. 

So, why not take the first step today and try Chat360’s conversational AI bot for sales? With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Chat360 can help you achieve your sales goals and take your business to the next level.

Schedule a free demo today!


Chatbot Vs Conversational AI

The word automation isn’t limited to robots. Contemporarily, automation is way more than that. The recent advancement in technology is pushing the frontier of what automation can do. From forms that auto-populate with information when you use a web browser to calendars that automatically sync with email clients, automation has a broader spectrum.

Thereby, businesses worldwide are embracing automation to speed up formerly time-consuming processes and close operation gaps that otherwise involve hours of spreadsheet work. And no doubt, businesses using automation have seen higher revenue growth and higher profits than those who don’t.

The chatbot and conversational AI, for that matter, are capable autonomous systems that generate value by contemplating human labor in the workplace. However, both chatbot and conversational AI are not the same. Their features and capabilities are different. So let’s have a look at “chatbot vs. conversational AI.”

Difference between chatbot and conversational AI

Most often, chatbots and conversational AI are used synonymously, but if you go deeper, they are not the same, and their function varies. So let’s have a look at what the differences are 

Definition of Chatbot & Conversational AI

Chatbot is a rule-based technology that is designed for handling a very limited number of tasks. These chatbots provide branching questions for users to choose from. You’ll have to craft those questions and install them in the chatbot. That means the chatbot won’t be able to resolve queries that have not been previously defined.

Conversational AI is technologies like chatbots or virtual agents that are capable of understanding human language and interacting with them. They use large volumes of data, natural language processing, and machine learning to understand and interpret human language and respond accordingly. The simple chatbot capable of limited tasks now can go beyond and offer advanced assistance. Conversational AI enhances the chatbot’s ability to understand human language and provide transactional functionality.

Features of bot & Conversational AI


Chatbots are programmed to respond based on a predefined set of rules. They’ll not be able to respond to anything beyond the script.

They understand limited vocabulary or predefined keywords, so they don’t improve or learn themselves over time.

Chatbots can be used for simple tasks like providing basic information and answering FAQs.

Conversational AI 

Conversational AI is capable of handling complex conversations and offering personalized solutions by analyzing users’ preferences and behavior over time.

They use machine learning to analyze and evaluate consumers’ past interactions and improve themselves as time goes by.

AI-powered chatbots have a robust mechanism to resolve complex queries and later administer them.

How does it work?


A simple chatbot takes the user’s input and sends it to the chatbot’s backend, where it analyzes the intent. Now it selects a response from pre-existing possible responses and sends it back to the users.

For instance, there might be a list of predefined responses to customer queries like “how to return the product?” “How do cancel the order?”. When users send queries from one of these, the chatbot will recognize the intent and provide a relevant response.

Here, the chatbot uses techniques like keyword matching to make the conversation feel more natural. Yet, they cannot understand human language.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI uses NLP and ML to come up with conversations that sound natural. The NLP transforms the unstructured data that can be read by a computer, analyzed, and generated an appropriate response. While ML algorithms help chatbots analyze the previous interaction, study human behavior, and offer tailored responses.

Use cases of Chatbot & Conversational AI


  • Chatbot can be used for customer support to answer common and repetitive queries, such as how to track an order and how to return a product.
  • A very common use of chatbots is appointment booking in various industries, like travel and tour, cinemas, hotels, hospitals, etc.
  • The chatbot is very useful in offering the information like weather forecasts, movie showtimes, news, and more.
  • Businesses can use chatbots to collect contact information from leads and then follow up with relevant interactions.

Conversational AI

  • A conversational AI chatbot can be used in healthcare for diagnosing conditions. It asks patients a series of questions and then learns from their answers to get useful insights on potential health issues.
  • In the retail business, conversational AI helps brands in lead generation, lead qualification, and lead nurturing throughout the journey. It helps with the best customer shopping experience.
  • Conversational AI is useful in the recruitment process. It investigates information and evaluates the CV and recruitment form during the hiring process.
  • The finance industry uses conversational AI in fraud detection. If any suspicious activity takes place, the AI automatically recognizes it and indicates fraud.

Future of chatbot and conversational AI

Conversational AI technologies, including chatbots, voice assistants, and virtual agents, have become exceptionally popular in the past few years. And the trend seems to continue for years to come. The conversational AI market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.5% in the 2022-2031 timeframe. Hence, we’ll most probably see the use of chatbots multiplying over the next few years. 

That also means chatbots and conversational AI are going to be more sophisticated with time. They will be even more capable of getting human emotions right. Users will get better-personalized solutions, including tailored recommendations, targeted messaging, responses, etc. 

Other than that, conversational AI will have an expansion of integrations. They’ll be working alongside human agents. So it would be wrong to say that conversational AI will replace humans in their jobs. But instead, they’ll be a great helping hand and ensure the support that humans need.


