All posts by Shivam Verma

Shivam Verma, Co-Founder and CTO at Chat360, is a seasoned technology leader, boasting a wealth of experience in product development, architecture, design, data engineering, reporting systems, and team building. Armed with a Bachelor's in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Shivam is dedicated to driving technological innovation and excellence. His journey is marked by a profound passion for crafting exceptional products and tackling real-world challenges through advanced technology and superior software engineering practices. At Chat360, Shivam has played a pivotal role in providing AI-Powered Tech solutions to industry leaders in the B2B domain, onboarding renowned clients both in India and overseas, solidifying the company's footprint in the global landscape. Shivam's expertise extends to the realms of Generative AI and Conversational AI. Under his leadership, Chat360 has developed and evolved an AI-powered SaaS product that empowers enterprises worldwide to generate digital revenue more efficiently, significantly reducing the Cost Per Lead and maximizing conversion rate. Beyond technical proficiency, Shivam is recognized for his exceptional leadership skills. He actively engages in training and mentoring new and existing team members, infusing an analytical and logical approach to design tailor made products that meet the unique needs of diverse industries. His ability to provide optimistic solutions reflects a commitment to driving success in the technology domain. Shivam stands as a driving force in the technological landscape, leading Chat360 to new heights with a focus on cutting-edge solutions, client satisfaction, and team development.

How to build an effective Chatbot? (Step-by-Step)

Chatbots have been working hand in hand with human agents for a while now. While there are successful chatbots out there, there are also some chatbots that are terrible. Not just those chatbots are boring and bad listeners, but they are also awkward to interact with.

So is it a fault of a chatbot for being the way it is?

Well, no.

It’s not the chatbot who is to be blamed, but the way it is designed. Yes, you heard that right. It’s the chatbot design that makes them helpful and engaging and also useless at the same time.

So you can design a chatbot that is helpful, engaging, and even fun if you put some thought into it while creating it. In the blog, we’ll discuss how to design a chatbot that fits perfectly with your organization.

15 Essential Steps for Chatbot Designing

Designing a chatbot involves defining its purpose and audience, choosing the right technology, creating conversation flows, implementing NLP, and developing user interfaces. 

Testing, security, and continuous improvement are crucial. Deploy, monitor, and scale the chatbot while providing support and training to users.

The below are the essential steps one needs to create a chatbot for their business:

1. Define the Purpose and Goals:

  • Clearly define the purpose of your chatbot. What problem does it aim to solve or what task does it need to assist with?
  • Set specific goals and objectives for your chatbot. Determine what success looks like for your project.

2. Identify the Target Audience:

  • Understand your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and needs. This information will help tailor the chatbot’s interactions to their expectations.

3. Choose the Chatbot Type:

  • Decide whether your chatbot will be rule-based or AI-driven.
  • Rule-based chatbots follow pre-defined scripts and are suitable for simple, linear tasks.
  • AI-driven chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user input. They are more versatile but require more complex development.

4. Select a Platform:

  • Choose the platform or messaging channels where your chatbot will operate (e.g., website, mobile app, Facebook Messenger, Slack).
  • Make certain that your selected platform matches your target audience’s preferences.

5. Design the Conversation Flow:

  • Create a flowchart or storyboard outlining the conversation structure. Define the possible user inputs and bot responses.
  • Consider various user scenarios and edge cases to design a seamless interaction.

6. Develop or Choose the Technology Stack:

  • Depending on your chatbot type, select the technology stack and tools. Common choices include Python, Node.js, and machine learning libraries for AI-driven chatbots.
  • Choose a chatbot development framework or platform, such as Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, or custom development.

7. Implement Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • For AI-driven chatbots, integrate NLP libraries and services to understand and process user input.
  • Train the NLP model on relevant data to improve accuracy.

8. Create a Knowledge Base:

  • Populate your chatbot with a knowledge base or database of information it can draw upon to answer user queries.
  • Regularly update and maintain this knowledge base to keep information accurate and up-to-date.

9. Develop User Interfaces:

  • Design the user interfaces for your chatbot, including the chat window and any graphical elements.
  • Ensure the user interface is user-friendly and visually appealing.

10. Test and Iterate:

  • Conduct extensive testing to identify and address issues, such as misinterpretations or unexpected user inputs.
  • Gather user feedback and make iterative improvements to enhance the chatbot’s performance and usability.

11. Implement Security and Privacy Measures:

  • Ensure that user data is handled securely and in compliance with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).
  • Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms if the chatbot requires user-specific data.

12. Deploy and Monitor:

  • Deploy your chatbot to the chosen platform and monitor its performance and usage.
  • Utilize analytics tools to monitor user interactions and pinpoint areas that require enhancement.

13.  Provide Support and Maintenance:

  • Offer user support and address issues promptly.
  • Continuously update and improve the chatbot based on user feedback and changing requirements.

14. Scale and Expand:

  • Consider expanding the chatbot’s capabilities or integrating it with other systems as your project evolves.

15. Document and Train:

  • Document the chatbot’s functionality, conversational flow, and maintenance procedures.
  • Train your team and users on how to interact with and manage the chatbot effectively.

Additional Insights into Chatbot Designing

To provide a great customer experience to the users, it is essential for your chatbot to be engaging. 

Below are a few additional strategies for refining conversation flows, optimizing NLP models, and enhancing user experiences. 

1. Choosing the right visual design elements

Text, images, and videos are the primary element of a chatbot, but the visual design elements of the chatbot play a crucial role too. Since the chatbot is a representation of your company, your visual element should fit perfectly with the rest of your branding.

2. Image and avatar for your Chatbot Widget and Icon

The image or the avatar serves as a visual representation of your chatbot. Select a unique bot image that goes well with your brand’s personality. It’s like your brand identity, people will memorize your brand by looking at it. The image makes it easier for users to identify and interact with your bot. A friendly avatar can put your users at ease and make the interaction fun.

3. Typography for your Chatbot

Typography plays a major role in your chatbot design. it has a huge impact on readability and user experience. So be careful while selecting the right font size and type. It should be easily readable and accurate on both mobile devices and computers.

Also, adjust the space wisely between the texts. it should not be too cramped. And lastly, keep a color check. your text color should have sufficient contrast against the background.

4. CTA’s and Buttons for a user to take actions by the user

The other visual design element while designing a chatbot is buttons. It helps users navigate through complex conversation flows. Therefore use buttons sparingly. Include clear and concise text to convey the action of information that the user will receive if they select the button.

5. Writing engaging and relevant content for your Chatbot for grabbing users attention

People nowadays are interested in chatbots because they serve information right away. Your chatbot needs to have very well-planned content for attracting and keeping customer attention. and to create a better user experience, you need to create engaging content that is useful and reliable. for that, you need to adopt some practices while planning your content.

6. Keep it Simple, Easily Reachable, Accurate and Revised

Keep your chatbot’s language plain and free of jargon for broader accessibility. Ensure easy navigation via website links or QR codes. Provide accurate, up-to-date information with facts to establish credibility. Always revise content meticulously to avoid errors and uphold your brand’s reputation.

7. Incorporating multimedia elements

Multimedia elements make a huge difference in the conversation. The human brain processes visuals way faster than text. They evoke emotions in the message you want to convey. For instance, a smiley emoji in a welcome message evokes warmness and happiness in the receiver.

Visuals like images, infographics, videos, etc, make your conversation more engaging. Visuals are intuitive and a very effective way of guiding people. think of how a simple arrow can guide humans to turn left or right. Some common multimedia elements you can use in chatbots are:

How to Personalize the conversation with Chatbots

Today, personalization is synonymous with a great experience. The more personalized treatment you offer, the more satisfied customers will be with your brand. So here’s how you can personalize the conversation.

1. Develop a personalized chatbot for your customers.

The first thing to develop a personalized chatbot is to know your customers.

Study their behaviour and conversation history to understand their preferences. Use this information to design conversations that guide them to the answers they need.

2. Speak in your customer’s language

Use AI to answer questions in your customer’s preferred language. Multilingual conversations enhance scalability, promote engagement, and build strong client relationships.

3. Answer on their preferred channel

Personalization also means being available on the customer’s preferred channels. This builds trust, loyalty, and increases interaction and sales. Analyze customers history and preferences to know their preferred channel.

4. Providing seamless navigation

Users get frustrated when Chatbot is hard to navigate or fails to understand their queries, leading to disengagement.Seamless navigation is a critical aspect of a successful chatbot. Easy to use and clear instructions enhance customer satisfaction, create a positive brand association, and encourage repeat use

5. Testing the chatbot designs

Testing your chatbot design ensures it meets user needs and satisfaction. Identify and fix bugs or issues to deliver accurate responses and improve functionality.

Best Practices for Chatbot Designing (2024)

Once the chatbot is successfully implemented on the website, it will definitely provide your business with utmost customer satisfaction. It is also essential to follow best practices to get the most of your chatbot.

These practices encompass aspects such as defining clear objectives, using accessible language, designing intuitive conversation flows, ensuring data security, gathering user feedback, and maintaining scalability for long-term success in chatbot development.

1. Staying up-to-date with industry trends

Staying up-to-date with the industry is critical if you want to remain relevant and stay ahead of your competitors. The more updated you are, the more exposed you are to new technologies, techniques, and best practices. and that helps you improve your performance. there are different ways you can stay up-to-date with industry trends.

