All posts by Shivam Verma

Shivam Verma, Co-Founder and CTO at Chat360, is a seasoned technology leader, boasting a wealth of experience in product development, architecture, design, data engineering, reporting systems, and team building. Armed with a Bachelor's in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Shivam is dedicated to driving technological innovation and excellence. His journey is marked by a profound passion for crafting exceptional products and tackling real-world challenges through advanced technology and superior software engineering practices. At Chat360, Shivam has played a pivotal role in providing AI-Powered Tech solutions to industry leaders in the B2B domain, onboarding renowned clients both in India and overseas, solidifying the company's footprint in the global landscape. Shivam's expertise extends to the realms of Generative AI and Conversational AI. Under his leadership, Chat360 has developed and evolved an AI-powered SaaS product that empowers enterprises worldwide to generate digital revenue more efficiently, significantly reducing the Cost Per Lead and maximizing conversion rate. Beyond technical proficiency, Shivam is recognized for his exceptional leadership skills. He actively engages in training and mentoring new and existing team members, infusing an analytical and logical approach to design tailor made products that meet the unique needs of diverse industries. His ability to provide optimistic solutions reflects a commitment to driving success in the technology domain. Shivam stands as a driving force in the technological landscape, leading Chat360 to new heights with a focus on cutting-edge solutions, client satisfaction, and team development.

Conversational AI Chatbot Trends and Statistics 2023

Over the past few years, there has been exponential growth in the usage of intelligent chatbots due to changing demands from both consumers and businesses. In 2023, the chatbot trends are significantly getting updated with the latest innovations and technologies.

Chatbots that used to perform simple tasks like sending text messages, flight status, getting directions, etc., have evolved into sophisticated tools today. The advancement in AI and NLP has taken chatbots to a whole new level. It has bridged the gap between robotic and human conversation, making chatbots emotionally sensitive and autonomous.

Since consumers no longer seek only round-the-clock service, but also quick resolutions, conversational AI combined with automation has been able to create personalized customer experience at scale. The blog will walk you through some of the statistics of chatbots and some of the common chatbot trends we are going to witness in the coming years.

Chatbot Trends and Statistics for 2023

The research-based statistics below will provide valuable insights related to AI chatbot trends.

  1. The global chatbot market size which was USD 2.9 billion in 2022, is estimated to reach USD 10.5 billion by 2026. (marketsandmarkets)
  2. The worldwide chatbot market revenue is predicted to amount to USD 454.8 million in 2027, which was USD 40.9 million in 2018. (Statistics)
  3. By 2027, around one-fourth of organizations will use chatbots as the primary customer service channel. (Gartner)
  4. Instead of traditional mobile application development, more than 50% of enterprises will spend more per annum on chatbot creation. (Gartner)
  5. It is estimated that chatbots will handle 70-90% of queries by 2024 (CNBC)
  6. As per Invespcro, the chatbot helps businesses save up to 30% of customer support costs by answering 80% of repetitive questions. (
  7. A Google trends report shows that, in the past 5 years, the interest in AI has increased nearly 3 times. (Google trends)
  8. While 60% of millennials are found using chatbots, out of which 70% of them have had a positive experience. (Forbes)
  9. 47% of consumers are ready to make purchases using a chatbot. (Hubspot)
  10. As per the report, insurance companies are likely to save $1.3 billion globally by 2023 by using chatbots. (Juniper Research)
  11. The most common uses of chatbots are sales 41%, customer support 37%, and marketing 17%. (Intercom)
  12. After using chatbots, 90% of businesses encountered quicker complaint resolution. (MIT Technology Review)
  13. When it comes to customer support, 64% of businesses trust conversational AI for a more customized support experience for customers. (Statistica)
  14. In an online retail situation, 34% of customers are more comfortable interacting with AI chatbots rather than talking to live agents. (Statistica)
  15. 58% of customers’ expectations towards business have increased due to Emerging technologies like chatbots and Voice Assistants. (Salesforce)
  16. Chatbot with higher audience engagement generates a response rate as high as 80-90%. (Matthew Barby)
  17. The greatest customer acceptance of AI chatbots in online retail stores is 34%, followed by banking at 20% and the insurance industry at 15%. (
  18. As per Juniper Research, the insurance sector will save up to 1.3 billion dollars in coming years by deploying Chatbot for customer support. (Juniper Research)
  19. 70% of white-collar employees use a chatbot to smoothly carry out daily repetitive tasks. (Gartner)
  20. A survey conducted by Facebook showed that, 79% of users felt confident talking directly to live support agents instead of chatbots. (Meta)

The future outlook for chatbots in 2023

Each day more businesses are embracing chatbots as a crucial part of customer service. As per Reports and Data, by 2026, the worth of the chatbot market will be $10.08 billion.

Therefore the future holds a lot for AI chatbots. Yet it doesn’t mean that we’ll be introduced to a whole new technology. But we’ll see that chatbot will become even more mature and capable of anticipating potential users’ needs and increasing efficiency.

Therefore here are a few trends that you’ll be experiencing in the coming years.

1. Chatbots will be more human-like

AI-based chatbots are expected to be more human-like in the upcoming years. Businesses will concentrate more on creating and utilizing chatbots that are indistinguishable from humans. And that can be achieved with an improvement in the field of sentiment analysis, NLP, etc.

NLP chatbots enables computers to understand text and spoken words just like human beings can. Technologies like machine learning and deep learning help computers to process human language, understand it, and figure out the speaker or writer’s intent and sentiment.

Sentiment analysis comes under ML and NLP, which enables the chatbot to determine a user’s emotion via text or voice data. AI chatbot uses sentiment analysis to tailor responses in tune with customers’ moods and provide relevant solutions.

2. More use of AI in contact centers.

Since deploying an AI chatbot improves efficiency and reduces service costs, we will see more contact centers reaping benefits from it. The advanced automation improves customer experience as it offers a self-service tool without having to connect with human representatives.

At the same time, a chatbot can also transfer the call to the live Assistant if the problem is complicated. The conversational AI integrates CRM and offers personalized customer interactions. It keeps track of past conversations and makes it easier to fetch the data immediately when required.

It also schedules customer meetings and performs follow-ups when service representatives are unavailable.

With so much impressive power, there will undoubtedly be more use cases of AI in customer service.

3. Payment Automation

Instant payment will make the customer journey more accessible in the future, and chatbots will allow businesses to automate simple payments. Customers will be able to make the payment over live chats or apps They no longer will have to leave the app or chat for payment.

Thereby selling directly inside your automated messenger by the bot can be quickly done.

Not just that, bots can answer queries related to account balance, send payment alerts to customers, and collect payments.

4. Most social media platforms will adopt AI

Well, social media is no longer just a platform for connecting with friends and family. Today, social media has a wide range of use cases. And businesses have been making the most out of it.

Be it getting in touch with customers, taking care of leads, or nurturing potential clients. Social media plays a vital role.

And amidst making these processes smoother, businesses are employing chatbots.

Integrating AI chatbot with social media helps you study and evaluate various aspects of customer behaviors and allows you to analyze substantial user-generated data like:

  • How much time your customers have spent researching the product.
  • Which is the most preferred platform.
  • The intent behind using the particular social media platform.

5. Rise of voice bots

Voice-based assistants have been rapidly finding their way into our daily lives. Unsurprisingly, there will be more voice-driven customer interactions and research in the upcoming days.

For that matter, leading corporations (Google and Amazon) are ahead in the race to deploy voice-driven bots.

Voice bots make it easier for users to get the work done without having to lift a finger. People of any age group can enjoy technology. The bots provide a multilingual solution removing language barriers and offering a personalized solution.

It provides reliable information to customers in real time.
You can enjoy the benefits of both text assistance as well as voice.

6. Better security

Cyber security is a prime concern at this time. The world has experienced massive cyberattacks in past years, mainly ransomware and phishing. AI chatbots have not been spared from the threat of these attacks.

While Consumer dependency and expectations towards AI are increasing, improving defense has become fundamental.

The AI keeps a record of customers’ personal information like contacts and payment details in customer service functions. Protection of these credentials is crucial.

Therefore better security for these bots will be a top priority in the coming years. More importance will be given to voice chatbots so that customers can trust them with their sensitive information.

7. New applications

Customer service is where we’ve mostly seen the use of AI chatbots. Over the next decade, innovations and technology will give birth to many more applications.

Businesses in particular, will rejoice a lot from these advancements. For instance, a new AI chatbot with translation capabilities will help companies expand worldwide and offer better customer service internationally.

While we have already seen a glimpse of advanced translation AI over the years, this specific innovation could go mainstream shortly.

Likewise, AI chatbots are more likely to find their way into human resource departments worldwide. We’ll be experiencing a shift from customer service to employee service bots. Human resource versions will probably become more popular, assisting training employees, IT helpdesk, and administrative assistance functions.

8. Intent recognition will determine the quality of bots.

If businesses offer personalized customer service, people are always willing to pay more. Chatbots should be capable of grasping the intent of conversation at a high level to provide personalized support.