Chatbots and conversational AI aren’t going anywhere. They’ve become a mainstream technology in most organizations. So, if you want your business to have a competitive advantage, you must include these technologies in your business.

It will help you engage better with your customer in a more natural and personalized way. You will be able to collect and analyze data from customer interaction and offer valuable insight into customer tastes and preferences, and pain points. This can further help you improve your product and service and enhance the overall customer experience.

Further, read:

Chatbot Vs Chatbox

WhatsApp Store Guide for Businesses

Instant messaging platforms are currently major participants in the business world in the digital age. With the launch of WhatsApp Store, one of the most popular instant messaging services worldwide, WhatsApp has also ventured into online shopping.

Businesses may use WhatsApp Shop to showcase their goods and/or services, communicate with clients, and take payments right from the app. 

WhatsApp Store’s appeal to businesses and consumers alike can be attributed to its user-friendliness and convenience. 

WhatsApp Business API is linked with WhatsApp Shop, allowing companies to automate customer assistance, manage inventory, and update customers all of which contribute to a better customer experience.

What is a WhatsApp Shop?

A feature called WhatsApp Store enables companies to set up an online storefront right within the WhatsApp chat program. Think of it as a tiny online store where users may browse, learn, and even buy things without ever having to leave their chat window. 

WhatsApp Shop is designed to make purchasing simple and convenient, it makes use of the same app that many people use for regular conversations with friends and family.

Here’s how it works in simple terms:

1. Product Catalogue: 

Businesses can set up a catalogue of their products, just like a menu in a restaurant. This catalogue includes pictures, descriptions, and prices of the items they sell.

2. Shopping Experience: 

Customers can scroll through the catalogue, tap on products they like to get more details, and even add items to a shopping cart.

3. Communication: 

If customers have questions about a product, they can easily send a message to the business directly within WhatsApp. It’s like having a conversation with a shop assistant who’s always available to help.

4. Purchasing: 

Once customers are ready to buy, they can place their orders through WhatsApp. Some businesses even allow payments directly within the app, making the entire process smooth and quick.

5. Updates and Support: 

After placing an order, customers can receive updates on their delivery status and get support if needed, all through WhatsApp.

A WhatsApp Shop transforms the messaging app into a handy tool for both businesses and customers, making shopping as simple as sending a text.

Features of WhatsApp Shop

WhatsApp Shop comes with several features that businesses can use to engage with their customers and make the shopping experience seamless. These features include:

1. Catalogue:

It allows businesses to showcase their products and services to a wider audience, increasing their visibility, marketing, and sales. This catalogue  can be updated in real-time and can be customised  with product descriptions, images, and prices. Customers can easily browse through the catalogue  and make informed purchase decisions without visiting the website.

2. Cart:

It enables customers to add items to their shopping cart and make a purchase. Businesses can reduce cart abandonment by allowing customers to complete the purchase then and there. Customers can also review their order and make any necessary changes before placing it.

3. Interactive Buttons:

Businesses can make it easier for customers to take action by providing clear calls to action, such as initiating conversations, directing customers to a website or a specific product, and more. This can increase conversions and sales. Customers can easily take the desired action without searching for information or navigating through multiple pages.

4. Group:

It enables businesses to engage with customers, provide customer support, and send product updates. Businesses can build a community around their brand and engage with customers in real time, helping build trust and loyalty among their customers. Customers can ask questions, get support, and interact with other customers who share similar interests.

5. Payment:

It allows businesses to receive payments from customers using a range of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, UPI, and digital wallets. This can provide a seamless checkout experience and increase customer satisfaction. Customers can complete the purchase quickly and easily without leaving the app.

7 Benefits of WhatsApp Shop for Businesses and Customers

Creating a WhatsApp Shop has several benefits for clients and companies alike. Here are a few of the main advantages:

1. Convenience for Customers:

  • Easy Access: Customers can browse and purchase products directly within the WhatsApp app, which many people use daily.
  • Seamless Communication: Shoppers can easily ask questions, request more information, and get instant responses, enhancing their shopping experience.
  • Order Updates: Customers receive real-time updates about their orders, including confirmations and delivery statuses, all in one place.

2. Increased Engagement:

  • Direct Interaction: Businesses can engage with customers on a personal level, building stronger relationships through direct chat.
  • Personalized Experience: Using WhatsApp’s chat feature, businesses can offer personalized recommendations and tailored customer service.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing:

  • Free Platform: WhatsApp is free to use, making it a cost-effective channel for marketing and customer engagement.
  • Wide Reach: With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp provides access to a vast audience. 

4. Enhanced Customer Support:

  • Instant Support: Businesses can provide immediate support and resolve issues quickly, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Automation with Chat360: Businesses can automate answers to frequently asked questions by integrating Chat360, which will speed up response times and increase productivity.