2. Do your research

Sign up for email newsletters and follow chatbot entrepreneurs for the latest innovations in chatbot technology.Follow influencers that talk about Conversational AI daily. Set up Google news alerts on relevant keywords to stay informed about new developments.

3. Monitor your competitors

Keeping an eye on your competitors on how they’re using conversational AI is a great way to learn.

You get a chance to learn from their mistakes and success as well. Incorporate the process they use to catch up. But make sure it fits your requirement.

4. Pay close attention to the innovators

Industry giants like Google, Apple, and Facebook always initiate ways to use AI and ML to enhance their business operations. They always experiment with cutting-edge technologies like NLP, biometrics, and data analytics. Therefore monitor these innovators and try incorporating their methods into your standard operating procedures.

5. Ensuring accessibility for all users

By ensuring chatbot accessibility for all users, companies can ensure that their services are available to everyone and no one is excluded. It promotes inclusivity and a diverse user base.

It enhances the user experience for everyone.

Consider the following things while ensuring accessibility.

6. Use a customizable platform

No doubt everyone loves using a pre-built chatbot platform. But chances are high that such a platform may not provide out-of-the-box accessibility support. If a solution claims to be accessible, it’s crucial to test it yourself. Most likely, you’ll need to customize it to align with your specific accessibility standards.

7. Use clear and simple language

Using clear and simple language makes the Chatbot more accessible to wider range of  users. That’s because not everyone has the same level of language proficiency. Using simple language reduces the risk of miscommunication. users can  better understand the chatbot’s response and get the information they need.

8.Provide voice control

Adding a voice control feature to your chatbot can help users with disabilities. Those users who are visually impaired or have limited mobility can use voice to navigate through the chatbot and benefits from its features.

8. Providing excellent customer service

Level of customer service provided significantly impacts brands reputation. Therefore ,it is essential for  brands to deliver excellent customer service consistently.

Here are some ways a business can use a chatbot to offer excellent customer service.

  •  Provide customer service in multiple languages

When you provide your chatbot with multilingual capabilities, it opens you to a large audience. Speaking to customers in their preferred language is a great way of keeping customers in hand. They engage better and they are most likely to buy from you. This also helps to boost sales.

  • Personalize shopping experience

Offering a personalized experience to your customer is a great way to seize an opportunity to put your customers down your sales funnel. The conversational AI studies your customer behavior and recommends a product based on that. In case customers face any problems during their journey. Chatbot offers an instant solution.

  • Reduce customer wait time

Offer customers always-on customer support so that they no longer have to wait in line for service. customers get help whenever they need it without having to worry about business hours.

9. Building chatbots with scalability in mind

Once your business starts growing, your chatbot should be capable of handling the growing volume of traffic and interaction.

A cloud-based platform like Chat360 can provide automatic scaling capabilities. They adjust to the change in business.

Another thing to keep in mind is flexible architecture. Make sure that your chatbot architecture is flexible and can adapt and accommodate evolving needs.

To make your chatbot capable of handling high volumes of traffic and maintaining responsiveness, implement a load-balancing technique. It distributes traffic evenly across various chatbot servers.

Build your chatbot today and elevate your user experience!

More and more valuable chatbots are being developed, providing users with better experiences than ever before. As a result, chatbot technology is being embraced by an increasing number of people.

So when you build your next bot, design it smartly. Building an effective chatbot requires a lot of consideration and planning. You’ll have to spend decent time building and testing it too. Hence the list of practices mentioned above will guide you in designing a powerful chatbot.

After designing the chatbot, you might also be interested in how to train a chatbot?

Schedule a free demo today!

What does blue circle mean on Facebook Messenger?

In today’s fast-paced world, social media networking has become a popular way to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. And when we think of social media channels, Facebook tops the list with over 2 billion users. You can easily send a message to someone instantly through a mobile app or desktop through Facebook Messenger. However, users get confused with the subtle design elements that Meta has introduced within the chat system, which is a blue circle. In this guide, you will learn what the blue circle means on the Facebook Messenger app.

What does the blue circle mean on Facebook Messenger app?

If you have ever used Facebook Messenger, you may have noticed the blue circle with a checkmark next to your message. This symbol means that your message was successfully sent from your device to the recipient’s device. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the person has seen or read your message, but it confirms that it has been sent.

If you see a filled-in blue circle next to your message, your message was successfully delivered to the recipient’s device. This means that the recipient’s device has received your message, and it is now up to the person to open and read it.

fb blue circle meaning

Pic credit: Facebook

How does blue circle enhance your massage experience?

Active Status Indicator:

The most common and straightforward meaning of the blue circle on Facebook Messenger is that it indicates an active status. When you see this blue circle next to a contact’s name, it means that they are currently online and actively using the Messenger app. This can be helpful when you want to know if someone is available for a real-time conversation.

Open Chat:

Another interpretation of the blue circle is that it signifies an open chat. In this context, when you see the blue circle next to a specific conversation, it means that you have that chat window open on your device. This is especially useful when you’re switching between multiple conversations, allowing you to keep track of which chats you’re currently engaged in.

Unread Message:

In some cases, you might notice a blue circle with a white dot in the center. This combination represents an unread message. When you see this, it indicates that the person you’re messaging with has sent you a new message that you haven’t read yet. It serves as a visual cue to prompt you to check and respond to the unread message.

Delivered Message:

When you send a message to someone on Messenger, you’ll often see a blue circle with a white checkmark inside. This means that your message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the message has been read; it simply confirms that it reached the intended recipient.

Message Sending:

While sending a message, you may briefly see a rotating blue circle.This signifies that the message is currently in the process of being transmitted. Once the message has been successfully delivered, it will be replaced by the blue circle with the white checkmark.

But what if you want to know if the person has read your message?

Facebook has a symbol for that too. When your friend has read your message, a miniature version of your friend’s photo will appear next to your message. This symbol is valid when you want to know if the person has seen your message and how long it has been since they read it.

Knowing when your message has been read can be crucial, especially if you need a quick response from someone. For example, if you are trying to arrange a meeting or event and require a confirmation from someone, seeing that they have read your message can give you peace of mind that they have received the information and are aware of your request.

Limitation of the feature

However, it’s important to note that not everyone likes to have their read receipts turned on, and some people may disable this feature on their device or account. Additionally, just because someone has read your message doesn’t necessarily mean they have responded or acted on it.

It’s also important to remember that not all Facebook Messenger symbols have the same meaning in other messaging apps. For example, a single grey checkmark next to your message in WhatsApp means it has been sent, while two grey checkmarks indicate it has been delivered. In WhatsApp, read receipts are also available but can be turned off in the app’s settings.

Suggested read: How to set auto-reply on the Facebook Messenger app?

What does a blue circle (ring-shaped) around Facebook profile picture mean?

Upon opening your Facebook Messenger app, you will be presented with a list of your friends. You may notice that some of these connections have a blue ring surrounding their profile picture. This blue circle is not arbitrary and actually serves as a visual indicator that the person has recently shared new stories on Facebook.

Essentially, this blue circle lets you know that your friend or friends have posted a new story that is available for viewing. However, as a viewer, you have yet to see it. When you see their story, the blue ring will change into a grey color that notifies you have already seen their story. Please note that the story will last only 24 hours from the time that it has been posted. This feature can be helpful for those who want to stay updated on their friends’ social media activity and ensure that they don’t miss out on any new posts.

It’s worth noting that this feature may not be available for all users at this time, as Facebook tends to roll out new features gradually. If you do not see the blue circle around your friends’ profiles, it could be because the feature has not been enabled for your account yet. Nonetheless, if you do see the blue circle, you can be confident that your friends are actively sharing new content on Facebook.

To sum it up

In conclusion, Facebook Messenger symbols can help know the status of your messages, but it’s important to remember that not all users may have read receipts turned on or that some people may choose to read your message and not respond. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine how important it is to know the status of your messages and whether you want to enable read receipts or not.

Also, explore: What is Facebook Messenger Chatbot?

Customer Service Automation Tool Feature Comparison

Customer support automation tools are the foundation of great customer experience. It automates crucial parts of customer support functionality which enhances the experience of both customers and agents. And grants you more time to focus on business growth. However, with so many tools available in the market, getting the hands-on perfect tools for your business can be a tough task. Therefore to help you find the perfect tool that fits your customer support team, we have put together the top 17 customer service automation tool features comparison.

Importance of choosing the right CSA tool for your business

1. Improve efficiency

The right automation tool helps businesses offer quick and relevant responses to queries through multiple channels with fewer errors and mistakes. It hands over the ticket to the experts on time which reduces wait time.

Customer support automation technology like chatbots and AI take care of income service requests during the company’s off-hours which eliminate the need for hiring employees to work at odd hours.

2. Data insight

In the past years, data analytics has been a main driver of customer satisfaction. Data analytics lets you study trends in customer behavior. Hence with the combination of analytics with AI, you can make predictions on individual customer behavior and offer an intelligent and informed customer experience at any point of the customer journey.

3. Cost-effective

Traditional support demands more human involvement, training, cost, and time. However with automation, the agents don’t have to spend extra time on repetitive tasks, or in fact, there is no need to spend extra on recruitment or training folks in the support team. It allows customer support teams to redirect their time and effort to tasks that hold more weight and complexity.