However, deploying a simple rule-based chatbot will not bring significant competitive advantage, as they are only designed to answer frequently asked questions.

The organization should integrate AI-driven chatbots that can:
Understand the intention behind the conversation, ask questions to customers for better understanding and provide useful information to the customers when they ask for it.


AI technology is only growing. The increased investment and technical innovation will give us more secure, capable, and versatile chatbots in years to come. Thereby, Organisations and users of every industry will trust this communication tool. After looking at 2023, chatbot trends will bring more job opportunities for coders, designers, and data science professionals.

Overall, advanced AI chatbots will generate billions of retail sales and offer delightful customer support.

What is an omnichannel experience?

Brand experiences are omnichannel when users are able to connect with businesses on all platforms and channels of their choice. Omnichannel experiences integrate conversations on the website, in-app, phone calls, text like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc, social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. and in-store. This allows customers to seamlessly alternate between channels, all the while receiving consistent service each time.

With today’s increasingly digital customers, brands must develop solutions that ensure connected customer journeys. The need to go omnichannel arises from dynamic user behavior. A user who finds out about your brand on Instagram, but chooses to browse through your product catalog on your website, expects similar service quality on both channels.

While several brands were multichannel before the rampant digitization, only a few were omnichannel. Now, how does a multichannel approach differ from an omnichannel customer experience?

In this blog, we will dive deep into omnichannel customer experiences, their importance, and how you can optimize them for your users.

Multichannel vs omnichannel customer experience

A multi-channel experience approach aims at boosting engagement by offering customers the freedom to connect via various independent channels. Whereas, the omnichannel strategy works on enhancing the user experience by merging data from multiple channels to ensure consistency. Multichannel helps brands build more customer touchpoints, while omnichannel user experiences are geared to augment the inherent quality of these interactions.

Multichannel vs Omnichannel Comparison Image

Optimizing omnichannel experiences with customer feedback

Today, customers have greater expectations than before. They want brands to support them as and when they need help. Their preference for channels is diverse and not unitary. In fact, a Harvard Business Review study of 46000 respondents showed that more than 7 in 10 customers prefer to shop from multiple channels.

We all know that acquiring new customers is more costly than ensuring to keep the current user pool is intact. When it comes to customer retention, omnichannel engagement strategies help businesses retain over 89% of their users on average!

Evidently, it’s crucial for brands to invest in omnichannel customer experiences. Users love consistent service, irrespective of the channel or the technology used. Today, conversational AI is helping brands curate standardized experiences for brands at scale by using customer feedback as a tool.

What is the importance of customer feedback in optimizing customer support?

Customer happiness is central to a winning brand perception. Patiently listening to what your users have to say can help you curate even more fulfilling omnichannel experiences for them. PWC’s Future of CX study of over 15000 respondents showed that just after a single bad experience, 1 in 3 users will abandon a brand they love. Whereas, a whopping 9 in 10 users will ditch spending on a business after two to three negative experiences. Moreover, Hubspot shows that for 33% of users, their experience with a brand takes a hit when they have to repeat themselves when speaking to customer support .

Identifying what your users want and pivoting your support strategy here becomes crucial. Data-intact omnichannel experiences are indeed the need of the hour. In fact, another recent survey showed the impact of channel integration on CX. In their report on retailing, PWC found that the companies investing in the omnichannel engagement approach shot up from 20% to 80% in 2020!

An omnichannel experience strategy based on customer feedback is the beacon of improvement for brands. Here’s why:

1. Identify loopholes in the existing framework

Your omnichannel customer support may look watertight to you from a second POV, but the ground reality may differ. Customer feedback helps users highlight what’s not working out for them. For example, if most of your users are reporting issues or lags at the checkout page in their feedback, it’d be pretty simple to deduce that there is an issue with your payment gateway.

2. Build brand loyalty and higher CLV

Great customer experience can be a competitive advantage for your brand. And users prefer brands that lend a listening ear. They appreciate businesses that act upon suggestions or criticism they relay. This in turn, translates to increased product stickiness and, eventually, higher customer lifetime value.

3. Sell more with higher ROI

Did you know that companies with a solid omnichannel strategy often sell 10% more than their single-channeled counterparts? It’s true. If there’s anything we’ve learned from users voicing their opinions, it’s the need for collaborative, omnichannel customer support. Inculcating customer feedback into your support system helps you sell more efficiently, to new audiences, with an investment that yields high returns.

How does omni channel customer support work

By combining various elements, omni channel customer support creates a unified and cohesive customer experience, fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. It empowers businesses to connect with customers on their preferred channels, providing a seamless and efficient support journey. Below are the different communication channels to consider for best omnichannel experience.

1. Chatbot: It allows support agents to connect and respond to customer queries in real-time, enhancing the efficiency of customer interactions.

2. Video and Voice Call: Omni channel customer support streamlines customer interaction over mobile devices, chats, and phone calls, offering flexibility and convenience.

3. Live Chat: This feature provides quick and effective customer support through real-time messaging, ensuring timely resolution of customer queries.

4. Co-browsing: Omni channel customer support facilitates safe customer service through browse-based screen sharing, eliminating the need for downloads and enhancing collaboration.

5. Social Media Integration: Extending its reach, omni channel support integrates with social media platforms, enabling businesses to engage with customers on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

6. Email Communication: Integration with email ensures that customers can seek assistance through this traditional channel, seamlessly incorporating email queries into the overall support workflow.

7. SMS and Text Messaging: Communication through SMS and text messages allows businesses to send quick updates, notifications, and resolve simple queries through a widely-used communication channel.

8. Knowledge Base Integration: Businesses leverage an omnichannel approach by integrating a comprehensive knowledge base, empowering customers with self-help resources and reducing the need for direct support interactions.

9. Ticketing System: Omni channel support includes a ticketing system to track and manage customer issues systematically, ensuring efficient resolution and documentation.

10. Mobile App Support: Support for mobile apps allows customers to seek assistance directly within the app, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

11. Analytics and Reporting: Omni channel support solutions often include analytics tools to track and analyze customer interactions, providing businesses with valuable insights to improve their support strategies.

How to use customer feedback to optimize omnichannel experiences?

When it comes to improving your omnichannel experiences, first-hand accounts from customers are your best bet. While this plethora of data can be helpful, you can only leverage it with the right tools. Here’s how you can use customer feedback to optimize your omnichannel experiences:

1. Build a single-panel customer view

Your users constantly change their habits, behavior’s, likes, and preferences. And they are always telling you about them through various platforms and channels. This treasure trove of data is scattered across multiple intended actions – ad clicks, product page visits, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Independently viewed, all of this data may not be illuminating. However, having a systematic panel view of consumer data collated from all channels can be. It’s essential for you to have a single analytical idea of this data from all these touchpoints to understand your target user’s typical behavior.

2. Identify high-yield touchpoints

Mapping out all of your customer journeys does not require equal attention. It’s important for a brand to filter out journeys that have the maximum business impact.

Let’s take an example. Assume you have a new product in the launch phase for which you’re trying to get pre-bookings. Before it hits the floors, you run a marketing campaign on social media and email. You compare the data from both channels and find that most of your CTA clicks are from social ads. Most ad impressions and interactions begin from your social channels.

This would mean that your users want and prefer your service through social fronts rather than email. This cohesive, omnichannel data (in this case, from social and email) can help you narrow down your best-performing journeys.

3. Deploy real-time tracking and analytics to stay on top

Personalization is a big part of the user psyche today. Users expect brands to deliver personalized offerings built on their omnichannel experiences with brands. These expectations are not limited to their most recent touchpoints.

Customer analytics based on real-time feedback helps you identify users most prone to getting churned. This can help you troubleshoot any persistent issues users may face proactively. By reading into the behavioral patterns of users, you can deliver personalized offers or escalated support to avoid losing them.

Omnichannel customer experience examples: Real-life action from brands excelling at holistic CX

We now know how an omnichannel customer experience strategy can benefit your business. We also know how you can go about building one. Now, it’s time to talk about brands that are doing it right. The pandemic has propelled most small or big businesses into the digital space. This required them to quickly adapt to the change to ensure happy online user experiences and a seamless offline-to-online switch.

Let’s dive into our top picks of examples of omnichannel customer experience from brands.


As a big box department store chain, all of Target’s footfall was offline. So, when the pandemic hit, the store had to ensure intact customer journeys for its online users.

Target’s program, Buy Online Pickup In-Store (BOPIS), saw a 400% jump since 2019 , reported Brian Cornell, the brand’s CEO. This program seamlessly merged Target’s offline and online touchpoints as it allowed users to place orders on the mobile app, which would be ready to be picked up from a Target associate at the store’s curbside.

Not only did Target help merge the gap between offline and online grocery shopping, their mobile app also comes equipped with in-store maps to navigate the sizeable offline premise.


IKEA is known for its confusing store layouts that are grouped and staged to mimic different spaces in a home. From complete kitchen setups to DIY baby nurseries, IKEA has simplified furniture shopping for everyone.