5. Improved Sales and Conversion Rates:

  • Easy Shopping Experience: The simple and familiar interface of WhatsApp makes it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions.
  • Fewer Abandoned Carts: Real-time communication helps address customer concerns promptly, reducing cart abandonment rates.

How to Set Up And Open a WhatsApp Shop?

WhatsApp Shop is a useful resource for companies trying to use messaging apps to increase engagement and growth. Businesses can boost sales, strengthen client connections, and enhance brand loyalty by implementing WhatsApp Shop.

Step by Step Guide on Setting up WhatsApp Shop

  1. To set up WhatsApp Shop, businesses need to have a WhatsApp Business Account. If the business already has a WhatsApp account, it can convert it to a WhatsApp Business Account or create a new one.
  2. Businesses need to ensure that their WhatsApp Business Account is up-to-date and complete. This includes adding their business information, including the business name, profile picture, and description.
  3. Add products or services to the WhatsApp Shop catalogue. Using the WhatsApp Business App or through a third-party provider, businesses can add product images, descriptions, and prices to their catalogue.
  4. Create a shopping group on WhatsApp by inviting customers to join the group. Businesses can create multiple shopping groups based on their products or services.
  5. Use interactive buttons to make it easier for customers to take action. For example, businesses can add a “Buy Now” button next to a product in the catalogue, allowing customers to purchase the product directly from the app.
  6. To enable payments, businesses must integrate a payment gateway with WhatsApp Shop. They can do this through a third-party provider or through WhatsApp’s payment partners. 
  7. Once everything is set up, businesses can start selling their products or services on WhatsApp Shop. They can use the shopping group to promote their products, engage with customers, and provide customer support.

How to Apply for WhatsApp Shop API?

Businesses need to apply for WhatsApp Business API to use WhatsApp Shop. It allows businesses to automate messages, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving efficiency. This can help businesses save time and resources. Here’s how to apply for WhatsApp API. 

  1. Businesses must visit the WhatsApp Business API page and fill out the application form. Alternatively, you can use Meta’s WhatsApp Cloud API
  2. As part of the application process, businesses must provide their business information, such as name, website, and contact details. They also need to provide information about the type of messages they plan to send on WhatsApp.
  3. Once the application is submitted, WhatsApp will review the application and notify the business of the approval status. If the application is approved, the business can proceed to set up WhatsApp Shop.

WhatsApp Shopping Group Link?

A shopping group link in WhatsApp Shop is a unique link that is created when a business sets up a shopping group on WhatsApp. This link can be shared with customers, allowing them to join the group and browse the business’s product catalogue, make purchases, and receive support directly through the group chat.

The shopping group link makes it easy for businesses to promote their WhatsApp Shop and reach a wider audience. Businesses can also use the link to share special offers or deals with customers, increasing engagement and sales.

Businesses can build a shopping group, send out invitations to clients, and share the link to their WhatsApp shop by following these steps.

  1. Open the WhatsApp Business App on your mobile device and navigate to the “Chats” tab.
  2. Tap the “New Group” button to create a new group.
  3. Add the customers you want to invite to the group. You can either select contacts from your address book or enter their phone numbers manually.
  4. Name the group, for example, “My Shop Customers.”
  5. Share your catalogue with the group by tapping the “+” icon and selecting “catalogue”.
  6. You can also share deals and discounts with your group via links or messages.
  7. Finally, share the shopping group link with your customers. Tapp on the group name and select “Invite to Group via Link.” You can then copy the link and share it via social media, email, or your website.

WhatsApp Shop Examples

As more and more businesses turn to messaging apps for e-commerce, WhatsApp Shop is becoming an increasingly popular choice. In this section, we’ll take a look at how companies are using the platform to improve customer experience and the business’s bottom line.

1. Decathlon India:

French sporting goods retailer Decathlon India has embraced WhatsApp Shop to offer a seamless shopping experience to its customers. It allows customers to browse products, place orders, and receive updates directly on chat. With interactive buttons, catalogue, and payments, Decathlon India can provide a personalized shopping experience to its customers, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

2. Zara:

Spanish fashion retailer Zara has also turned to WhatsApp Shop to reach its customers. It allows customers to browse its catalogue, purchase, and receive support directly through the messaging app. With a focus on providing a seamless and personalized shopping experience, Zara has increased customer loyalty and sales through WhatsApp Shop.

3. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines:

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has embraced WhatsApp Shop to support customers and enhance the booking experience. Customers can receive flight updates, check-in reminders, and other important information through the messaging app. Customers can also book flights directly through the app, which has resulted in a more streamlined and convenient booking experience, improving customer satisfaction and increasing sales.