4. Scalability

The scalability of any business requires a lot of investment. Be it time, money, or human resources. But, with automation, scalability is highly achievable. It helps you grow without needing to increase human resources. The automation gathers information before the conversation even starts with the help of an AI-like, chatbot, and leaves agents to take up more complex tasks. With that scalability comes ease.

Key features to compare

1. Automated responses

An automated response is a key feature to look out for in any customer support automation tool. Automated responses can save a lot of labor costs. While manually responding to a consumer’s message and email takes forever. Automation eliminates that time needed and allows your employees to participate in tasks that help bring more money. Not just that, the automated responses help you stay connected with your customers even during the time you are away.

2. AI Chatbots presence – Mobile/desktop

Chatbots help build relations and connect with their customers in different channels. Be it generating leads, informing customers, or assisting the users during their purchasing journey. Chatbot is crucial. Therefore while looking for customer support automation, you should look out for chatbot features and an interface that is both mobile-friendly and desktop friendly.

3. ML Capabilities

Machine learning helps automation tools become more accurate at predicting outcomes with the help of historical input. It gives a business a glimpse of trends in customer behavior and operational business patterns. It’s helpful for businesses to customize product development and marketing initiatives to customer demand.

4. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting help businesses make decisions based on data. It also helps Businesses identify areas of inefficiency and opportunities for improvement. By analyzing data, businesses can understand the flaws in their operations and work on improving efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Reporting helps to evaluate the performance and progress toward goals. And adjust with strategies as needed.

5. Integrations with other tools

The automation tools should be capable of working together with other tools seamlessly for better results. For instance integration of customer relationship management (CRM) systems with a business intelligence tool can help gather a good amount of data on customer behavior. It helps improve data accuracy and prevent errors. Therefore integration with other tools is a feature you can’t neglect.

6. Personalization and customization options

Personalized interaction makes customers feel special. It drives repeat engagement and loyalty over time. Customers feel more connected when the content is personalized and not generic. That way, customers can resonate on a personal level. Hence there will be a retention of customers. Also, it enables businesses to offer relevant and required content that reduces resource wastage and increases efficiency.

Related: Customer Service Chatbot Features 

Comparison of different customer service automation tools

1. Zendesk

Zendesk is a cloud-based customization support automation tool that helps brands build great customer relationships. It is designed to improve customer experience by offering support in various channels like sms, website, phone, email, mobile app, social media, etc. 


  • It allows integration with various apps like MailChimp, Trustpilot, Xero, Shopify, and more.
  • Tagging and tracking issues to report on the different problems is easier.


  • To get the most out of Zendesk, agents, and admins need to train it. Or you’ll need to enroll in a training course.
  • Using all features of Zendesk is quite expensive.

2. Freshdesk

This tool converts and unifies tickets coming via mail, chat, social media, website, phone, etc. Freshdesk allows self-service to customers, manages SLA, and measures metrics to provide seamless customer support.


  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • The UI offers wonderful tracking and organization of emails and support issues.


  • It has limited article categories and folders.
  • The support and contact system is as bad as it gets. creates multiple tickets for one issue.

3. Hubspot

It’s a customer support tool that brings entire companies together to optimize workflow, information, and revenue. It offers integration facilities from customer service to sales, marketing, and trading helping the company grow smoothly.


  • Offers free CRM forever with unlimited user facility.
  • Easy to set up, use and manage. Both free and paid users can have chatbots on their websites.


  • CRM does not adjust to a requirement of a business that has a complex sales process.
  • CRM is not suitable for businesses with large sales teams.

4. Help Scout

Help Scout is an all-in-one customer support automation tool that helps support teams provide self-service email, and live chat support from one centralized tool.


  • It has a great email and message-tracking interface.
  • Software is suitable for personalization and individual performance.


  • It doesn’t help track chats and calls.
  • Project management practices are poor and that weakens the ability of the organization to expand the product line.

5. LiveChat

LiveChat is an Excellent customer support automation tool that offers live chat features? It supports both customers and sales teams and allows you to interact with specific visitors based on their profile and behavior, and send personalized messages to enhance engagement.


  • It is simple to set up, configure, and use.
  • The software supports more than 200 integrations.


  • The live chat terminates when a different window opens.
  • Bit expensive for small businesses.

6. Service Now

It is an operation management automation tool that offers client software distribution, password reset, and activity packs. Hence empowers you to improve productivity by reducing tasks and automating processes.


  • Capable of managing all services together at a single platform but in separate modules.
  • Easy integration with other tools.


  • Capacity management is missing.
  • The interface is not user-friendly. New users need to be guided on how to navigate through the tool.

7. Marketo

Marketo offers robust performance for businesses of all sizes using tools like email, sequences, search engine optimization, and strong integration with third-party CRMs.


  • Great integration option
  • Very useful in sending large volumes of emails.


  • It has bad reporting of analytics.
  • UI is confusing, slow, and has bugs.

8. Pipe drive

Pipe drive is a Cloud-base CRM tool that assists the sales team manage leads and deals. And offers automated workflow with the help of AI.


  • Offers excellent integration with improved functionality in specific areas.
  • Offers a free trial process.


  • The drag-and-drop deal management can be difficult to understand.
  • Integration problem.

9. Slack 

Slack is a Cloud-based project collaboration and team integration that simplifies business communication. Some of its features are open discussions, private groups, deep contextual search, direct messaging, file sharing, etc.


  • Connects the team effectively despite being in different geographic areas.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • It’s difficult to search for a specific conversation.
  • The app freezes during prolonged use.

10. Chat360

It offers multi-channel conversational marketing platforms to enterprises all around. It allows you to take your sales, marketing, and support efforts to any channel you prefer. 


  • It has easy to use interface 


  • It has no free trials.

Factors to consider when choosing a tool

1. Budget

Cost is a major factor when selecting the right automation tool. Apart from the product price, there will be potential expenses like maintenance costs, manpower costs, etc. A tool that permits cloud hosting reduces your expenses in the long run. All the costs should be evaluated properly to ensure that the cost is within the budget.

2. Company size and needs

It’s important to consider the size of the company while selecting the automation tool. Larger companies require automation with more advanced features. While small companies might do with basic tools that are easier to use and maintain. Also keeping the company’s needs in mind, automation tools should fulfill the requirement first. For instance, a company should go for a social management tool if it requires a tool that can monitor and respond to customer inquiries and comments on social media platforms.

3. Customer preferences and behavior

For any business, customer experience, and satisfaction are prime. While selecting an automation tool those factors should be considered first. The tool should be compatible with customers’ access. Make sure that customers are not unhappy and frustrated by slow performance. The automation tool should not keep the privacy and security of customers at stake.

4. Support and training opt

Tools should be adjustable and customizable with the change in needs and demands. Continuous training helps the tool meet specific needs. There should be scope for updates and upgrades to help tools evolve.

Having training and support options help businesses speed up the automation tool, especially when an issue arises. 


It’s a daunting task to find the tool that meets your immediate need as well as is flexible enough to cover future requirements. A wrong choice leads to dissatisfied customers, and frustrated team members. Therefore take your time and make the most informed decision you can.

Hope the blog helps you figure out the best tool that serves you and your team.

Increased retention rate on Ecommerce website using Chatbots

Retention rate is the percentage of customers that return over and over again to use your product and services by the end of a given period. A higher retention rate means there’s value in your product/service, and customers are happy and satisfied with what you’re offering. That leads to a sustainable source of revenue. On the other hand, low retention indicates a deficiency in the product or services that you offer. It makes no odds how good your acquisition strategy is to add new users. They’re going to be a higher church rate if there’s a low retention rate, no matter what. Which means a loss for the business.

Why is retention rate Important

Existing customers tend to buy more which is more profitable than investing time and money in someone whose actions are unpredictable. Instead, you can nurture the existing one. Getting new clients proves more expensive than retaining the existing ones. Research done by Frederick Reichheld shows that increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profit by 25% to 95%. Upselling new products to loyal customers is much easier and more profitable rather than focusing on selling new products to new clients. According to Forrester’s research analyst, product recommendations like upsell and cross-sell make up 10-30% of e-commerce revenue. Satisfied customers are the loyal ones, they’re most likely to refer your product to their family and friends. So there you have, new customers at no cost.

Challenges faced by e-commerce stores

Here are some of the challenges that e-commerce stores face while retaining customers.

  • Poor support is a major reason for customers to switch brands. Better customer service creates positive, emotional experiences that drive customer loyalty. However, poor service fails to connect with customers, Leading to low corporate morale, damage to reputation, and client loss.
  • Lack of engagement results in the failure of e-commerce stores to connect with customers. Customers will forget about your brand at the time of decision-making Since no interaction took place.
  • Lack of data and insight hinders brands to understand and anticipate customer behavior. As a result, they fail to provide personalized service and products.
  • Customers’ tastes and preferences change constantly. Failing to adapt to the change will fail to satisfy customer needs. As a result, they leave.

Strategies to increase retention rate

A. Understanding customer behavior 

Understanding the customers’ behavior and intent behind customers’ purchases helps businesses adapt their offerings to better suit the needs and requirements of their target market.  It creates a relationship of understanding and trust which ultimately increases brand loyalty. It helps build a rapport with your audiences and helps retain a customer base. Hence, brands can make better decisions regarding their products and services.