IKEA has worked to merge its offline, website, and mobile experiences into a straightforward journey. Customers can curate their personalized shopping lists on the app, which can then instruct the user to the location to find the items in the store.

IKEA even launched an app called “IKEA Place” which allows users to imagine how well a piece of furniture would settle in their homes by virtually placing them in the app. The company made this possible by using augmented reality, which helped users accurately assess the look in a true-to-size 3D format.


Sephora is probably the first name that comes to our minds when we talk about the beauty retail Mecca. Sephora’s in-store experience uses technology just the right way to ensure integrated omnichannel experiences. Users can use the mobile app to know about the in-store product catalogue and ongoing deals. They can filter and view products and try them virtually on the app with the help of AR to find their best fit.

Sephora also propagates organic community building. With their “Beauty Insider” program, Sephora helps beauty-savvy users share beauty tips, product reviews, doubts, and questions with each other. It also provides a live chat feature to help them connect with other users in real-time. All in all, Sephora’s tech stack ensures a seamless omnichannel customer experience for users online and offline.


Building omnichannel customer experiences is no longer just a choice for brands that want to exceed user expectations. Ensuring consistent user support, no matter the time or platform should be the top priority for today’s brands. This is only possible by merging disconnected touchpoints with an engagement tool built to serve your users.

Chat360 is an enterprise-grade conversational AI solution that can help to build omnichannel customer experiences across your digital presence. Design and deploy your very own chatbot on all your social channels, your app, and even your website!

Chat360, a leading provider of versatile chatbot solutions for businesses. Seamlessly connect with customers across diverse platforms, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, websites, and more. Elevate your customer engagement by integrating Chat360 with popular CRM platforms, ensuring a unified and streamlined communication experience. 

Experience the ease of managing interactions, consolidating data, and fostering meaningful connections with clients. With Chat360’s cutting-edge technology, businesses can effortlessly navigate the digital landscape, delivering consistent and personalised experiences. Choose Chat360 for unparalleled Omnichannel Integration and stay ahead in the dynamic world of customer communication.

Schedule a free demo today!

Omni channel customer support guide

According to Unplanned BlueVenn, consumers today connect with brands across at least 20 channels on average. And expect a seamless experience across all.

At the same time, 73% of customers get frustrated when they have to repeat their issues over and over again. That’s when there arises the need for Omni channel customer support. It integrates the fragments of customer interaction scattered across various channels and offers a connected, holistic experience.

In the blog, we’ll dive into what Omni channel customer support is, its benefits, examples, and more.

What is Omni channel customer support and how does it work?

Omni channel customer support simply means offering unified support to customers via different channels. Or, more than just providing support, it is about developing a harmonious customer service model so that all communication channels are aligned and function simultaneously.

How does omni channel customer support work?

Chatbot – It allows customers to support agents to connect and respond to customer’s queries in real-time.

Video and voice call – the Omni channel customer support streamlines customer interaction over mobile devices, chats, and phone calls.

Live chat – provides quick and effective customer support via real-time messaging.

Co-browsing – Omni channel customer support helps you safely provide customer service through no download, browse-based screen sharing.

Benefits of Omni channel customer support

By improving your customer support experience with an Omni channel strategy, your customers, team, and business can enjoy a huge benefit, some of which we’ll discuss below.

Simplified customer journey

The AI-powered Omni channel customer support tool helps keep track of every customer’s journey and provides personalized support when needed. It allows you to send target messages and reach out to potential customers who are conducting research across platforms.

In case any customer leaves, the tool picks off the customer from wherever they left and helps them with their problem.

Better customer satisfaction

Customers are happy with brands that offer Omni channel support. That’s because purchasing becomes easier for customers as they don’t have to repeat themselves about the prior or ongoing conversation. Agents can go through conversation history to keep track of context and be in touch-point what customers have been through. Such a seamless experience will leave customers satisfied. As a result, they stay loyal to your brand.

Increase revenue

We’ve already learned that Omni channel customer support helps provide a flawless customer experience. As a result, there’s high customer retention. Once customer retention increases by as little as 5%, your revenue increases by 45%-50%.

And how is that so?

Well, existing loyal customers tend to spend 35% more on purchases as compared to one-time purchases.

Thereby Omni channel customer support has a huge impact on customer retention and revenue increases.

Increase productivity

Customer service teams also have to frequently deal with customers who have had a conversation in the past. Be it over calls or chats. The Omni channel customer support can track the past conversations and continue from there on without needing to repeat the problem.

It saves time for both customers and employees, leading to better productivity. Also promotes quality conversation, creating a good experience for both agents and customers.

Enable brands to serve diverse audiences

Multiple communication channels allow you to engage with both potential and existing customers. Especially when it comes to interaction through social media and live chats, you get a chance to interact with customers of different demographics.

Satisfied customers leave honest and positive reviews on social media, which is a very common trend in providing feedback.

Omni channel customer support Examples


A very famous example of an Omni channel in the e-commerce world is Amazon. They have created an outstanding user-friendly interface for a great customer experience. And interestingly customers can have almost the same experience on a phone and a desktop.

Once the customer adds items to their chart via computer, the cart syncs with their app on mobile devices as well.

The Omni channel strategy has helped Amazon continue its growth. The third quarter of 2022 showed sales of approx $127.1 billion, overtaking the record of the same quarter of 2021 which was $110.81 billion.


Starbucks has carefully designed Omni channel customer support to enhance relationships with customers and inspire repeat purchases. Its most famous application, ‘My application reward’, allows customers to order, select and store for pickup, pay, and tip.

Customers can also take advantage of offers and promotions. They can view their reward cards via mobile app, website, or in-store.

The coffee giant has also taken its Omni channel to a higher level by collaborating with Spotify to create a music system. Here customers subscribed to Spotify premium can check out music played in one of their shops.


For an admirable Omni channel customer experience, Sephora has connected its online purchase to its in-store visits.

It allows customers to virtually try on the beauty product through a beauty bag account. They can add the product to their wishlist and make their purchase using the app.

Also when a customer visits the physical store, they can shop with the help of an app. Sephora places several tablets in the store for customers. So that customers can log in to their beauty bag account. It helps them narrow down their choices and keep track of products they have added to the wishlist.


An American retail and outdoor recreation service corporation, REI studied customer behavior and included various touchpoints. They notice that 75% of their customers visit its website or mobile app before going to its physical store for purchase. Therefore REI ensured that product information and prices are well synced between their app, website, and physical store.

Not just that, REI also saw that customers were using mobile devices to access product information inside the stores, so they offer free wifi in all its stores for a better customer experience. And the company also offered barcodes so that customers could scan them with their phones and access additional information about the product.


Disney has beautifully integrated customers’ digital technology with Omni channel experience.

Customers can take advantage of a user-friendly browsing experience via phone or computer. It offers an application ‘My Disney Experience ‘ that connects their activities within the theme park. The application syncs tickets, photos were taken at the park, and everything across various channels and allows you to access them any time you like.

In addition to that, via the application, you can manage your hotel and dining activities and park activities. You are also allowed to add family members to your friend list.

You can have information regarding crowd traffic and waiting time. Overall it’s a wonderful example of Omni channel customer support.

Omnichannel support tools

While building an Omni channel experience has been a requisite for a business to succeed, it’s a daunting task to select the right tools.

It should be user-friendly and meet customers’ expectations. Therefore, here are some tools that are going to make your support journey easier.


Customers try to contact you from different channels. You’d not want to miss out on any of them.

Thereby, to make things easier for you, Acquire has come up with an Al in one customer engagement tool. It offers customer support, boosts online conversation, and allows teams to qualify leads.

It offers you facilities like a chatbot, live chat, browser-based screen sharing, video calls, and voice calls.


A very interesting feature that keep provides is a campaign builder. The tool allows you to customize a dashboard where you can keep records of both existing clients and leads throughout the sales process. It enables you to trigger email sequences automatically and move them to different stages of the buyer’s journey.

With keap, you can smoothly unify customers across multiple channels. You can keep sales appointments in order and set automated follow-ups.


Chat360 is a great AI-driven customer support solution. It promotes team collaboration, automates repetitive tasks, and streamlines customer conversations via various platforms and touchpoints. It helps you monitor and track accounts across various platforms. Chat360 tool helps you automate follow-ups and reminders or send personalized emails by keeping sales appointments in order.


BounceX Omni channel solution helps you track customer data and take them forward to the next step through a different channel. With BounceX, you can personalize your website and ads based on customer identity. It allows you to nurture your users down your sales funnel with the help of email addresses they give you.


A flawless customer journey and solid experience are at the core of Omni channel customer support. It increases customer loyalty and boosts productivity.

An Omni channel integrates your communication channels and allows your team and customers to work persistently between them.

Therefore evaluate data, embrace customers’ journey, and use the right tools to ensure customer satisfaction.

Further, read:

Omni channel customer service strategy and case study

How to automate Contact center using Omni channel

How to create WhatsApp group?

WhatsApp groups have become an essential component when it comes to word-of-mouth or instant marketing. This is highly beneficial for small-scale companies or companies who are cautious enough to spend their budget and seek high ROI. After looking at its growing popularity, you might be curious about how to create WhatsApp group. We will cover all the details that you need to create a group on WhatsApp.