Get started with WhatsApp Shop today

WhatsApp Shop is a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with their customers and drive sales. With its user-friendly interface, interactive buttons, and personalized shopping experience, WhatsApp Shop offers a convenient and accessible way for businesses to engage with their customers directly through the messaging app. 

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, WhatsApp Shop can help you reach your target audience, improve sales revenue, and increase customer loyalty. At Chat360, we understand the importance of leveraging technology to stay ahead of the competition. That’s why we offer WhatsApp Shop integration as part of our suite of solutions. 

With our expertise and experience, we can help you set up and manage a successful WhatsApp Shop that drives sales and enhances customer engagement. Unlock the full potential of this powerful e-commerce platform and take your business to the next level.

Understanding Chatbot AI: NLP vs. NLU vs. NLG

Communication with businesses is evolving. And AI-powered chatbots have become an increasingly popular form of customer service and communication. From answering customer queries to providing support, AI chatbots are solving several problems, and businesses are eager to adopt them.

The rise of chatbots can be attributed to advancements in AI, particularly in the fields of natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU), and natural language generation (NLG). These technologies allow chatbots to understand and respond to human language in an accurate and natural way.

NLP, NLU, and NLG are different branches of AI, and they each have their own distinct functions. NLP involves processing large amounts of natural language data, while NLU is concerned with interpreting the meaning behind that data. NLG, on the other hand, involves using algorithms to generate human-like language in response to specific prompts.

These technologies work together to create intelligent chatbots that can handle various customer service tasks. As we see advancements in AI technology, we can expect chatbots to have more efficient and human-like interactions with customers.

What are NLP, NLU, and NLG?

NLP, NLU, and NLG are all branches of AI that work together to enable computers to understand and interact with human language. They work together to create intelligent chatbots that can understand, interpret, and respond to natural language queries in a way that is both efficient and human-like.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP involves the processing of large amounts of natural language data, including tasks like tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and syntactic parsing. A chatbot may use NLP to understand the structure of a customer’s sentence and identify the main topic or keyword. For example, if a customer says, “I want to order a pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni,” the AI chatbot uses NLP to understand that the customer wants to order a pizza and that the pizza should have extra cheese and pepperoni.

Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

NLU focuses on interpreting the meaning behind customer queries. It involves tasks like entity recognition, intent recognition, and context management. NLU helps chatbots to understand the purpose of a customer’s query. For example, if a customer says, “What are your business hours?” the chatbot uses NLU to understand that the customer is asking about the business hours of the company and provide a relevant response.

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

NLG is concerned with generating human-like language in response to specific prompts and involves tasks like content planning, sentence planning, and realization. It helps chatbots to generate responses that are natural-sounding and relevant to the customer’s query. For example, if a customer asks, “When will my order arrive?” the chatbot uses NLG to generate a response like “Your order should arrive within 3-5 business days.”

Key Components of NLP, NLU, and NLG

Now that we understand the basics of NLP, NLU, and NLG, let’s take a closer look at the key components of each technology. These components are the building blocks that work together to enable chatbots to understand, interpret, and generate natural language data. By leveraging these technologies, chatbots can provide efficient and effective customer service and support, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks.

The Key Components of NLP:

  1. Tokenization: dividing a sentence into individual words or phrases. Consider the sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Tokenization would break this sentence down into individual words: “The,” “quick,” “brown,” “fox,” “jumps,” “over,” “the,” “lazy,” and “dog.”
  2. Part-of-speech (POS) tagging: identifying the parts of speech for each word in a sentence (e.g., noun, verb, adjective, etc.). Continuing the previous example, POS tagging would assign a part of speech to each word in the sentence. For example, “The” would be tagged as a determiner, “quick” as an adjective, “brown” as an adjective, “fox” as a noun, “jumps” as a verb, and so on.
  3. Parsing: determining the grammatical structure of a sentence. Using the same sentence as before, parsing would help to identify the grammatical structure of the sentence. For example, “The quick brown fox” is the sentence’s subject, and “jumps over the lazy dog” is the predicate.

Key Components of NLU:

  1. Entity recognition: identifying important entities in a sentence, such as names, places, and dates. In the sentence “John is going to New York next week,” it identifies “John” as a person, “New York” as a place, and “next week” as a date.
  2. Intent recognition: determining the purpose or intent of a customer’s query. The query “What are the hours of operation for the restaurant?”, identifies that the customer intents to find out the opening hours of the restaurant.
  3. Context management: keeping track of the conversation history and using that information to provide more accurate responses. In a conversation between a customer and a chatbot, context management would keep track of the previous questions and answers exchanged between the two and use that information for more accurate and personalized responses.