1. Analyzing customer data and feedback

Here, customer data is collected, gathered, and analyzed across a wide range of channels. Having insights like page views and time on the page is a great way of identifying customer behavior. and that along with customer feedback, helps your team focus on an effective strategy to offer a flawless customer experience.

2. Identifying the common reason for customer churn

Identifying the root cause behind customer churn is crucial for businesses to take timely measures. Your whole strategy and investment might go in vain if you don’t know why your customer is leaving.  There can be many reasons for that, you might have been going after the wrong customers, it can be poor customer support, there might be bugs or glitches, the pricing may not be right, and more. Make a concentrated effort to understand the reason, and start working on it before it’s too late.

3. Mapping customer journey

Mapping the customer journey involves studying the customer’s interaction with the brand right from the awareness stage, through to post-purchase. It helps evaluate the taste and preferences of the customer, their pain point, and more. And then making use of those valuable inputs to improve the customer experience.

B. Improve the shopping experience 

A positive shopping experience improves customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to repeat business. The satisfied customers also suggest the product and services to their known circle through word of mouth. So there are many advantages to an improved shopping experience. Here are a few tips on how you can improve the shopping experience.

1. Streamlining the checkout process

Customers get frustrated when they have to fill out various forms, or insert their personal and billing information. They’ll just leave your site when the checkout process is time-consuming and complicated. A simple and easy-to-navigate checkout process smoothens customers’ purchase journey. It improves the overall shopping experience and increases conversions by minimizing the likelihood of cart abandonment.

2. Offering personalization options

The tastes and preferences of every customer are different. There isn’t anything like one size fits all. Personalization option helps brands create tailored messages for customers as per their needs and requirements and engage them with the same to act upon it. With the help of automation tools like a chatbot, you can collect customers’ data and offer personalized experiences during their shopping journey. It assists them to make better decisions.

3. Enhancing the mobile shopping experience

Customers already spend a lot of time browsing through apps on their phones. They browse product and service information via mobile devices. They use mobile phones for the whole shopping journey. Therefore you must pay more attention to improving customers’ mobile shopping experience.

4. Providing excellent customer service

Excellent customer service not just helps in retaining customers, but also helps in increasing sales. You must offer information that customers are looking for during their online purchases. Customers are most likely to abandon the online purchase if they don’t find the information they’re looking for. So, assist customers in every step of their buying journey. It will help recoup customer acquisition costs. Happy customers serve as case studies, they also provide testimonials and positive reviews.

C. Incentivizing customer loyalty 

Loyalty incentives are an interesting tactic to keep your customers hooked. Here, brands offer various types of rewards, discounts, and offers to retain existing customers. Here are a few tactics on how you can incentivize customer loyalty.

1. Implementing a reward program

A reward program is a strategy to incentivize and reward loyal customers. Rewards are given to customers for certain actions like purchasing a certain amount, leaving feedback, referring to friends, etc. The rewards can be in the form of discounts, freebies, gift vouchers, etc. It’s an effective strategy to retain customers.

2. Offering exclusive promotions and discounts

Incentivizing loyal customers with special deals and discounts creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages customers to continue doing business with your brand. It is done by sending personalized offers to customers based on their purchase history and preferences or by offering early access to new products and services.

3. Encouraging customer referrals

It’s a way of incentivizing customers with rewards who refer your brand to other people. It’s an easy and effective way to retain existing customers, as well as attract new ones. Happy customers aren’t hesitant to refer to your product and services.

D. Utilizing technology

Technology makes it easier to gather customers’ data and understand them better. Automating customer service helps create targeted marketing campaigns customized to specific customers’ needs. You can utilize technology the best way by:

1. Adopting AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning can be used to analyze customer behavior patterns, predict customer action, personalize communication, and automate customer service. They keep a record of customers’ actions as data and then use that information to evaluate customers purchasing trends, inclinations, and behavior. Hence, adopting Al and ML helps gain a deeper understanding of the reasons for customer churn, construct a predictive model of customer churn, and maintain good client relationships.

2. Implement a chatbot for customer service

eCommerce Chatbot provides round-the-clock support to customers. It responds to customers’ queries, offers solutions to their concerns, and provides useful information about products and services. AI chatbots are powered by NLP and Machine learning, which makes them capable of understanding human language and emotions and responding naturally. It provides a great customer experience.

3. Marketing automation

Marketing automation automates repetitive marketing tasks like email marketing, social media management, lead nurturing, and advertising. It saves time and resources, allowing marketers to focus on complex tasks like creating strategy, content making, etc. It improves the efficiency and effectiveness of customer engagement by streamlining marketing efforts.


If there’s any better way to ensure the growth and profitability of your business without having to bear the pain of new customer acquisition, it’s retaining your existing customers.  Nurture your already existing customers and pay good attention to them. Follow the strategies mentioned above and keep them hooked.

How to Integrate WhatsApp Chatbot?

Gone are the days when WhatsApp was only meant for personal communication. As Meta introduced AI Chatbot capabilities that help to monetize their business as well as help organizations achieve business goals. This is where the WhatsApp Chatbot Integration takes place. 

WhatsApp Chatbot Integration is the process of setting up a chatbot that can interact with customers through the WhatsApp platform. This technology is one of a kind, as there was a long-term demand from the companies to generate business from the most popular social networking app. Because with this integration it allows businesses to automate customer service, assist in sales, help to generate leads, and improve the overall customer experience. 

In this article, we’ll explore how to integrate WhatsApp Chatbot into a business workflow. We will also cover its importance, best practices, and all the FAQs related to WhatsApp Chatbot integration.

Importance of WhatsApp Chatbot Integration

There are numerous benefits to WhatsApp Chatbot Integration, foremost to all benefit is you will get a fully-fledged AI WhatsApp Chatbot. Through the bot, you can automate customer support till making sales for your business. Let’s dive in deep to understand all the importance.

1. Automating Customer Service:

One of the main benefits of WhatsApp Chatbot Integration is the ability to automate customer service workflows. Automating customer support works through AI WhatsApp chatbot responding to customer inquiries 24/7, reducing response times and freeing up customer service representatives to focus on more complex customer issues. The best part about automation is that the chatbot always provides your customers with an unbiased solution no matter what kind of situation the business is in. 

2. Better Customer Engagement:

Customer engagement is the key essence when it comes to driving better sales for your business. WhatsApp Chatbot also allows businesses to increase customer engagement. By providing a more convenient and accessible way for customers to interact with a business, it can be through the omnichannel presence or a single channel. The chatbot can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and keep them engaged with the brand, as they don’t keep your customers waiting and give an instantaneous response.

3. Stronger Customer Experience:

The WhatsApp Chatbot can also improve the overall customer experience by collecting customer interaction data and using that information to provide customized support. It purely reacts to the way you train the chatbot and the business objectives that you align them with. It is helpful in providing a personalized and tailored customer experience. This can result in increased customer satisfaction scores and build loyalty, which can drive long-term business growth.

4. Informative Customer Insights:

A key feature when it comes to deploying an AI bot on WhatsApp. Through this chatbot, you can generate valuable customer data and insights. By tracking customer interactions with the chatbot, businesses can gather information about the type of service customers need, their purchasing habits, and other critical customer data which are crucial. This information can then be used to improve the overall customer experience and have the upper hand when it comes to making important business decisions.

5. Cost Savings:

Another benefit of WhatsApp Chatbot Integration is cost savings. By automating customer service, businesses can reduce the workload of customer service representatives, which can result in reduced staffing costs. Additionally, by providing 24/7 customer support, businesses can reduce the need for overtime pay and increase efficiency.

6. Boosting Productivity:

WhatsApp Chatbot Integration can also increase productivity. By allowing customer service representatives to focus on more complex customer issues, the chatbot can free up time and increase efficiency. Additionally, by automating customer service, the chatbot can handle routine customer inquiries, allowing customer service representatives to focus on more important tasks.

7. Ability to multitask

Multitasking is a key feature that the bot has been specialized for. Typically an AI Chatbot can handle thousands of queries at the same time. But this purely depends on the framework that it is developed and the bandwidth it offers. Whether it is for customer support or sales, the bot is ready to handle any challenges that have been assigned to them.

How to integrate WhatsApp Chatbot?

1: Launch and set up a WhatsApp Business Account 

To get started, you’ll need to have a WhatsApp Business account. This can be done by downloading the WhatsApp Business app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. To know in-depth, you can read our guide on how to create WhatsApp Business Account for your business.

2: Link Your Business Account with WhatsApp

When you get your WhatsApp Business account, you will need to register your business with WhatsApp. This process involves providing information about your business, such as the name, address, and contact information. You might also need to verify your business account after linking it.

3: Setting up the Chatbot on the Platform

After creating and verifying your business account with WhatsApp, you can proceed to set up the chatbot on the chosen platform. This process involves connecting your WhatsApp Business Account to the AI Chatbot development platform. Before this, you need to have WhatsApp Business API and will need assistance from a chatbot development company to complete this process. Chat360 is one of the leading chatbot developer companies for all kinds and scales of industries.