How to create WhatsApp group?

Creating a WhatsApp group doesn’t take much time, nor you require any technical skills. It is easy, and you can create it on any platform. And the best part of using this feature is it is available at free of cost. Now, let’s look at the steps to create a WhatsApp group.

1. Open your WhatsApp application from your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

Step 1: How to create whatsapp group

2. When you open the app, click the menu button that is denoted by three dotted vertical line symbols or a down arrow. You will usually find this on the top right side of your screen, which is located above “calls” and beside the “search bar.” You can find a button named as “New group” on top; you need to select it.

Step 2: How to create whatsapp group

3. Next step is that you need to start adding participants to that recently created group.

Step 3: How to create whatsapp group

4. After selecting all the participants, you need to click the green arrow button to add them. In this step, you will be required to enter the group name and add a description for which the group members will know about the group.

You can also upload a group photo. This can be done with an image that is readily available in the gallery, or you can click a new one instantly and upload it.

Step 4: How to create whatsapp group

After entering all details, you need to click the green check mark, Voila! You’re now done creating a WhatsApp group.

If you look at the above steps for how to create WhatsApp group isn’t that complicated. You must be cautious enough in using the WhatsApp group because you can’t add members without their permission and have healthy conversations.

How to create WhatsApp group? – FAQs

You can add up to 256 participants to a WhatsApp group, including yourself.
Only the group admin can add new members. To do this, the admin can go to the group settings and select "Add participant.
WhatsApp offers three privacy settings: "Everyone," "My Contacts," and "My Contacts Except..." You can choose who can add you to groups under these settings.
Yes, group admins can restrict who can send messages by changing the group settings. Options include "All participants" or "Only admins.
Yes, WhatsApp offers an option to create an invite link for your group. You can share this link with others, allowing them to join the group with a single click.

Facebook Messenger Templates Guide

A Facebook message template is a pre-written message that can be sent to multiple Facebook contacts at once. This can include text, images, and links and often includes a call to action for recipients to take a desired action like clicking a link, downloading an app, visiting a store, completing a purchase, or submitting feedback.

With close to 2.78 billion monthly active users monthly active users, it comes as no surprise that Messenger by Meta (formerly known as Facebook Messenger) is one of the most popular and used social media platforms. However, engaging, selling, and supporting customers is not scalable. To add to this, day by day, customer expectations are increasing, and satisfaction is decreasing.

Customers want a quick and round-the-clock response. Gone are the days when customers used to call a business during business hours or wait on hold while being connected to contact center agents. Today, customers want more and better.

Facebook message templates can help as they are often used to quickly send communications to large groups in a more personal way. Meta’s Facebook Messenger chat template allows you to showcase your products and communicate with them in 1-1 conversations at scale.

Why do you need to use Facebook Messenger Templates?

When customers like your product on Facebook, they want to know more about it. And this generally results in a pile-up of messages. A Facebook Messenger chatbot comes in handy here by responding to users instantly and resolving repetitive queries.

Facebook Messenger bot templates are helpful for businesses and marketers because they enable companies to quickly and easily create professional, branded messages to communicate with customers.

By using templates, businesses can:

  • Customize their messages to better serve their target audience,
  • Create more impactful and consistent experiences for their customers,
  • Offer rich in-conversation experience with buttons, images, lists, etc.,
  • Display product and receipt information in an easy-to-consume format,
  • Streamline the process for setting up automated responses for customers,
  • Reduce the time needed to create and deliver messages.

How to use Facebook Messenger Templates?

Messenger conversation templates allow businesses to quickly and easily send customized messages to their customers. They enhance the conversational experience by integrating single text messages with interactive options such as buttons, images, lists, links, and more.

You can use a message template for Facebook to

  • Promote new products
  • Collect feedback and reviews
  • Share order receipt details or
  • Send automated responses to customer inquiries

Initially, you must be signed up for the Messenger Platform to use Facebook Messenger chat templates. There will be a list of pre-made template categories from which you can choose or create custom templates with your own text, images, and other media.

Once you’re happy with your template, you can create and send messages directly from the Template Manager. Or, you can access your templates from any page or conversation in Messenger. You can also use the Facebook Messenger API to send your templates via other platforms, like your website or mobile app, using third-party apps such as Chat360.

Now let’s see how to set up messenger on Facebook.

If your business has a Facebook page, it will also have a Messenger associated with it. To ensure it is enabled, follow the below steps.

  • Go to your business’s Facebook page’s Settings.
  • Head to the General Settings tab.
  • Scroll down to the Messages section, and you’ll see a checkbox with the following statement “Allow people to contact my Page privately by showing the Message button.” Check it.
  • Click on Save.

As a business, you’d want to make it easy for your users to connect with you. In such cases, you can add a “Send Message” call to action button on your Facebook page. Below are the steps to enable it.

  • Click + Add a Button under your page’s cover photo. If your page already has a button, you can click Edit Button to make changes.
  • Select Contact You, then hit Next.
  • Under Step 2, choose Messenger, then click Finish.

Now that you’ve set up Messenger on Facebook, you can start sending and receiving messages with your customers and prospects.

Facebook Messenger Chatbot Templates

Businesses can select from one of the 6 available Facebook Message Templates to send structured messages to their users.

  • Button template
  • Customer feedback template
  • Generic template
  • Media template
  • Product template
  • Receipt template

Let’s look at them in detail and understand them with an example.

1. Button template

Using this option, you can send a text message with up to 3 button options attached to it. Use this template when you want the users to select from pre-defined options or call to action.

Facebook Messenger Button Template

2. Customer feedback template

With this template option, businesses can build long-lasting relationships with their users. Companies can improve the response rate to their feedback survey using these feedback templates, aggregate the CSAT (customer satisfaction) scores, NPS (net promoter score), and CES (customer effort score), and reduce biases or inconsistencies in surveys.

Customer feedback template

3. Generic template

Businesses can use the generic template to communicate with users through a structured message. This includes a title, subtitle, image, and buttons (up to 3). You can also make this a carousel template with a horizontal scroll.

Generic Facebook Template

4. Media template

Use the media template to send text images, GIFs, and videos (with a button option). These videos and GIFs are playable in the conversation.

Facebook Media Template

5. Product template

With this message template, businesses can render products that have been uploaded to Facebook Catalog. The product details will directly be pulled from the Facebook product catalog, such as images, titles, prices, etc.

Facebook Product Template

6. Receipt template

This message template on Facebook allows you to send order confirmation messages to your users. It includes an order summary, payment details, and shipping information.

Facebook Receipt Template

To sum it up

Facebook Messenger templates or FB message template is critical when driving engagement between customers and businesses using a Facebook messenger chatbot. Companies can make their target audience feel special and provide a better customer experience using personalized and swifter communication.

Suggested read:

All about Auto Reply Facebook Messenger

5 examples of Bad Customer Service and How to fix them

 In the realm of business, the customer is king and therefore good customer service is very crucial for any business.Also, competition is higher than ever before, your business thrives only when you offer top-notch customer service. Bad customer service will cost you your business reputation.

According to a Survey, 61% of customers switched brands due to bad customer service. Lack of quality service increases the risk of losing not just current customers but potential ones as well.

If you disappoint one customer, he will share the bad experience with his close circle through word of mouth. Hence, there’ll be a chain of negative markings that will have a ruinous effect on your business.

Therefore, bad customer service has negative consequences for your business. In this blog, let’s explore what are the most common bad customer service examples and how to rectify them.

What is bad customer service?

Bad customer service encompasses any experience where a customer’s needs, expectations, or satisfaction are not met by a business or its representatives. It can occur in various forms, including long wait times, unhelpful or rude staff, difficulty reaching support channels, or failure to resolve issues effectively.

According to research conducted by PwC, 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand after just one bad experience. Also, the same study found that 49% of consumers in the United States would try a new brand or company for a better service experience.

These statistics underscore the significant impact that poor customer service can have on a business’s  reputation. In today’s competitive market, where customer loyalty is crucial for business, delivering exceptional service is not just a nicety but a necessity for success.

Bad customer service encompasses any experience where a customer’s needs, expectations, or satisfaction are not met by a business or its representatives. It can occur in various forms, including long wait times, unhelpful or rude staff, difficulty reaching support channels, or failure to resolve issues effectively.

According to research conducted by PwC, 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand after just one bad experience. Also, the same study found that 49% of consumers in the United States would try a new brand or company for a better service experience.

These statistics underscore the significant impact that poor customer service can have on a business’s  reputation. In today’s competitive market, where customer loyalty is crucial for business, delivering exceptional service is not just a nicety but a necessity for success.

5 examples of Bad Customer Service and How to fix them

1. Lack of Empathy:

Empathy is really important in customer service. But when the people helping you don’t seem to care about your feelings or problems, it can make you feel unimportant and unhappy. Sure, here’s another example:

For example, if you had a problem with a bill from your phone company, and you called their customer service. But instead of listening to your problem and trying to help, the support person just sounded bored and uninterested. You might start feeling like your issue isn’t important to them, and it could make you frustrated or upset. This kind of experience can really make you lose trust in the company.