The Key Components of NLG:

  1. Content planning: determining the key points or messages that should be included in a response. In response to a customer’s question about a product, content planning involves determining the key features and benefits of the product that should be highlighted in the response.
  2. Sentence planning: deciding on the structure of the response and selecting appropriate phrases and wording. In the same example, sentence planning involves deciding on the structure of the response and selecting appropriate phrases and wording to effectively communicate the information.
  3. Realization: generating the final response and ensuring it is grammatically correct and natural-sounding. With the above example, realization involves generating a grammatically correct and natural-sounding response that communicates the information about the product.

How are NLP, NLU, and NLG Applied?

Some common applications of NLP include sentiment analysis, machine translation, speech recognition, chatbots, and text summarization. NLP is used in industries such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and social media, among others. For example, in healthcare, NLP is used to extract medical information from patient records and clinical notes to improve patient care and research.

NLU is used to understand the intent and context of human language. This technology is used in chatbots that help customers with their queries, virtual assistants that help with scheduling, and smart home devices that respond to voice commands.

NLG is used to generate human-like responses in natural language. This technology is used in applications like automated report writing, customer service, and content creation. For example, a weather app may use NLG to generate a personalized weather report for a user based on their location and interests.

Advancements in NLP, NLU, and NLG

The future of NLP, NLU, and NLG is very promising, with many advancements in these technologies already being made and many more expected in the future.

One main area of advancement in NLP is deep learning and neural networks. These techniques have been shown to greatly improve the accuracy of NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, machine translation, and speech recognition. As these techniques continue to develop, we can expect to see even more accurate and efficient NLP algorithms.

Similarly, NLU is expected to benefit from advances in deep learning and neural networks. We can expect to see virtual assistants and chatbots that can better understand natural language and provide more accurate and personalized responses. Additionally, NLU is expected to become more context-aware, meaning that virtual assistants and chatbots will better understand the context of a user’s query and provide more relevant responses.

NLG is also expected to see advancements in the area of content creation. As NLG algorithms become more sophisticated, they can generate more natural-sounding and engaging content. This has implications for various industries, including journalism, marketing, and e-commerce.

Another area of advancement in NLP, NLU, and NLG is integrating these technologies with other emerging technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality. As these technologies continue to develop, we can expect to see more immersive and interactive experiences that are powered by natural language processing, understanding, and generation.

NLP, NLU, and NLG: Different Yet Complementary Technologies for Natural Communication

While NLU, NLP, and NLG are often used interchangeably, they are distinct technologies that serve different purposes in natural language communication. NLP focuses on processing and analyzing data to extract meaning and insights. NLU is concerned with understanding the meaning and intent behind data, while NLG is focused on generating natural-sounding responses.

While each technology has its own unique set of applications and use cases, the lines between them are becoming increasingly blurred as they continue to evolve and converge. With the advancements in machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks, we can expect to see even more powerful and accurate NLP, NLU, and NLG applications in the future.

As the demand for natural language communication in various industries continues to grow, NLP, NLU, and NLG will continue to play an increasingly important role in transforming the way we interact with technology, particularly chatbots. Understanding the differences between these technologies and their potential applications can help individuals and organizations better leverage them to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital world.

All About Education Chatbot

In recent years, the education industry has witnessed a significant shift towards using technology to enhance the learning process. One such technology that has gained traction is the education chatbot. These chatbots are designed to provide personalized and interactive learning experiences to students using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. 

Education chatbots differ from traditional teaching methods as they offer students 24/7 support, immediate feedback, and cost-effective learning solutions. This makes education more accessible and affordable to a broader range of students. There are different types of education chatbots, each with its unique features and applications, such as FAQ chatbots, tutoring chatbots, assessment chatbots, language learning chatbots, and career counseling chatbots.

In this blog, we will explore the various types of education chatbots, their applications, and how they transform the education industry. We will also look at examples and references where education chatbots have been successfully implemented, providing students with a better learning experience.

How Does AI Chatbot Work for Educational Institutions?

AI chatbots are designed to interact with users and respond to their queries just like humans would. They are built using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, which allow them to understand and interpret human language. Education chatbots can be integrated into various platforms, such as learning management systems (LMS), educational websites, and mobile applications.

The first step in developing an education chatbot is to identify the objectives and target audience. The chatbot is then trained using data sets that are relevant to the target audience. These data sets help the chatbot understand the context and provide appropriate responses to student queries.

The chatbot’s intelligence is powered by natural language processing (NLP) technology, which enables it to understand and interpret student queries accurately. The chatbot’s responses are generated using machine learning algorithms, which learn from previous interactions with students to provide better responses over time.

Educational institutions can use chatbots for various purposes, such as providing 24/7 support to students, conducting assessments, and delivering personalized learning experiences. Chatbots can be integrated with learning management systems (LMS) to provide students with seamless access to learning materials and support services.