4: Integrating the Chatbot with your Business Workflow 

The next step is to integrate the chatbot with your business workflow. This can involve automating customer service by allowing the chatbot to answer frequently asked questions, integrating the chatbot with your CRM system to gather customer data, and using the chatbot for marketing and promotions. For all the steps, you need to train your chatbot to perform it seamlessly.

5: Ensuring a User-Friendly Chatbot 

To ensure the best possible customer experience, it is important to design a user-friendly chatbot. This can involve creating a conversational flow that is easy to follow, personalizing the chatbot experience, and maintaining design elements that are appealing.

6: Testing and updating the Chatbot regularly 

Finally, it is essential to keep the chatbot up-to-date and secure. This can involve regularly updating and testing the chatbot with new features and security patches. You must also regularly monitor the chatbot for issues and ensure that customer data is protected.

To sum it up

In conclusion, integrating a WhatsApp Chatbot into a business workflow can greatly improve the customer experience and also save costs by automating customer service. When you have followed the steps outlined above, businesses can easily set up and integrate a chatbot that can interact with customers on the WhatsApp platform.


How to train a chatbot?

The chatbot craze is sweeping every business and every nation. Its capability of offering instant solutions has taken its demand to the next level. 

However, these chatbots are not born smart, they happen to be so because they follow a set of commands to share the information being asked for. This means chatbots are getting intelligent because they are trained that way. Humans instruct, and they follow.

Features like a contextual conversation, voice support, NLP integration, etc, help them learn better.

When you are aware of designing a chatbot, next you need to be aware of how to train a chatbot.

Chatbots have become a vital tool for businesses however a chatbot’s ability to succeed primarily depends on how effectively it is trained. In this guide we will deal with how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to effectively train a chatbot so that it can manage interactions with customers effectively.

What is chatbot training?

The process of training a chatbot to understand and respond to user inputs is known as chatbot training. To make sure the chatbot functions well in real-world situations, this involves continually upgrading its knowledge base, optimizing its algorithms, and providing it with relevant information.

A well-trained chatbot is capable of understanding human emotions. It can read the intention behind human conversion and predict what they actually want. The more trained chatbots are, the more sophisticated chatbots become.

Hence a chatbot that is capable of responding naturally can make the user’s journey flawless.

Why is Chatbot Training Important?

A chatbot that hasn’t been properly trained may respond absurdly or irrelevantly, which would be bad for the user experience.

Thus, you can make sure that a chatbot comprehends user intent, responds accurately, and becomes better over time by taking the effort to educate it. This will increase customer satisfaction.

Training a chatbot can help your business enhance customer support and service with which the customers queries are addressed effectively and efficiently therefore increasing customer loyalty and enhancing brand value.

How to Train a Chatbot: Step-by-Step Guide

A chatbot must be trained through a number of essential procedures in order for it to comprehend and react to user inquiries. Following to a methodical approach is necessary for its success, regardless of whether you’re creating a chatbot from scratch or improving one that already exists.

Let’s look at the process of establishing the goal of your chatbot, obtaining the required information, putting dialogue flows into place, and using cutting-edge AI techniques to gradually enhance its performance.

1. Define the Purpose and Scope:
Before starting the training of your chatbot, define the purpose, What problems will it solve? Who will be the primary users? This clarity will guide the training process.

2. Choosing a chatbot platform
A good chatbot platform should have the features needed to create chatbots for multiple messengers in one place. Choosing the wrong platform will cause users to utilize the bot in ways that weren’t intended. As a result, it will have infuriating and unpleasant consequences.

3. Gather and Prepare Data:
Data is the backbone of any AI model. Collect data relevant to your business, including FAQs, customer interactions, feedbacks and other sources. Clean and preprocess this data to remove any noise or irrelevant information.

4. Train the Chatbot with Intent Recognition:
Training your chatbot to recognize user intents which involves categorizing different types of user queries and teaching the bot how to identify them. Using chatbot training tools can make this process more efficient.

5. Develop and Implement Dialogue Flows:
Dialogue flows determine how a chatbot interacts with users. Therefore training your chatbot to handle various conversational scenarios, including different ways users might ask the same question. Test and refine these flows to ensure smooth interactions.

6. Continuous Learning and Improvement:
Chatbots need to evolve over time. Monitor the chatbot’s performance, gather feedback, and continuously update its training data. This will help in fine-tuning the chatbot’s responses and improving its accuracy.

7. Utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Incorporating NLP to help your chatbot understand and process human language better. This technique allows the chatbot to grasp context, sentiment, and nuances in user conversations.

8. User-friendly experience
Your bot should be simple and easy to navigate. It decreases the search time as well, and users will fulfill their needs in a faster and more efficient way. Your bot represents your brand. So it’s important for you to train like your brand representative. Program your chatbot in a way that responds to users’ gestures and actions in a polite way with relevant answers.

9. Evaluating and improving underperforming answer
Underperforming responses clearly highlight the difference between what users are asking vs what your chatbot is responding to. You need to make a few attempts of trial and error to improve the response.

Benefits of Training your Chatbot

1. Better accuracy

There’s a high chance chatbot makes mistakes at times and fails to respond as per the customer’s needs. Training the chatbot is crucial to understand the customers needs better. Providing continuous training prevents chatbots from making mistakes again. Training the bot with relevant data makes it more intelligent and accurate. Hence promotes reliability.

2. Flawless customer experience

A well-trained chatbot personalizes the conversation and provides customized responses at various touchpoints across the customer journey. For first-time visitors, chatbots can be as helpful as a search bar, which will inform potential customers about the product and services without having to visit the website or do the research by themselves. Which leads to flawless customer experience.

3. Cost-saving

Training the chatbot makes it more sophisticated. It handles repetitive yet frequent concerns and queries without needing to transfer the request. Thus, organizations do not need to hire more employees for that purpose, which saves a good amount. And the existing employees can focus more on decision-making activities.

4. Promotes scalability

If growing your business is your ultimate goal, you need to scale and optimize your customer support in order to target more potential clients. And chatbot does that for you effortlessly. It helps you deal with the increased influx of customer queries round the clock, unaffecting the support operations or making a heavy investment.

5. Multilingual support

Chatbots can be trained to carry out conversations in multiple languages. It makes it easier for you to reach out to a diverse customer base and provide them with support in their preferred language. In whichever corner of the world the customer is in, the chatbot will automatically switch to that region’s language while the customer visits your website.

Monitoring chatbot performance for Improvements

Now that you have a chatbot ready. You want to monitor its performance. Are the users happy with the responses it provides? Is it having a positive impact on conversation agents over recurring contacts? To get the answer to the questions, you should have quantitative key performance indicators that evaluate your chatbot’s effectiveness.

1. Chatbot activity volume

Measuring the chatbot activity means assessing the number of interactions. How frequently the chatbot is used, the number of users increasing, and so on.

2. Retention rate

The retention rate shows you how many users consulted your chatbot on repeated occasions over a period. It gives you an overall idea about how relevant the chatbot is and its level of acceptance among users.

3. Target audience session volume

These indicators verify whether you achieved your goals or not. Whether or not the targeted audiences are making significant use of chatbots. If not, you should rethink your strategies in order to get your users on board.

4. Chatbot response volume

This indicator makes it clear to you the number of questions your chatbot has answered.

5. Non-response rate

This metric measures how many times the chatbot failed to respond. Lack of content or your bot’s difficulty in comprehending the user’s query might be the reason for such failure.

6. Updating the chatbot knowledge base

It’s important to update the knowledge base so that your bot is ready to correctly deal with queries and requests with minimum communication failure.

The chatbot knowledge base should be updated with the change in the market in order to keep the users informed with relevant and fresh information. Keeping the knowledge base updated prevents confusion and errors. Regular updates build trust among users. Chatbots can respond to users more effectively.

How Do You Train a Chatbot for Specific Use Cases?

Training a chatbot for specific use cases, such as customer support, e-commerce, or healthcare, requires a tailored approach. Here’s a brief overview of how to train a chatbot for different industries:

1. Customer Support:
Focus on common customer queries, troubleshooting guides, and providing quick access to relevant information.

2. E-Commerce:
Train your chatbot to assist with product recommendations, order tracking, and answering questions about returns and shipping.

3. Healthcare:
Ensure your chatbot is trained to handle sensitive information, provide accurate medical advice, and comply with industry regulations.

Chat360’s AI-Powered Chatbot Builder to Simplify Training Your Chatbot

Chatbot technology isn’t perfect. The limited amount of data, language barrier, irrelevant context, etc can be some common reasons that keep the chatbot behind. However, proper training can avoid these flaws and make the chatbot work beautifully.

Training your chatbot is simple and effective using Chat360’s AI-powered chatbot builder. With the help of sophisticated NLP features, intuitive tools, and continuous learning capabilities, you can develop a chatbot that is intelligent and highly sensitive to your company’s demands.

Chat360 offers all the resources required to train and implement a chatbot that produces remarkable outcomes, regardless of your goals improving user engagement, boosting revenue, or improving customer service. With Chat360’s powerful platform, you can begin developing and training your chatbot right now.

Schedule a free demo today to see Chat360’s chatbot in action.