How to fix it:

  • Provide  training sessions focused on empathy-building techniques, including active listening and recognizing customer emotions.
  • Conduct regular role-play sessions where team members practice applying empathy skills in simulated customer interactions. This will help them to showcase empathy in the real world.

2. Slow Response Time:

In today’s fast world, customers want instant replies. But when businesses take too long to respond, it makes customers frustrated and affects customer satisfaction and loyalty.. They might feel like the company doesn’t care about them. For instance, if someone like Alex emails a question but waits for more than a week for an answer, they might feel ignored and think about switching companies.

How to fix it:

  • Use AI technology such as chatbots to automate responses to customer queries.

3. No attention to Customer Feedback:

According to a report by Qualtrics, 1,700 online shoppers believed their feedback was ignored 40% of the time. Ignoring customer feedback can lead to missed opportunities for improving brand’s reputation and performance. So it’s crucial to pay attention to customer feedback. For example, a customer offered feedback to make smaller packets of chocolate to make it affordable. If this feedback is ignored then there are chances of losing customers.

How to fix it:

  •  Establish a robust feedback collection system across multiple channels.
  •  Prioritize addressing negative feedback promptly and constructively.
  •  Implement changes based on feedback to improve products, services, and processes.

4. Lack of Transparency in Pricing and Policies:

When companies hide their prices or rules, it can make customers feel upset and unsure. Hidden charges, confusing rules, or sudden changes can make customers feel like the company is being dishonest. This might make them not want to buy from the company again.For example, if a company says something costs one amount but then adds extra fees at the end, customers might feel tricked. So, it’s important for companies to be clear and honest about their prices and rules. This helps customers feel confident and trust the company more.

How to fix it:

  • Ensure all pricing and policies are clearly stated and easily accessible to customers. This can be done through a dedicated webpage, FAQ section, or even in product descriptions.
  • Customers should be informed in advance of any changes to policy or prices. This can be done by social media announcements, pop-up notifications on the website, or email newsletters.

5. Unresolved Issues:

Unresolved issues are a significant source of customer frustration and dissatisfaction. When customers reach out to a company for help, they expect their problems to be addressed promptly and effectively. Unresolved issues can manifest in numerous ways, including repeated contacts where customers must call or email multiple times about the same problem, inconsistent information from different representatives and lack of follow-up on promised callbacks. These unresolved issues not only waste customers’ time but also erode their trust in the company, leading to negative reviews, lost business, and damage to the company’s reputation.

How to fix it:

  • Implement an optimize ticketing system that logs all customer interactions and tracks the progress of each issue, ensuring that no issue is forgotten or overlooked.
  • Provide training to customer service representatives so that they can handle a wide range of issues and motivate them to make decisions, reducing the need for multiple transfers and inconsistent information.

What causes bad customer service?

1. Hiring unqualified people:

Handling customers in diverse situations isn’t an easy task. It requires the right set of skills and attitude. Hiring unqualified employees who lack relevant skills will not be able to deal with customers the right way and provide a good customer experience.

2. Lack of training:

Customers’ expectations are dynamic in nature. The same solution that works today might not be effective the next time. Lack of Proper training prevents the employee from being up to date with the changing environment and improving.

3. Employee burnout:

Excessive workload, stressful working environment, low morale, or poor management cause employee burnout. As a result, they are not able to concentrate and offer great service.

4. Lack of employee empowerment:

At times, agents can’t make effective decisions because their hands are tied. Therefore, they are left with no option but to pass the customer on to someone else who has the authority to make things happen. As a result, customers have to spend more time explaining the same problem again and again.

How does bad customer service affects your Business

1. Loss in number of Customers:

Poor customer service can lead to high customer churn rates, as dissatisfied customers are likely to switch to some other company. Losing customers not only reduces immediate revenue but also increases the cost of acquiring new customers and brand reputation.

2. Negative Word of Mouth:

Dissatisfied customers are more likely to share their negative experiences with others. This negative word of mouth can damage a company’s reputation and reduce potential customers.

3. Loss of Competitive Edge:

In a competitive market, bad customer service can erode a company’s reputation. After receiving bad customer service, customers are likely to move to some other competitor because of the availability of many options, affecting the company’s growth potential.

Why use Chat360 to automate your customer service?

 Using Chat360 to automate your customer service can significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. It handles routine inquiries instantly, reducing wait times and freeing up your staff to focus on more complex issues. Chat360 provides consistent, 24/7 support, ensuring customers get timely assistance anytime. Additionally, it helps in tracking interactions, gathering valuable customer data, and providing personalized experiences, all of which enhance overall customer engagement and loyalty.


What is the difference between Customer service and Customer experience

Customer service and customer support are the two terms which are used in businesses a lot of the time. But infact these two terms are different and where customer service is one of the categories of customer experience.

While they are both essential to a positive brand image, they are different but co-dependent. The key to the difference between customer service and customer experience is time-relative.

They both have their role to play in the success of a business and their nuances make them different.

In the modern world of technology, the definitions of these two terms have changed. Today, they are not synonymous. And we are here to tell you the difference between customer service and customer experience, so you can excel at both!

What is customer service?

Customer service is the assistance, guidance, and support that a company offers to its customers prior to, during, and following a business transaction. Addressing problems, responding to inquiries, and providing solutions that improve the general customer experience, it guarantees customer pleasure.

A fundamental component of business success is providing excellent customer service, which is essential for fostering long-term connections with customers and for gaining their trust. It can be sent via phone, email, live chat, social media, and other means.

What is customer experience?

Customer experience (CX) is the whole of a customer’s opinions and feelings during their interactions with a company at different points of contact, such as while browsing, buying, and after-sale assistance.
It includes every aspect of the customer journey, such as interactions with services, convenience of use, and quality of the products. A company’s long-term success depends on providing its customers with a great experience because it will build repeat business, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty.

What is the difference between customer experience and customer service?

Customer service and customer experience (CX) are two different but connected ideas. Customer service is the direct support that a company offers to its customers, usually in times of need, inquiry, or problem. It is problem-solving oriented, reactive, and frequently entails face-to-face communication via chat, email, or phone.

Customer experience, on the other hand, is more comprehensive and includes all of a customer’s interactions with a company, from first awareness until after a purchase.
It encompasses all touchpoints, including marketing, product quality, and website usability, and it forms a general perception of the brand. Customer experience (CX) encompasses more than just customer service; rather, it aims to create a smooth and good experience for the customer throughout their journey.

Singular vs holistic

The number of touchpoints and the length of the conversation is a big determinants in setting the two apart. Customer support is interaction-specific. It’s only affected by your team’s performance within a couple of touchpoints.

Whereas, in the case of customer experience, the scope of measurement is much larger. It takes into account the complete buyer journey into the picture. It holistically involves several teams in your company to ensure a happy CX.

Proactive vs reactive

Another key difference between customer service and customer experience is their nature of initiation. Customer service is usually reactive, which means you react when the user reaches out. You respond to a query, a complaint, a feedback, or a suggestion from the user.

Now, good customer experiences are built for the modern user. Brands are who focus on redefining customer experiences take a proactive approach. This includes reading through the consumer behavior, narrowing down needs preemptively, and taking action before the user runs into a problem. Customer experiences help you build a holistic chain of several interactions that ensure your user is in the know at every turn.

Solitary vs continual

An isolated customer service interaction is one factor influencing the whole customer experience. Singular customer support interactions can be quantified using metrics like First contact resolution (FCR), Average Handling Time (AHT), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), etc. Customer experience, on the other hand, is not solitary and not defined by an independent event. As an ongoing event, customer experience is much harder to quantify. The interactions are scattered across the board, and their collective influence on your user is arbitrary. Your users keep coming back, and that keeps defining their experience with you. At one point, it might be sub-par, but with continuous efforts, it may enhance. It’s all related to the complete experience they’ve had with you at any given point in time.

Where should Businesses focus customer service vs customer experience?

Businesses should understand that customer experience and customer service are two unique but equally important goals when choosing which to prioritize.

Businesses that handle a high volume of customer queries, technical support requests, or post-purchase problems should prioritize providing excellent customer service. Having an attentive, competent support staff that can handle issues fast and effectively is essential. This keeps customers happy, particularly when anything goes wrong.

A more comprehensive strategy is needed for customer experience in order to create a favorable impression of the brand as a whole. This is essential for companies trying to improve their brand reputation and foster enduring loyalty.

Businesses should concentrate on delivering smooth, pleasurable experiences at every touchpoint, from follow-up correspondence and after-sale support to website navigation and purchasing procedures.

In the end, companies should find a balance by making investments in both first-rate customer service to guarantee prompt assistance and a comprehensive customer experience to guarantee enduring client loyalty and satisfaction.

While great customer service can assist solve problems when they do arise, a strong focus on CX can help prevent problems from occurring.