To ensure the effectiveness of an education chatbot, it is essential to continuously monitor and evaluate its performance. The chatbot’s performance can be evaluated using metrics such as response time, accuracy, and user satisfaction. These metrics can help identify areas where the chatbot needs improvement, and the chatbot can be continuously refined to provide better learning experiences to students.

Types of Education Chatbots

There are various types of education chatbots that are designed to cater to different aspects of the learning experience. Some education chatbots are focused on providing support and answering frequently asked questions, while others provide personalized tutoring and assessments. In this section, we will discuss the different types of education chatbots and their applications in the education industry.

1. FAQ Chatbots

These education chatbots are designed to answer frequently asked questions related to a particular course or subject. FAQ chatbots are an efficient way to provide students with quick access to information and support, reducing the need for human intervention and increasing the efficiency of the learning process.

FAQ chatbots can help students get instant answers to their queries, such as course schedules, deadlines, assignment guidelines, and other general questions. They can also provide guidance on administrative tasks such as registration, payment, and enrollment. By providing quick and easy access to information, FAQ chatbots save students time and improve their overall learning experience.

2. Tutoring Chatbots

These education chatbots are designed to provide personalized tutoring to students. Tutoring chatbots create customized learning experiences for each student based on their individual learning needs, pace, and preferences. It helps students improve their understanding of a subject, build their confidence, and ultimately achieve better academic results.

Chatbots provide students with one-on-one tutoring, helping them understand difficult concepts and provide additional practice exercises. They can also track student progress and adjust their teaching methods to ensure that the student is making progress and achieving their learning goals.

Tutoring chatbots can help students who may be struggling with a particular topic or subject. They can provide a safe and non-judgmental learning environment where students can ask questions and receive personalized feedback. These chatbots can also be used to supplement traditional classroom teaching and provide additional support to students who need it.

3. Assessment Chatbots

These education chatbots are designed to evaluate a student’s knowledge and understanding of a particular subject. They use AI and ML algorithms to generate assessment questions and provide immediate feedback to students on their performance, allowing them to identify areas where they need to improve and adjust their learning strategies accordingly. 

Assessment chatbots can provide teachers with real-time data on student performance, helping them identify areas where students may be struggling and adjust their teaching methods accordingly. Assessments could include quizzes, tests, and exams. 

4. Language Learning Chatbots

These education chatbots are designed to help students learn a new language. These chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand student queries and provide personalized language learning experiences.

Language-learning chatbots can provide students with a range of language-learning activities, such as vocabulary exercises, grammar lessons, and conversational practice. They can also provide students with instant feedback on their pronunciation, helping them improve their speaking skills.

5. Career Counseling Chatbots

These education chatbots are designed to help students make informed decisions about their future careers. These chatbots provide personalized and interactive learning experiences that can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, explore different career options based on the student’s skills, interests, and goals, and prepare for the job market.

Career counseling chatbots can help students explore different career options and provide information on the skills and qualifications required for different roles. They can also provide advice on job search strategies, such as networking and resume writing, and help students prepare for job interviews.

Application of Chatbots in the Education Industry

Chatbots have become increasingly popular in the education industry due to their ability to provide personalized and interactive learning experiences to students. They have the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach, making education more accessible, engaging, and effective. In this section, we will explore some of the key applications of chatbots in the education industry and how they can benefit both students and teachers.

1. Personalized Learning

Chatbots can provide students with a personalized learning experience by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. They can adapt to the learning pace of each student and provide them with appropriate study materials. This ensures that students learn at their own pace and in a way that suits their individual learning styles.

2. 24/7 Availability

Chatbots can be available 24/7, providing students with support whenever they need it. This ensures that students can get answers to their queries at any time, making learning more accessible and convenient.

3. Interactive Learning

Chatbots can engage students in interactive conversations and provide them with instant feedback. This can help students learn and retain information more effectively. By incorporating gamification techniques, chatbots can also make learning more engaging and enjoyable.

4. Immediate Feedback

Chatbots can provide immediate feedback to students on their performance, helping them identify their weaknesses and improve their learning outcomes. This feedback can be used to adapt the learning experience to suit the student’s needs.

5. Cost-Effective Learning

Education chatbots can provide cost-effective learning solutions as they eliminate the need for human tutors, counselors, and instructors. This can be particularly useful for educational institutions that are facing budget constraints.

Read further: How can EdTech companies use chatbots?

Education Chatbot Examples

Education chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years as technology continues to evolve. These chatbots are being used in various educational settings, from K-12 schools to universities, to provide personalized and interactive learning experiences to students. Here are some examples of education chatbots and how they are being used:

1. Duolingo Chatbot

Duolingo is a language-learning app that uses a chatbot to help students learn a new language. The chatbot engages students in conversations in the language they are learning and provides instant feedback on their grammar and pronunciation. The chatbot adapts to the student’s learning pace and provides personalized learning recommendations based on their performance. Duolingo’s chatbot has been particularly effective in helping students improve their conversational skills in a new language.