Healthcare chatbot guide

Lets dive into the topic of AI Chatbots in Healthcare, a complete guide for understanding the innovative approach of AI in healthcare industry. In this guide, we’ll explore What is a healthcare chatbot, how they work, their benefits and will discover examples to see how these AI powered Healthcare chatbots are revolutionizing the healthcare industry.

In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence into healthcare has gained significant momentum, driven by the need for more accessible, efficient, and personalized patient care. As we step into 2024, AI chatbots are no longer a futuristic concept but a vital tool in the healthcare ecosystem. These intelligent assistants are revolutionizing the way patients interact with healthcare providers, offering round the clock support, accurate medical information, appointment scheduling, pre and post treatment processes and seamless coordination of care.

What is a healthcare chatbot?

A healthcare chatbot is an artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant designed specifically for the healthcare sector. These chatbots utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to interact with users in a conversational manner, providing a wide range of services tailored to the needs of patients, healthcare providers, and administrative staff.

Healthcare chatbots can perform various functions, such as:

  • Symptom Checking: By asking a series of questions about symptoms, chatbots can provide preliminary assessments and suggest possible conditions or appropriate actions.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Chatbots streamline the process of booking, rescheduling, or canceling appointments, reducing the workload on administrative staff.
  • Medical Information: They provide accurate information about diseases, medications, and treatments, helping patients understand their conditions better.
  • Reminders and Follow-ups: Chatbots send reminders for medication, upcoming appointments, and follow-up care, ensuring patients adhere to their treatment plans.
  • Mental Health Support: Some chatbots offer support for mental health issues by providing coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and even connecting users to human therapists if needed.

How does a healthcare chatbot work?

Healthcare chatbots operate using a combination of artificial intelligence technologies, particularly natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). These technologies enable chatbots to understand, process, and respond to user inputs in a human-like manner. Here’s a breakdown of how healthcare chatbots work:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • Understanding User Input: When a user interacts with a chatbot, the NLP component processes the text or speech input to understand the context and intent. This involves breaking down the input into words and phrases, recognizing patterns, and interpreting the meaning.
  • Contextual Analysis: NLP allows the chatbot to comprehend the context of the conversation, ensuring accurate responses even in complex dialogues.

2. Knowledge Base and Data Integration:

  • Medical Databases: Healthcare chatbots are integrated with extensive medical databases and resources, which provide them with up-to-date information on symptoms, treatments, medications, and more.
  • Patient Records: Some chatbots can access patient records (with appropriate permissions) to offer personalized responses based on individual health histories.

3. Machine Learning (ML):

  • Learning from Interactions: Machine learning algorithms enable chatbots to improve over time by learning from each interaction. They analyze past conversations to enhance their understanding and response accuracy.
  • Predictive Analytics: ML can be used to predict patient needs and suggest appropriate actions based on historical data and trends.

4. Response Generation:

  • Personalized Responses: Using the insights gained from NLP and data integration, the chatbot generates responses tailored to the user’s specific needs and queries.
  • Conversational Flow: Advanced chatbots manage the flow of conversation, ensuring it remains coherent and relevant, and can handle follow-up questions and clarifications.

5. User Interface:

  • Multichannel Support: Healthcare chatbots are designed to function across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and messaging services, providing users with convenient access to healthcare information and services.

Combining these technologies, healthcare chatbots can effectively simulate human-like interactions, provide accurate medical information, assist in managing health-related tasks, and ultimately enhance the overall patient experience.

10 Benefits of using AI Chatbots for Healthcare

1. Provide medical information:

Healthcare chatbots are trained on huge healthcare data like disease symptoms, and diagnostic and available treatments. A chatbot can answer common questions related to symptoms and treatments and even conduct a preliminary treatment using user input. It helps reduce wait time and phone calls during busy hours.

2. Schedule healthcare appointments:

The integration of the healthcare database allows the chatbot to extract information about suitable physicians, available slots, working slots, working hours, etc.

Then the chatbot collects information from patients about their current health condition and connects them with the right physicians. It schedules, reschedules, or deletes appointments for patients and sends notifications and reminders to update the patient about the appointment.

3. Handling health care insurance inquiries:

Chatbot helps verify insurance coverage data for patients seeking emergency treatment. It connects with the healthcare provider to bill the correct insurance company for the service rendered without having to wait for approval from the patient’s insurance provider.

Healthcare Chatbot tells patients about the type of insurance plan the facility accepts and how much they can reimburse for particular services or procedures.

4. Automating prescription refills:

Doctors are mostly overburdened with paperwork like writing prescriptions. Patients have to wait for long hours or even days to get prescriptions. That is when Chatbots come in handy. They are perfect for eliminating the time-consuming manual job. They can check each pharmacy to see if the prescription has been filled, and update patients to pick up the medicines. Hence, doctors can focus on their patients.

5. Provide mental health assistance:

Chatbots for mental health care are designed to support interpersonal skills as a training component of depression treatment. Chatbots are trained to offer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for patients with depression, Post-traumatic stress distress (PTSD), and anxiety. The chatbot interacts with the patient via text or voice.

It offers support and advice, tracts the patient’s responses over time, and offers coping strategies when they’re feeling low. Also, In cases when required, it connects the patient with mental health resources, like hotlines or support groups.

6. Patient experience:

AI-powered chatbots are now the first point of contact in health care. They are more like customers’ online personal assistants who look after customers’ concerns 24/7 at minimum cost. They assist in scheduling appointments and provide generic answers to health-related queries.

And when patients get an instant response and easy appointments. They are happy and satisfied. And Addition to that, physicians get to spend more time with patients.

7. Cost savings and improved efficiency:

Healthcare chatbots respond to patients’ concerns at any time, it has a significant effect on overhead costs since chatbots are accessible around the clock. Healthcare facilities no longer require hiring additional staff to take care of queries at odd hours.

A chatbot can efficiently handle simple and redundant queries. This reduces extra expenses for healthcare organizations.

8. Patient access and engagement

Chatbot enables patient access to services with immediate digital and mobile-friendly solutions. Patients can automatically engage whenever they visit your website. It automatically sends a welcome message to website visitors giving them the option to interact with the bot to help them find an answer to their problems immediately.

The conversational AI allows patients to more actively participate in their medical journey and case is essential. It provides patients’ perspectives with immediate, specific, and accurate information to improve patient care services.

Not just that, but the chatbot is never on leave. It is capable of helping people round the clock. Be it people facing emergencies at night or visitors looking for a healthcare center near them.

9. Provide assistance:

Healthcare chatbot not only helps patients manage their chronic condition better, but it also assists patients who are visually impaired or who have hearing disorders. It can easily determine whether a certain situation is urgent or not. Hence the patients are taken care of fast

10. Quick access to critical information:

Healthcare chatbots offer quick information to patients in an easy format. Information like nearby medical facilities, hours of operation, pharmacies and drug stores for prescription refills, etc. Along with that patients might have questions regarding what to do during a medical crisis or what to expect during a medical procedure. A chatbot is programmed to answer them all.

Top 10 Healthcare Chatbots Examples

AI Healthcare chatbots continue to gain prominence in 2024 and in the coming future, numerous innovative solutions have emerged with the introduction of AI, each offering unique features tailored to different aspects of healthcare. 

Here are the top 10 healthcare chatbots that exemplify the diverse applications and benefits of AI in the medical field:

1. Babylon Health:

  • Functionality: Provides symptom checking, virtual consultations, and health monitoring.
  • Highlights: Integrates with telemedicine services for seamless doctor-patient interactions.

2. Buoy Health:

  • Functionality: Uses AI to assess symptoms and guide users to the appropriate care.
  • Highlights: Offers a comprehensive symptom checker with detailed guidance on next steps.

3. Ada Health:

  • Functionality: Symptom assessment and personalized health insights.
  • Highlights: Utilizes a large medical knowledge base to offer accurate health information.

4. Woebot:

  • Functionality: Mental health support through conversational AI.
  • Highlights: Provides cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques and emotional support.

5. Your.MD:

  • Functionality: Symptom checker and health information provider.
  • Highlights: Offers a health journal feature to track symptoms and progress.

6. Sensely:

  • Functionality: Virtual nurse for symptom checking and patient monitoring.
  • Highlights: Employs an avatar-based interface to enhance user engagement.


  • Functionality: Patient intake and triage, symptom checking, and follow-up care.
  • Highlights: Integrates with electronic health records (EHR) for personalized care recommendations.

8. Florence:

  • Functionality: Medication reminder and health tracker.
  • Highlights: Helps users adhere to medication schedules and track health metrics.

9. HealthTap:

  • Functionality: Provides access to a network of doctors for virtual consultations and answers.
  • Highlights: Offers personalized health advice from real physicians.

10. Lark:

  • Functionality: Chronic disease management and health coaching.
  • Highlights: Uses AI to provide tailored advice and support for managing conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

How Chat360 can help you create versatile AI Healthcare Chatbots 

The use of healthcare chatbots has skyrocketed in the past few years. It has so much to offer for both patients and the health care system. It’s both time-saving and cost-efficient.

Chat360, is an AI powered chatbot solution providing company, which have created versatile chatbots for renowned clients. These omnichannel chatbots can be integrated with WhatsApp, Instagram, and Websites to provide seamless customer experience, with it AI powered marketing automation platform, you can create, integrate and deploy rule based, and GenAI Chatbots. It helps you empower your strategy and operations that will convert prospects to patients. You can load the burden from your staff’s shoulders by getting rid of unnecessary call volume and administrative tasks.