How can Chat360 Help your Business in enhancing Customer Service & Support

I think it’s pretty clear as to why they both matter to your brand. Given their differences, it’s hard to say both customer service and customer experience aren’t intertwined. Today, when users are spoilt for options, good service and experience are the only way to move forward.

For that to happen, it’s important to know that unification of user data and on-time delivery reign paramount. Conversational AI is capable of helping you render great customer service at individual touchpoints. And also, merge isolated interactions to ensure foolproof user experiences.

Chat360 helps you build your online presence at scale. Chat360’s AI powered bots can be used in customer service where they can respond to queries in seconds and solve customer queries.
Whereas, these AI powered bots can be used to assist users in terms of marketing and sales thus increasing your customer experience.

Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, or your website, your trained AI is on-call and ever-ready to attend to your customers. Want to give it a go? Schedule a free demo today!

FAQ Chatbots – The Ultimate Guide

A complete guide for FAQ chatbot.

Ever since the pandemic hit the world, businesses have been embracing automation to maintain operations and serve customers on a large scale.

The uncertainty compelled businesses to opt for rapid solutions to overcome immediate challenges. Since then whatever field it is, automation has shown a significant progression. And the positive outcome after the automation encountered unprecedented acceleration, which is likely to continue.

In addition to that, automation in FAQs has been a great system to improve productivity, speed up task execution, and enhance customer experience.

In the blog, we’ll talk about FAQ chatbots in brief.

What is an FAQ chatbot?

FAQ chatbots are bots devised to respond to users’ queries regarding products and services. These chatbots are often deployed on websites, social media platforms, or in customer service applications for easy access. They are designed to answer the most frequently asked questions.

The FAQ chatbot is constructed in the question-answer format, giving it a natural feel.

The FAQ chatbot integrated natural language processing is more advanced. They are capable of providing answers to questions even if they are asked the way they were programmed. They can record, communicate and engage with customers and route the request to the relevant representative, improving customer service.

How does the FAQ chatbot work?

AI-integrated chatbots are sophisticated and human-like. It uses a database of information and patterns from previous conversations and documentation and provides the most relevant answer according to the chatbot algorithms.

The algorithms include machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. All of these technologies work together at the back end of the chatbot making the conversation feel natural.

Machine learning analyzes and interprets data to spot certain patterns and then makes a logical decision without human intervention.

It studies the repetitive pattern during interaction with humans, combined with predetermined chat, script, and database of responses. The more it operates, the more it learns and hence becomes sophisticated.

A deep-learning chatbot is produced using machine-learning algorithms that emulate human conversation. It creates a layer of algorithm called an artificial neural network and makes an intelligent decision with the help of data based on person-to-person dialogue.

Now talking about NLP, it imitates human conversation through predictive analytics and sentiment analysis.

Predictive analytics predicts future events with the help of combined data modeling, Al, and machine learning. Where sentiment analysis determines what users mean when they type a certain phrase even with some typos or grammatical mistakes.

How to create a FAQ chatbot?

If you’re looking forward to creating a bot from scratch, you can follow the given steps.

Add a new chatbot and then select any platform on which you want to create your chatbot on. For instance, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

Now create a chatbot as per your requirements by using various components and save it.

In every component, you get an option of the filter of a lead qualifier. It means that your business decides which potential customers are more likely to convert.

It is a very prominent factor of the sales funnel where you collect as many leads but a few of them convert.

The chatbot smoothly tracks clients’ conversations and asks questions instead of looking into the patterns of every customer.

You also get a filter for leads, where your business will understand that the particular data will be a lead which can be helpful to expand your business.

Also, you can download the report of conversations that happen on a bot, export the data to Google sheets and create transcripts.

Role of AI in FAQ chatbot

Chatbots are usually rule-based technology that is trained to answer a particular set of questions, mostly simple FAQs. However, a normal FAQ chatbot cannot completely understand what users are asking or looking for. They lack contextual sophistication and hence pass most of the conversation to human agents. Which as a result quashes the primary motive of deploying a bot.

However, AI in FAQ chatbots makes traditional bots smarter. It integrates artificial intelligence, NLP, and machine learning making the conversation more human-like. With the help of an AI chatbot, businesses offer intelligent conversation and personalized experiences.

While traditional chatbot performs limited functions, AI chatbot enhances the ability to better interpret human language and deliver customized, two-way user interaction to keep the customers satisfied.

The AI in FAQ chatbot studies the prior discussion, inquiries, transactions, and overall history of the customers, and based on that it gives a customized solution. The more you can understand your customers, the happier they are. It keeps them loyal and satisfied.

Also, the AI makes the chatbot capable of answering requests containing multiple questions and shifting from one topic to another in between the dialogue without having to repeat the user query.

The AI promotes the stability of the chatbot through integration in multiple channels for customer experience.

What are the types of FAQ chatbots?

There are mainly 3 types of FAQ chatbots: rule-based, AI-based, and hybrid. Let us dive into them in detail.

Rule-based chatbot

Rule-based chatbot communicates using predefined scripts. Thereby their actions are predetermined. The rule-based chatbot is incapable of understanding the context of the dialogue. This means it can provide the correct answer only when the users use a keyword that the chatbot was programmed to respond to. If the user includes any of the words beyond the programmed keyword, the bot will fail to offer a relevant answer to the questions.

In such a case, you can either program your bot to transfer the query to a live representative or ask an alternative question. Since the rule-based chatbots are so simple, they are easy to build and train as well. Also, the responses are fed to a chatbot, therefore they are unable to learn on their own.

AI chatbot

AI integrated into FAQ chatbots is smarter as compared to a rule-based chatbot. It uses machine learning, and NLP to communicate intelligently. And it also leverages sentiment analysis which allows the bot to comprehend customers’ emotions.

The machine learning in AI chatbot enables the bot to recognize patterns in user input, learn from interactions and make decisions. And NLP helps it understand the context of the dialogue even if there are any mistakes.

Just like a rule-based bot, you’ll have to set predefined answers in the AI chatbot as well. But over time the AI chatbot can learn from the conversations without needing a constant update.

With an AI chatbot, you can send personalized messages to targeted customers in their preferred language, reply to complex questions and offer quick and human-like responses.

Hybrid chatbot

A hybrid chatbot is a combination of both rule-based and Al-based technology. While the bots are trained to respond with specific answers to users’ queries, they can also leverage NLP to recognize users’ intent.

Examples of chatbot answering FAQs

Hartz Sweden

For any business, the end motive is to sell more. Lower cost and increased revenue mean long-term growth. And with AI chatbots businesses can achieve that. Hertz Sweden deployed an AI-based chatbot on their website and saw a 23% growth in their total revenue. They have programmed their chatbot to answer FAQs and send tailored messages to their users on their website.

Norwegian Airlines

The support team gets tired while dealing with the same queries again and again. The repetitive task makes them frustrated. Deploying Chatbot can solve their problem. It responds to every repetitive question instantly, freeing up teams to perform productive tasks.

Norwegian Airlines included a chatbot to assist their support team. The FAQ chatbot helped travelers with common questions. Hence the team was able to spend more time on complex tasks.


Adecco deployed an AI chatbot to handle bulk inquiries from their prospective candidates. Which helped enhance their productivity and provide even better support to candidates.


Which algorithm is used in the AI-based FAQ chatbot?

The algorithms used in AI chatbots are Natural language processing (NLP), Machine learning (ML), and Deep learning.

Is the chatbot only a question-answering system?

No, chatbots are used for various other purposes as well. It can be used by businesses to collect feedback, chatbot automation can notify users regarding their orders and shipment, book appointments, make product recommendations, etc.

Is an AI chatbot safe?

In most cases, chatbots fall under the risk of threats and vulnerabilities if not paid good attention. However, you can protect your AI chatbot from such mishaps by including safety measures like encryptions, authentication, process and protocols, and the right education.

What is the architecture or technology behind the FAQ chatbot?

Chatbot architecture is a vital component in the development of a chatbot based on the functionalities, requirements, and business operation. Selecting the right architecture depends upon the type of domain your chatbot has. For instance, matching architecture would be best suited for a narrow domain. Whereas for chatbots with a broader domain, sophisticated architecture like long short-term memory (LSTM) and reinforcement learning would be the ideal fit.

When to use the FAQ chatbot?

When you have a growing volume of queries, but a limited budget for a support team, that’s the best time to use the FAQ chatbot.


Facebook Messenger Chatbot Website Integration Guide

A website chatbot can help you retain and convert your online traffic. You can use it to support your users on your website and qualify leads effectively. Facebook has made it super easy for all digital storefronts. Users love the convenience and the ability to reach out to businesses whenever they need. With Facebook chatbot’s website integration, you can route all your user queries to your Messenger.

Facebook Messenger Chatbot & Website Integration

Meta has revolutionized digital commerce with product suites built to strengthen buyer journeys. In 2020 alone, Facebook interactions between businesses and users shot up by 40%. With the Messenger chatbot on the website, you can attend to users in real-time and use the platform as a lightweight yet inclusive CRM.

How to add a Facebook chatbot to your website?