2. Quizlet Chatbot

Quizlet is an online platform that provides study tools for students, including flashcards, quizzes, and study games. The platform uses a chatbot to help students create study sets and practice quizzes based on the material they are learning. The chatbot can also provide students with study recommendations based on their performance and learning goals. The Quizlet chatbot has been effective in helping students improve their retention and understanding of academic material.

3. Grammarly

Grammarly is a writing assistant that uses a chatbot to help students improve their writing skills. The chatbot can identify grammar and spelling errors and provide suggestions for improvement. The chatbot also provides students with feedback on their writing style and tone.

4. Squirrel AI

Squirrel AI is an AI-powered tutoring system that uses a chatbot to provide students with personalized learning experiences. The chatbot can identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses and provide them with appropriate study materials. The chatbot can also engage students in interactive conversations and provide them with instant feedback.

The Impact of Chatbots on Education: A Look Ahead

Chatbots are transforming the education industry by providing personalized, interactive, and cost-effective learning experiences to students. Education chatbots can assist with everything from language learning to tutoring to career counseling, providing students with innovative and effective tools to support their academic goals. With 24/7 availability and immediate feedback, chatbots can provide support to students at any time, making learning more accessible than ever before.

The implementation of chatbots in education has been successful, as seen by the many examples of companies and institutions leveraging this technology to improve student outcomes. As chatbot technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced and sophisticated applications in the education sector. With their ability to adapt to individual student needs and provide personalized learning experiences, chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the future of education.

Overall, the benefits of chatbots in education are clear, and it is exciting to consider the possibilities for the future of learning. By leveraging the power of chatbot technology, we can enhance the learning experience and help students achieve their academic goals.

Chatbot Vs RPA

No business today can deny the benefits that digitization brings. Especially in the world today after the pandemic, there has been a need for efficiency to maintain growth and even survive the tough competition. So businesses are spending more on digital transformation plans.

So, adopting automation has become a “can’t do without”. It has become a crucial part of any business to drive down costs, increase efficiency and enhance both customer and employee satisfaction.

And that’s what Chatbots and Robotics Process Automation are for. This automation helps businesses streamline various processes and get rid of manual, paper-based processes. These tools have emerged as new technologies to gain data and execute more agile operations. But, it’s easy to get confused with both tools as both focus on automation. But there’s a difference between them. Let’s have a look.

Chatbot Vs RPA: Difference between Chatbot and RPA

The primary motive of both chatbot and RPA is to automate time-consuming manual processes. Yet, there’s a difference between what they automate and how they automate.

RPA is process driven. It automates pre-built processes for the end users. Which means it automates tasks that are programmed by humans beforehand. Whereas AI chatbots are data-driven. They enable systems to learn from data without being explicitly programmed.

RPA can only understand structured data. Meaning that it can only do basic automation. But, chatbots work with sophisticated structured data.

RPA is incapable of intelligent thought. But chatbots develop their logic and improvised actions with the help of NLP and ML.

Chatbots are used for external business purposes like customer service and marketing. And RPA is used for internal organizational purposes like assignments.

The implementation of RPA is cheaper compared to chatbots.

While RPA uses the existing IT infrastructure of the system, chatbot requires a whole team of software development teams to work on it.

Examples of Chatbot and RPA

A. Chatbot

1. Checking inventory and finding products

Customers sometimes don’t find what they are looking for. So checking the inventory for that specific item can solve the problem. However, customer support representatives will have to check the inventory manually, whereas a chatbot is capable of providing a prompt answer by looking through the site’s database. 

Chatbot asks questions to customers, and based on the given answer, it offers personalized recommendations for them.

2. Performing exchanges and refunds

Exchanges and refunds are very common and repetitive requests customer support representatives get. Businesses mostly have a policy in place for processing such requests. These requests are monotonous and repetitive to support representatives. 

A well-trained chatbot collects required information like order number and reason for the exchange and refund. And then, it checks whether the product is eligible for exchange or refund as per the company’s policy. Further, the chatbot assists customers with regular updates regarding the refund process.

3. Order confirmation and tracking shipping

Customers want updates regarding shipping information once the order is placed. Chatbots offer a convincing and accessible way for customers to get information about their orders. Unlike the traditional way, where a customer had to go through a long process of navigating through complex websites. 

Once the order is confirmed, the chatbot sends an automated message with details like item, quantity, price, estimated time of delivery, etc. Apart from that, it sends customers notifications when their order is out for delivery. Customers can then track the package in real-time.