Schedule a free demo today!

Introducing Chat360 and ChatGPT: A Powerful Chatbot Integration

We are excited to announce the integration of ChatGPT with Chat360 to bring together the best of both worlds – the power of Chat360’s conversational AI platform and the natural language understanding of ChatGPT. This integration enables the creation of complex chatbot applications for customer service, sales and marketing automation, and more. 

Chat360 is an AI-powered chatbot platform that empowers businesses to quickly and easily create automated conversations that engage their customers and prospects. With Chat360, companies can leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to build a sophisticated conversational chatbot that understands the customer’s intent and context and responds with relevant and meaningful answers. 

By integrating ChatGPT with Chat360, businesses can use the most advanced AI-powered capabilities to create a more meaningful, dynamic, and conversational experience that provides customers personalized and relevant content.

Reimagining Customer Support Communication 

Businesses of all sizes always look for innovative ways to engage with their customers and build strong relationships. ChatGPT integration with Chat360 provides a unified, intelligent chatbot platform that enables businesses to quickly and easily create automated customer conversations. 

Chat360’s AI-powered chatbot platform is designed to help businesses improve customer service and reduce costs by automating customer service interactions, freeing up valuable business time and resources. It enables them to offer personalized, natural, and efficient customer experiences. 

By leveraging advanced NLU, NLG, and NLP technologies, Chat360 can understand customer queries and offer personalized responses in natural language, making them feel like they are talking to an actual human. It can field customer inquiries, handle sales inquiries, provide customer service, and schedule appointments.

This integration also gives businesses valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing them to tailor their conversations with customers and provide more personalized experiences. 

Boost Your Business with Chat360 and ChatGPT Integration 

Chat360’s integration with ChatGPT is a game-changer for businesses, providing them with the tools they need to engage with their customers successfully. With this integration, companies can now benefit from natural language understanding, automated responses, and improved overall customer experience. 

ChatGPT can understand complex customer queries and provide the most accurate responses in natural language. With the integration, businesses can now set up automated answers to frequently asked questions and promptly provide customers with the necessary information. This helps companies to improve customer satisfaction and better understand customer needs. 

The NLP capabilities of ChatGPT help businesses provide customers with a more personalized experience. This helps companies build trust with their customers and create more meaningful relationships. 

The powerful algorithms of Chat360 and ChatGPT can quickly process customer queries and provide the most accurate response in a fraction of a second. This helps businesses save time and resources and increases efficiency. As customer queries increase, with automated replies, companies can scale complete customer conversations, allowing them to handle more queries without increasing operational costs. 

Further, read: How to integrate ChatGPT with AI Chatbot?

Key Features of the Integration 

ChatGPT Integration with Chat360 is a powerful new way to engage customers and provide personalized, automated conversational experiences. The integration offers a range of features to help businesses deliver better customer experiences, including: 

  1. Personalized Conversational Experiences: The integration allows businesses to create personalized customer experiences by responding to customer inquiries quickly, accurately, and with the right tone. 
  2. Wide Range of Customer Inquiries: Businesses can quickly and efficiently handle a wide range of customer inquiries by understanding what customers are asking and providing tailored responses. 
  3. Automated Responses: ChatGPT and Chat360 integration allows businesses to automate responses to customer inquiries, helping to reduce response time and maintain customer satisfaction. 
  4. Automated Follow-up: Businesses can use this integration to automatically follow up with customers after they have inquired, helping to improve customer retention and loyalty. 
  5. AI-driven Insights: The integration also provides AI-driven insights, helping businesses better understand customer behavior and develop more effective strategies for future customer engagement.

Learn: Revolutionize Your Conversations by using ChatGPT on WhatsApp

Leverage ChatGPT-Chat360 Integration to Advance Your Business 

The integration of ChatGPT and Chat360 offers many benefits for businesses, including increased customer satisfaction and improved efficiency. Here are five use cases of how businesses can take advantage of this integration: 

  1. Automating Customer Inquiries: Businesses can quickly respond to inquiries in a personalized, natural way by leveraging NLP technology. This can save customer service representatives time and resources while helping customers get their questions answered quickly. 
  2. Proactive Customer Engagement: Businesses can use the integration to engage customers with personalized promotional messages. It can monitor customer behavior and suggest relevant deals and offers tailored to their interests and needs. 
  3. Tailored Customer Service: Businesses can provide more personalized customer service by understanding customer sentiment and tailoring the responses to their needs, helping build better customer relationships. 
  4. Automating Customer Surveys: Businesses can ask customers questions and use NLP to analyze their answers and identify areas of improvement or customer satisfaction. 
  5. Automating Customer Onboarding: Businesses can leverage ChatGPT to provide personalized onboarding messages and help customers get started quickly and easily. 
  6. Product Recommendation: Businesses can monitor customer behavior and use NLP to suggest products that would be relevant and interesting to them. 
  7. Reducing Cart Abandonment: Businesses can proactively engage customers, suggest products they want to purchase, and answer any questions they may have before they abandon their shopping cart.

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Integrating ChatGPT and Chat360 is a significant step in the evolution of conversational AI technology, allowing businesses to automate conversations with their customers and make customer service more efficient and effective. 

Businesses can use it to provide answers to customer questions, give product recommendations, and automate customer service. Using ChatGPT and Chat360 together, businesses can create engaging customer experiences that drive customer loyalty and increase engagement. 

If you want to take customer service and engagement to the next level, try the Chat360 and ChatGPT integration today!

How to integrate ChatGPT with your Chat360 chatbot?

Earlier, you might have read about the announcement of ChatGPT and Chat360 Chatbot Integration, Now, you will learn about How to integrate ChatGPT with your chatbot?

The world of chatbots is ever-evolving. Consumers are looking for more ways to interact with companies, and businesses are looking for more ways to make their chatbots smarter. 

Enter ChatGPT integration with a chatbot. 

ChatGPT is a powerful technology that allows chatbots to respond to users in a more natural and conversational way. This integration has opened up a world of possibilities, bringing a new level of intelligence to chatbots. 

Leveraging ChatGPT integration, companies can now create chatbots that 

  • provide personalized and contextual answers
  • understand and respond to complex conversations 
  • help customers find the right product or service
  • guide customers through the purchase process

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) technology developed by OpenAI. It is designed to enable natural, human-like conversation with machines via text or voice. 

Powered by GPT-3, a powerful language model, it is pre-trained on a large corpus of text and can generate responses based on the user’s context and intent. This technology is designed to be more interactive and engaging, allowing users to have more natural conversations with the chatbot. 

chatgpt integration

ChatGPT Integration

Integrating ChatGPT with a chatbot service provider can enable developers to provide conversational AI capabilities to existing chatbot platforms, enabling them to 

  • understand natural language, 
  • generate meaningful responses, and 
  • provide context-aware conversational experiences. 

Here are some of the key capabilities and features that ChatGPT can provide when integrated with a chatbot service provider: 

  • Pre-trained Language Models: ChatGPT includes pre-trained models that allow the chatbot to quickly understand a user’s intent and respond with natural-sounding dialog.
  • Natural Language Understanding: Help chatbot platforms understand the intent, detect sentiment, and generate natural responses to user queries. 
  • Personalized Responses: Personalize conversations by providing context-aware responses based on user data and past interactions. 
  • Customizable Response Generation: ChatGPT can be customized to generate responses that align with the chatbot’s personality and brand. 
  • Conversation History: Maintain a history of past conversations, allowing users to refer back to previous conversations and providing a better user experience. 
  • Multi-turn Conversations: Engage in multi-turn conversations by better understanding user intent and responding to multiple questions in a single exchange.

ChatGPT vs GPT-3 Chatbot

Both these technologies are NLP bot models developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is an open-source version of GPT-3 and is designed to generate coherent conversations. On the other hand, GPT-3 Chatbot is a commercial chatbot platform that uses GPT-3 as its language model and offers a range of features, such as automatic scaling, NLP, personalized conversational experiences, and more. 

While both use a similar prediction technique, they have several notable differences. 

1. Application: 

ChatGPT is optimized for conversational applications such as chatbots and can adapt to different topics and genres of conversations. 

GPT-3 chatbot can be used for various language-related tasks.  

2. Training Data: 

ChatGPT was mainly trained on conversations from Reddit. 

GPT-3 chatbot is trained on a much larger dataset of web text, including books and articles. 

3. Natural Language Generation: 

ChatGPT generates natural responses based on the conversation. 

GPT-3 chatbot relies on pre-defined templates for its responses. 

4. Customization: 

ChatGPT is designed to be modular, so developers can customize it for specific use cases. GPT-3 chatbot is designed to be a single, unified model. 

5. Scalability: 

ChatGPT is easily scalable and can be used to handle a large number of conversations.

GPT-3 chatbot is more limited in its scalability and can handle fewer conversations. 

6. Accuracy and Speed: 

ChatGPT is designed to generate more natural-sounding conversations and is optimized for speed and low-latency conversations. 

GPT-3 chatbot is designed to generate more accurate and precise text.

7. Cost: 

ChatGPT is an open-source tool and can be downloaded and used for free.