Adding a Facebook chat plugin/chatbot is not a tough nut to crack. Meta lays down a two-part installation guide to get your Facebook live chat up and running in no time.

1. Firstly, you need to set up the Chat Plugin on your Facebook page

2. Then, you need to add the Plugin code (from the first step) on your website.

To generate your live chat plugin code, follow the below steps:

1. Go to Meta Business Suite and click on “Get Started”

2. Make sure you choose the right Facebook page for which you want to deploy the bot

3. Go to “Inbox”

4. Click on the settings icon in the right-hand corner and choose “View all settings.”

5. Click on “Chat plugin.”

You should now be able to change automation and customization features to build the plugin according to your requirements. Also, make sure you choose the right domain.

1. Click the “Set up” button

2. Choose a set up method. You can directly generate your plugin code for the site builder you use. If you don’t find your option, click “Standard”

3. Choose your preferred language for your chat plugin, then click “Save and continue”

4. Add all the webpage domains where you wish your chatbot/live chat to appear. Click “Save and continue”.

5. Now click on the “Copy code” button to copy your chat plugin code, and click “Next”

6. Voila! Now you just have to paste the code into your website.

Once you’ve done that, simply click on “Finish”. It’s this easy to add a Facebook chatbot to website!

A thing to note: Facebook lets you track your user conversations, capture leads, and personalise campaigns. Under “Customize your chat plugin”, you can choose to enable or disable Guest Chat toggle. Enabling it would mean your users can choose to stay anonymous with their query, asking it as a “Guest”. Disabling the toggle would prompt the users to log in through their profiles to connect with you.

Unleashing the Power of AI Powered Chatbot for Facebook Messenger

Chatbot integration with Facebook Messenger has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers online. 

These integrations combine the power of artificial intelligence with the widespread popularity of the Messenger platform to provide efficient and personalized customer support, marketing, and more.

At its core, a chatbot integrated with Facebook Messenger functions as a virtual assistant, capable of responding to user inquiries, providing information, and even executing specific tasks. 

Here is the process on how chatbots work for facebook messenger:

1. User Interaction: 

Users initiate conversations with the chatbot by sending a message on Facebook Messenger. This can be a simple greeting or a query.

2. Chatbot Recognition: 

The chatbot, powered by natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, interprets the user’s message and extracts intent and context. It determines the most suitable response or action.

3. Response Generation: 

Based on the analysis of the user’s message, the chatbot generates a relevant response. This response can be text-based, contain images, links, or even interactive elements like buttons.

4. User Engagement: 

Users can interact further by clicking on buttons, making selections, or asking follow-up questions. The chatbot continues to provide information or assist with tasks accordingly.

5. Integration Benefits: 

Chatbot-Facebook Messenger integration offers several advantages. It enables businesses to provide instant responses 24/7, automate repetitive tasks, gather user data for personalized experiences, and even facilitate e-commerce transactions.

6. Human Takeover: 

In cases where the chatbot cannot handle a query or when a more personalized touch is needed, the conversation can seamlessly transition to a human agent, ensuring a smooth customer experience.

Why to use Facebook chatbot on website?

Facebook Messenger chatbot on website is one of the top utilities to keep user interactions streamlined. With over 300K active chatbots on Messenger, Facebook harbours an untapped potential to unify all customer touchpoints. In this case, through your very own website.

1. Deploy a chatbot at a moment’s notice

Earlier, putting a bot on a website was a project on its own. It’d require capital, technical expertise, developer know-how and more. With Facebook chatbot website integration, making your chatbot live on your website now takes minutes. It’s simple, cost-efficient, and gets the work done – to connect with your website users!

2. Boost customer engagement

Think of your website chatbot as your user’s guide on a tour they are taking on your website. It’s present at all times and is available to answer any common questions in real-time. Allowing your users to connect with in an on-demand basis reduces friction and ensures smoother communication.

3. Generate quality leads

Before spending on a new product, we all want to make sure that it is indeed the right choice to make. It’s a common buyer’s conundrum. Unattended questions are one of the top reasons why users abandon a sale. Your Messenger chatbot on website mitigates that. You can use your chatbot to troubleshoot doubts that users face to lead to effective conversions.

4. Reduce customer support costs

Your Facebook chatbot equipped with conversational AI can reduce unnecessary support overheads. Trained to capture, assess and answer open-ended input, your Facebook chatbot is capable to resolve most of your support tickets in real time. 

5. Ensure 24×7 customer support

It’s unrealistic to expect your business to be online throughout the day to attend to users. The Facebook chatbot website integration ensures your FB bot instantly responds to every user who reaches out, outside business hours, or during holidays.

Looking for a Facebook chatbot builder for your business?

It’s safe to say Facebook is the focal point of majority of eCommerce prevalent today. To facilitate easy selling and smoother buyer cycles, Meta constantly renews and updates its product suite. The Facebook chatbot website integration helps you quickly deploy a bot with a no-code plugin process. 

Ramp up your customer reach and boost user engagement with Chat360’s Facebook Chatbot. Connect, sell, and serve your users with an AI Facebook chatbot for your business today.

Sign up today for a free trial!

Facebook Messenger Chatbot Website Integration Guide FAQs

To generate a plugin code, you must follow the steps listed above. After you have copied the code, go to your index.html page or whichever page you want integrate chat on. Paste it on each page by opening tag wherever you want the plugin to appear.
Yes, you can! In fact, Meta lays down a step-by-step framework on how to go about it. 1. Firstly, you need to go to your WordPress home page and go to WP admin. 2. Then, go to the Plugins menu. 3. Click Add New. 4. In the search field, type Facebook chat plugin. 5. Click Search plugins. 6. Select the Facebook chat plugin. 7. Click Install Now. 8. Click Activate. 10. Now, you will be able to see a tab that called Customer chat. Go to the Getting started section and click Edit chat plugin. Customise your chat plugin and complete your setup. Please note that you must be logged into your Facebook and are the administrator for the relevant Facebook page. Alternatively, you can also check out this tutorial video from Meta.
No, you don’t necessarily need to use third-party plugins. There are Facebook messenger plug-ins explicitly built for different site builders. However, Facebook’s own Customer Chat Plugin comes with Meta’s authrotitave quality.
Not always. Third-party chat plug-ins may have weak encryption systems, which may render them prone to hacks. So, it’s always recommended to choose a chat plug-in you trust.
Every site builder has its individual functionality to remove installed plug-ins on their platform. However, for the most commonly built websites on WordPress, the process is as follows: 1. Navigate to your WordPress Admin Dashboard 2. Go to “Installed Plugins” 3. Find the Facebook chat plugin and click “Deactivate”

Instagram Professional Account Guide

Instagram Professional Account allows businesses to create a powerful presence on the platform. Instagram is rapidly becoming an influential platform for businesses to promote their products and services to a larger audience.

In 2023, there were 1.35 billion MAU (monthly active users) of Instagram. That is more than 28% of the world’s Internet users. 

This number is expected to grow to 1.44 billion by 2025, making up more than 32% of Internet users. It’s also one of the most popular platforms worldwide, where users spend an average of 5 hours per week.

But what does this mean for businesses? 

70% of these users are looking at Instagram for their next purchase. When your audience is there, it’s time to open up shop on the same platform and increase engagement. To achieve this, Meta offers an Instagram Professional Account.

We go into the details of how you can achieve success on Instagram using the Professional Account.

What is an Instagram Professional Account?

With an Instagram Professional Account, businesses can access powerful tools to reach and engage their customers and gain insights about their followers and content performance.

Features to enable this include access to analytics, adding contact buttons and links in the bio, and access to Ads Manager, which allows you to create targeted campaigns to reach and engage with the right audience. 

Whether creating a hashtag campaign or running a series of Instagram Stories, Instagram Professional Account helps businesses achieve their goals and drive results.

Different types of Instagram professional accounts

There are two types of Instagram Professional Accounts: Business and Creator accounts.

Business accounts are best for those who are managing a business or brand. These include access to Instagram Shopping, more insights, and promotional tools. 

Creator accounts, on the other hand, are best for individuals who are creating content. 

This account type gives access to audiovisual content insights and new feature tools to help organize content.

With thoughtful content and a strategic plan, businesses can reach their desired goals quickly and effectively and make Instagram a powerful marketing tool.

What features come with Instagram Professional Account?

Businesses and creators can enjoy many new features on converting to a professional account. These include

  1. Professional dashboard: This feature allows you to track your performance, access and discover professional tools and explore educational information curated by Instagram.
  2. Linked permissions: When an Instagram account is connected to a Facebook Page, those with administrative, editing and other roles associated with the Page will be granted the same access to the linked Instagram account. That means more people from your team can manage the account.
  3. Contact information: In your bio, you can add a contact button to your professional account. With this button, you can share directions to your shop or a phone number or email address users can contact you on.
  4. Category label: An Instagram Professional Account will display a category below the profile picture. This category will be the same as the one associated with the linked Facebook Page.
  5. Insights: You’ll receive access to Instagram Insights, through which you can dig deep into who your followers are when they’re online and more. You can narrow your insights for specific posts and see how each performed.
  6. Secondary inbox: You can organize your messages with an inbox that has Primary and General tabs.
  7. Ranked requests: You’ll be able to sort your requests by received date or top accounts.

