26 September 2022

Human Communication VS Customer Service Automation

Communication is the most important thing in any business. Good communication can help you to build a strong relationship with your customers and your employees. However, it is not always easy to communicate with people; sometimes, they don’t understand what you want from them or they just don’t want to talk to you at all. … Continue reading Human Communication VS Customer Service Automation

23 September 2022

Tactics for Restaurant WhatsApp Bot

A software program or service miming human-to-human interactions is called a chatbot. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are typically used to accomplish this, enabling the WhatsApp chatbot to understand human user communication and respond in a manner that appears intelligent. In light of this, a restaurant chatbot is a service that enables customers to submit … Continue reading Tactics for Restaurant WhatsApp Bot

22 September 2022

How Automating Lead Generation Chatbot Helps Businesses Grow

As marketers, small business owners, or entrepreneurs, we are constantly on the lookout for the best lead generation strategy. In fact, when it comes to user engagement, bots are unrivaled. They have literally changed how brands and customers interact with one another. As a result, many businesses opt for automation, employing bots to provide 24×7 … Continue reading How Automating Lead Generation Chatbot Helps Businesses Grow

16 September 2022

How To Setup Chatbot In Shopify E-Commerce Website

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, assisting many businesses around the world to go online by creating their marketplace. More than 1.3 million suppliers utilize it worldwide as per Unite.shopify.com. While the client is the center of the eCommerce business, it is crucial to have efficient customer engagement to improve total sales … Continue reading How To Setup Chatbot In Shopify E-Commerce Website

16 September 2022

Chatbots vs Humans, Who is better?

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on customer service has been one of the most highly debated topics in the past few years. Customer experiences and brand engagements have increased with the introduction of AI-powered chatbots. According to Chatbot Life, in 2021, an approximate of 85% of internet visitor interactions were managed autonomously. Clearly, the … Continue reading Chatbots vs Humans, Who is better?

14 September 2022

How to use Facebook Messenger Chatbot for Business

Facebook chatbots have come a long way since Facebook first allowed developers to create Facebook Messenger bots in 2016. Chatbots have come a long way as well and have become a main-stay currently. Chatbots are now the go-to tool for boosting marketing, accelerating growth and revenue, and providing fantastic customer service. A marketing chatbot deployed … Continue reading How to use Facebook Messenger Chatbot for Business

2 September 2022

How to Integrate Dialogue Flow Bot to WordPress Website?

Websites play an essential role in converting potential customers into sales. Businesses have realized that by incorporating chatbots into their websites, visitors stay engaged for much longer, significantly improving conversion rates. Chatbots are also excellent resources for gathering and disseminating relevant information. Furthermore, because simple business processes can be automated without sacrificing human resources, this … Continue reading How to Integrate Dialogue Flow Bot to WordPress Website?

30 August 2022

NLP Chatbot: Ultimate Guide 2022

Modern chatbots are stylish and sophisticated. In fact, they can even feel human thanks to machine learning technology. To offer a better user experience, these AI-powered chatbots use a branch of AI known as natural language processing (NLP). These NLP chatbots, also known as virtual agents or intelligent virtual assistants, support human agents by handling … Continue reading NLP Chatbot: Ultimate Guide 2022

30 August 2022

Why do you need to Automate Customer Communication?

Imagine not being able to order a pizza, book a hotel room in advance, or not being able to do anything you otherwise can with a click from your phone. That’s how automation has now made our lives easier! Customer communication is no different. Customer communication automation has paved the way for businesses to go … Continue reading Why do you need to Automate Customer Communication?

25 August 2022

WhatsApp Chatbot-What & How with Examples

WhatsApp has grown in popularity among today’s digital customers as a messaging platform. This is substantiated by the fact that 66% of consumers worldwide prefer to interact with businesses via messaging apps, as per the Mobile Messaging Report. Companies can quickly assist their customers wherever they are by deploying chatbots on platforms such as WhatsApp. … Continue reading WhatsApp Chatbot-What & How with Examples