GPT-3 Chatbot requires a subscription to access its API. 

8. Language Support: 

ChatGPT supports only English. 

GPT-3 chatbot is available in multiple languages.

Is ChatGPT free?

ChatGPT is a free and open-source natural language processing API that facilitates conversations with AI agents. However, it must be noted that ChatGPT (an open-source online tool) is free to use only for non-commercial purposes. API pricing for commercial applications is based on usage. Some of the plans include a 

  • a free tier with limited usage, 
  • starter plan for basic usage, and 
  • a premium plan for heavier usage. 

In addition to the API key, ChatGPT also offers a range of services and features. These include 

  • a search engine to quickly find relevant conversations, 
  • real-time analytics to track conversations and performance, and 
  • an AI assistant to help users manage their conversations. 

ChatGPT offers a range of tools and support services to help developers get the most out of the API. These services include tutorials, documentation, support forums, and an API sandbox for testing and development. 

List of ChatGPT Integratable Platforms 

The list of platforms that can integrate with ChatGPT is growing rapidly. As a powerful AI platform that provides automated and customized customer support services, it can be integrated into platforms such as websites, WhatsApp, MS Teams, Salesforce, Chat360, and more. 

The integration of ChatGPT into these platforms allows businesses to streamline customer support processes. For example, on a website using ChatGPT, customers can quickly and easily reach out to AI agents to get answers to common inquiries and navigate different areas of the website or other platforms. 

With MS Teams, businesses can use ChatGPT to create automated workflows that can be used to respond to customer inquiries and create customized reports. Salesforce also offers an automated customer service platform that can be used to quickly respond to customer inquiries. 

Chat360 also offers integration with ChatGPT for AI-powered customer service automation and analytics. Businesses can create personalized customer experiences and quickly respond to customer inquiries in natural language. In addition to this, Chat360 offers a range of integrations and APIs, making it easy for businesses to integrate it with their other platforms and services for a wholesome customer experience. 


The integration of ChatGPT3 and Chat360 platform is a revolutionary development that is transforming the customer experience landscape. Not only does it enable businesses to provide faster and more accurate customer service responses, but it also provides customers with more personalized and relevant experiences. 

With its groundbreaking technology and AI-driven chatbots, it’s the perfect solution to make your customer service experience more efficient and successful. Give it a try today!

Read, further:

ChatGPT on WhatsApp: Unleashing the Power of AI

WhatsApp Automation

Days are gone when organizations mostly relied on manpower to uplift their business. Back then It was easier to meet customers’ demands as customers just had basic expectations like quality service and fair pricing. 

Unlike those days, Today, there’s a world of difference in customer expectations. They demand proactive service, personalized interaction, and instant solutions across various channels. And WhatsApp business has been one of the most reliable platforms for businesses to stay connected with their customers and offer the best customer experience. 

However, once the business starts scaling, WhatsApp business no longer suffices to meet the growing expectations. Offering personalized service to hundreds and thousands of users at once with extended WhatsApp Chatbot features becomes possible only when WhatsApp automation comes into play.

Therefore, to adjust and grow along with the current needs, leveraging digital technology to automate activities becomes critical. The blog will guide you through the depth of WhatsApp automation.

What is WhatsApp automation?

WhatsApp automation refers to setting up pre-programmed replies and interaction with customers using WhatsApp business or WhatsApp business API that run automatically without any human intervention.

There are several uses of whatsapp automation in business, such as engaging and interacting with customers 24x7It alsohelps you to, add new contacts, respond to customer inquiries, and broadcast messages to multiple contacts at once without the assistance of human agents. It increases efficiency, boosts revenue, and helps businesses deliver outstanding customer service.

How do you create WhatsApp automation?

WhatsApp business offers some basic automation features like WhatsApp greeting messages, away messages, etc, that you can use for free. However, if you’re looking to implement a more advanced WhatsApp API automation workflow, here’s how you can do it.

WhatsApp business automation: greeting messages

Set automated greeting messages for first-time visitors and engage with them.

You can create template messages, define keywords or scenarios, and form a pre-set message which can be triggered automatically. Here you can request customers’ email and save them for future reference.

You can customize the greeting messages maintaining a personal touch and warm tone to create a friendly first impression.

WhatsApp business automation: away messages 

Set up an away message that will be delivered automatically to all or some of your contacts when you are busy, away from your phone, or out of the office.

You can mention politely when you’ll get back with the message, by providing your business website link to keep the customers engaged.

You can as well set auto-replies for customers that have not been in touch with you over the past two weeks, auto replies can reheat the leads.

WhatsApp automation in Android and iOS

The use of chatbots today is not just limited to larger screens or computers. The conversation AI technologies have made their way through mobile apps as well.

More businesses are making the most out of mobile app bots to get wide visibility in the market and offer flawless customer experience throughout.

So it won’t be surprising to see chatbots integrated into mobile devices or AI inside a native app.

The best part is chatbots can be integrated into both Android and iOS mobiles. It has appeased customers’ demand for reliable conversation and controls timely contextual interaction.

There are many benefits to it, some of which are:

  • Deploying NLP mobile app bot can fathom the tone and manner of the conversation and offer a real-time resolution.
  • The mobile app bots can easily be used in multiple channels. Its omnichannel presence offers a clickable cloud dashboard that allows you to monitor conversations and performances.
  • Leveraging chatbots in mobile can start relevant conversations with customers utilizing the right keywords. And provide relevant information related to the product. Hence the chatbot helps boost sales and turn visitors into potential clients.

WhatsApp Automation Bot

Now let us see some of the roles of WhatsApp automation bot.

Lead generation

The entire sales process is futile without lead generation. WhatsApp chatbot allows you to automate the process and encourage customers to provide you with their details via a simple click-to-chat link. You automatically receive customer details like name and phone number right after the customer starts a conversation. And this is when you get to crack the deal by making the most out of those details. You can share powerful CTAs like this.

  • Campaign ads- it is a great way to earn new customers. The click-to-WhatsApp approach allows your prospective customers to click on your Facebook or Google ad which will direct them to a WhatsApp chat invitation. It allows better engagement right from the start.
  • Product/Category button

This button permits your prospective customers to receive notifications or updates via WhatsApp. The notification can inform the customers that the product they were looking to buy is back in stock.

Automating FAQs

Right from the start when customers visit the website till the final payment for the purchase is  made, every business wants their customers to have a smooth journey. 

However, during the process, customers ask repetitive questions to understand the product better before making any purchase.

The FAQs contain detailed information about refunds, size, payment options, offers, and more. It makes the purchasing process easier. Otherwise, most customers end up leaving the process and making any purchase if their confusion is not cleared.

WhatsApp chatbot handles the FAQ section and helps the customer make the right decision. It provides relevant and quick answers to the customers. This increases the conversion rate and minimizes support ticket volume.

Internal help desk support

The chatbot does not only assist your customer but your agents as well. With the help of NLP and ML chatbot uses human language analysis. The pre-programmed data helps the bot understand your industry-specific language and the ways users ask questions. It enhances your support agents’ productivity and efficiency.

The chatbot studies the conversation with the customer and assists the internal help desk with the required information. The conversation can be evaluated and important details and keywords can be extracted.

Hence answering the shopper’s queries becomes easier for them. 

Collecting feedback

Collecting feedback from customers is critical. It helps you understand the flaws and work on the corrective measures. However collecting feedback is an uphill task, but the WhatsApp chatbot makes the process easier and quicker.

It allows customers to freely share their thoughts on the product. The built-in camera feature can be used for that matter to record any problem the product has or benefits it offers. The two-way conversation makes it more likely for customers to interact and exchange their reviews.

The videos with positive feedback can be shared on the product page or social media, which will help generate more leads. Whereas negative feedback can be used to implement corrective actions.

Suggested read: How to add WhatsApp bot to group?

WhatsApp Automation API

WhatsApp Business app and WhatsApp API, both offer significant features for businesses to operate. Business app comes with features like quick reply, auto-response, and more, very much suitable for small businesses. It is also a free tool to use.

However, once your business upgrades, the business app is no longer capable of handling the growth. Therefore, it becomes crucial to shift to WhatsApp automation API which is capable of supporting a large number of uses and devices. Given below are some of the advantages of WhatsApp automation API.

  • The automation API helps you go further and pull off more than what a chatbot builder generally permits. With its help, you can extract data from other tools like CRM, databases, etc to enhance interaction with customers.
  • The use of automation API enhances function and optimizes human resources. The API allows the chatbot to provide users data from various apps and sources to boost customer conversation.
  • The human chatbot interaction is transformed with the help of API. The interaction happens more productively and smoothly as it allows data access from apps that are not part of the chatbot ecosystem.
  • Integrating automation API helps you send customized messages based on the IP address or the data website visitors.

Explore: WhatsApp Cloud API

Wrap up

Due to its large user base, WhatsApp has been an attractive platform for automation among all automation platforms.

There’s hardly any business that doesn’t use WhatsApp to offer customer service and engage with customers. There are countless case studies and success stories that speak volumes about the boost in the messaging economy.

With 2 billion monthly active users, the future of business communication, and WhatsApp, growth is only multiplying. 

Having so many positive sides to it, you should incorporate WhatsApp automation into your business and offer outstanding customer support.

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