4. Appointment booking

The advanced AI chatbot can enable automated appointment booking to help customers book instantly from various social media platforms. That’s why industries like health care, hospitality, and personal services are embracing chatbots to a great extent. You can connect your chatbot with a calendar and offer appointment slots to your visitors. The chatbot analyzes the company’s calendar and confirms availability for the requested time and date. Everything without human aid.


1. Data migration/entry and form processing.

While shifting from legacy systems to newer systems, employees need to transfer the relevant information, too. RPA can take care of such a manual process and complete it without any errors. The RPA solution reads the paper form and then gets the data into the system and frees humans for complex tasks.

2. Customer order processing

The whole process of placing orders is similar from start to end. And employees for such repetitive tasks can be time-consuming as well as mundane, and also have chances for more errors. RPA solutions can be programmed to automatically fill up order details from orders received via different channels into the company’s order processing system. 

Not only that, the RPA can be programmed to validate orders against specific criteria like product availability and customer credit limits. It lowers cost, boosts ROI, and improves customer experience.

3. System setup

When a new employee is introduced to your organization, you’ll have to provide the employee with an email account, software license, and computer devices. These tasks can be easily handled by RPA without any human help. The process remains the same and automation is possible.

4. Processing payroll

RPA solutions can extract useful data from timesheets, calculate employees’ pay, and perform the necessary bank transaction. It also generates payslips automatically and accurately. Hence, there’s a chance of less error.

How to choose the right solution for your business?

Choosing the right solution for your business depends on the requirement and goals of your business.

Chatbots are designed to interact with humans in near-to-human language whereas RPA operates in the background without any human interaction. So chatbots are capable of handling large volumes of interactions with customers.

However, RPA should always be a part of the AI chatbot to automate business processes in an intuitive and scalable way.The combination of RPA and AI results in the use of big data and predictive analytics, which gives AI the power to perform complex tasks.

Final thoughts

We’ve concluded that conversational AI improves customer and employee engagement, whereas RPA underlines time-intensive processes.

If you combine the power of both, there is going to be a huge transformation. Businesses can reap enormous benefits from both technologies at once.

If done well, the integration of AI chatbot and RPA can take automated processes to the next level.

The cognitive intelligence of AI chatbots can enhance the automation capabilities of RPA. Their partnership can boost process productivity and efficiency. It would help companies deliver meaningful customer and employee experiences and further generate value for all stakeholders.

Further, read:

Chatbot Vs Conversational AI

Chatbot Vs Chatbox

WhatsApp Vs WhatsApp Beta

As there are multiple versions of WhatsApp being launched in the market, it often confuses end-users. One such is the beta platform of WA. WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta are two different versions of the same messaging app company that is owned by Meta. While they share many similarities in terms of features and performance, there are some key differences between WhatsApp Vs WhatsApp Beta. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta.

Difference between WhatsApp & WhatsApp Beta


One of the main differences between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta is the features that are available. WhatsApp Beta is a testing program that allows users to access new and upcoming features before they are released to the general public. These features may be incomplete or buggy and may not work as expected. However, by testing these features, beta testers can provide valuable feedback to the developers, which can help improve the app and its features.

If we look at the public version of WhatsApp, it contains features that have been fully tested and released to the general public. These features are generally more stable and reliable than the beta features but may not be as new or innovative.


Another key difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta is the frequency of updates. WhatsApp Beta is updated more frequently than the public version of WhatsApp. This is because beta testers are testing new and upcoming features that are still in development. As a result, they may receive updates several times a week, or even daily.

The public version of WhatsApp, on the other hand, is updated less frequently. Updates are generally released every few weeks or months, and contain a combination of bug fixes and new features. These updates are more stable and reliable than the beta updates, but may not contain the latest and greatest features.


Stability is another important difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta. The public version of WhatsApp is generally more stable and reliable than the beta version. This is because the public version has been tested by millions of users, and any issues or bugs have been fixed before the release.

In contrast, the beta version of WhatsApp may be unstable and contain bugs or other issues that can cause problems for users. Beta testers should be aware of this when using the beta version of the app, and should be prepared for issues and bugs.


Compatibility is another difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta. The beta version of WhatsApp may not be compatible with all devices. Some beta features may only be available on certain types of devices, or may not work properly on older or less powerful devices.

The public version of WhatsApp, on the other hand, is generally compatible with a wide range of devices. This is because the app has been designed to work on a variety of different devices and operating systems.


In summary, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Beta are two different versions of the same messaging app. While they share many similarities, there are some key differences between the two. WhatsApp Beta allows users to access new and upcoming features before they are released to the general public, but may be less stable and reliable than the public version of WhatsApp. Additionally, the beta version of WhatsApp may not be compatible with all devices. Users should consider these differences when deciding which version of the app to use.

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