Benefits of an Instagram Professional Account

Are you looking to boost your business visibility on Instagram? An Instagram Professional Account can help you get the most out of your social media branding.

Instagram’s Professional Account lets you use powerful business tools to help you grow your online presence and reach a wider audience. Here are the seven key benefits:

1. Powerful Analytics

With a Professional Account, you gain access to powerful analytics and insights that let you track your post performance on Instagram and better understand your audience. Metrics include reach and impressions, interactions, total followers, audience demographic, etc. With this data, you can create targeted digital marketing strategies and improve performance.

2. Ads Manager

The Ads Manager feature of a Professional Account lets you easily create, manage and optimize your ads on Instagram. You can boost your posts with Instagram Ads, select a target audience, and set a budget. When you promote a post through this method, you can see the results of your ad spends in the Insights tab.

3. Creative Assets

Professional Accounts have access to a library of creative assets, such as videos and images, to help create stunning posts, reels, or stories to showcase your products. Another advantage is you can include links in your Instagram stories as call-to-actions. To use this feature, your account should have 10K followers or more. You can also use Hashtags to drive more engagement. With a reel creator, you can easily design engaging reels that capture your audience’s attention.

4. Business Profile

Building trust is essential, and Instagram Professional Account allows you to add your contact information. Users can visit your profile and use the Contact Us button to reach you by phone or email. You can even include your address if you have a physical store.

5. Shoppable Posts

Professional Accounts can create Shoppable Posts, which link directly to the products you’re promoting on Instagram. Business Accounts can create a Shop tab on their profile and leverage Instagram’s swoon-worthy images as a storefront. This feature is great for e-commerce websites as they don’t have to send their users to another page.

6. Scheduled Posts

You can plan and schedule posts in advance, so you don’t have to worry about updating your account in real time. This is an excellent feature for businesses with strategy and content planning. The business’s social media manager can then focus their time on creating more thoughtful content and strategizing a more engaging plan.

7. Quick Replies

Instagram’s Professional Account lets you reply quickly to all your direct message interactions. Quick replies are pre-written responses to common customer questions. With this feature, you can save time and reply to more customers at any given time.

What are the limitations of an Instagram Professional Account?

If you’ve converted your personal account to a professional one, there will be certain limitations, including:

  • You can only share your Instagram posts to Facebook through the page you’ve linked to your Professional Account. Your other Facebook pages will be inaccessible.
  • If you want to switch the Facebook Page linked to your account, you have to change your account to a personal version, change the Facebook link, and set up your Instagram Professional Account again.
  • Instagram Business Accounts cannot be set to private.
  • If a Business Manager owns your Facebook page, you might need to convert your Instagram account to a Professional Account.

How to Create a Professional Account on Instagram?

Converting your personal Instagram account to a Professional Account unlocks new opportunities for your business. It helps you expand your social media presence and reach your business goals.

Note: Before you get started, please ensure you have an Instagram account. One ID can have a maximum of 5 Instagram accounts at a time.

Following the steps below, you can convert your personal profile to a professional account.

  1. Log in to your Instagram account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. On the top right corner of the screen, you can see three horizontal bars. Click on it.
  4. Select the Settings option.
  5. Click on the Account option.
  6. Scroll down, and you will see two options:
  7. Switch to a Professional account: Select this if you want to convert your existing account.
  8. Add a new professional account: Select this option if you want to create a new Professional Account.
  9. For those who selected ‘Switch to Professional account,’ click the continue button.
  10. Select a category for your business and click on Done >> OK >> Business >> Next.
  11. Add your contact details and click on Next. You can skip this step if you don’t want to add your details now.
  12. If you want to utilize the Meta suite of Business features, you can connect your business account to your Facebook page that’s linked to your business.

How to Optimize your Instagram Professional Account

As we showed above, Professional Accounts have more features than public business profiles. To optimize them, utilize the following features.

Call to action buttons: add a targeted CTA that meets your business goals.

Business profile: Add vital business information such as website address, email, phone number, a description of what your business does, etc.

Instagram Professional Accounts Examples

Now let’s look at some real examples of businesses using Instagram’s Professional Accounts and seeing success.


Nike (@nike) leverages its Instagram Professional Account to boost its brand image by telling compelling stories. Instead of focusing on their products per se, they use storytelling and raise brand awareness by profiling athletes. With each campaign, they introduce a new call to action on their bio, linking directly to the campaign’s landing page. This enables them to gain more clicks and engagement.


The language learning app Babbel (@babbel) is taking advantage of Instagram’s Professional Account capabilities by running Ads on Instagram Reels. Reel ads are full-screen, 30-second videos that allow users to interact with content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This has enabled Babel to reach broader audiences and acquire new leads at a cost-effective Ad budget.

Paramount Pictures

The UK account of Paramount Pictures (@paramountuk) boasts 1.2M followers and has used Instagram’s Professional Account feature to creatively engage them. Recently, to promote their movie Top Gun, they blended the classic with the modern by creating a unique augmented reality trailer on Instagram. This ad captivated the existing Top Gun fans, as well as attracted a younger audience, unfamiliar with the franchise. As a result, Paramount Pictures garnered greater brand awareness.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Krispy Kreme Australia (@krispykremeaustralia) utilizes Instagram Professional Account for running various promotional campaigns and to reach new audiences. An example of such a campaign was the retro game’s throwback. Through this, they transformed their Instagram account into a virtual arcade. This led to a substantial increase in their story views, mainly through photo/video ads in their feed as well as stories. Additionally, a scroll-up link was also placed in their stories to a gaming page, which allowed users to return to Krispy Kreme after playing the games. All in all, a very interactive and engaging campaign.


Panasonic Japan (@panasonicjp) leverages Instagram’s Professional Account to drive successful campaigns for their products. Through ad creatives and targeting insights, the brand is able to launch new products, increase awareness, and reach users at multiple points in the buying cycle. For example, Panasonic used Instagram stories and feed ads to introduce its luxury toaster oven. Varying creatives and targeting allowed them to reach users throughout the funnel and drive improved business results.

Regular, Normal, Personal Vs. Professional Instagram Account

As a business, you must weigh the account type best for you. In this section, we’ll cover a regular or a personal account with a Professional Instagram Account.

Both account types allow you to post images, videos, stories, and reels. However, the similarities end here. Unlike the personal account, Instagram Professional Account has the following: Insights and analytics tools, Lead generation tools.

A personal Instagram Account is good if you are an individual who wants to stay connected with family and friends. Plus, you can set your account private, an option not available to Professional accounts.

Instagram Professional Accounts can access additional features such as a CTA button in their profile, scroll-up links in stories, Ads, Shop tab, and Insights. This is a perfect recipe to increase followers and convert them to customers.

Personal account holders cannot schedule their posts, a feature available to Professional accounts. Professional Accounts can also use APIs to scale their interactions.

Professional Account Vs. Instagram Business Account

A Professional Account on Instagram consists of two separate categories: Business and Creator. The primary difference between a Professional Account and a Business Account on Instagram is that an Insta business account is a subset of a Professional Account. A Business Account holder gets all the benefits of a Professional Account.

Professional Account Vs. Instagram Creator Account

In addition to the Business account, Professional Account also consists of a Creator account. It falls in between a personal account and a business account.

Just like Professional Accounts, Creator accounts have the flexibility to control their profile, add contact buttons, prioritize inboxes, and get advanced insights.

The creator account has all the features present in the Professional account except the option to integrate with 3rd party apps through API. Because of this, Creator accounts cannot schedule posts, an option available with other Professional Accounts. Creator accounts also don’t have the option to connect to Facebook pages, as it requires a Business Manager.

Instagram Professional Account Guide – FAQs

Setting up your Instagram Professional Account doesn’t cost any money and is absolutely free of cost. Though, if you use a third-party app or a social media manager to post content, that will be charged based on their rates.
Yes, you can switch from a Professional Account to a Personal one on Instagram whenever you like. However, it’s important to note that the Insights feature isn’t available on personal accounts. So every time you switch from a professional to a personal account, the Insights data will be erased.
When opting for a Professional account, you can make it a Business or Creator account. So you can always select a Business account.
No, Instagram Professional Accounts cannot be made private. The purpose is to increase brand awareness on Instagram and convert followers and users to leads and customers. So, the account is publicly available.
Statista’s Research Department states that Lifestyle is the most popular category on Instagram Professional Account. This is followed by Beauty and Music categories.
Yes, it’s totally worth having an Instagram Professional Account if you are in business. It empowers you with tools to get an in-depth understanding of your audience, what works, and what doesn’t work with them. With this detail, you can create targeted campaigns that increase conversions. Plus, you get access to tools that enable your users to convert quickly, such as links and Shop.
A Professional Account on Instagram can be either a Business Account or a Creator Account; no other types of Professional Accounts exist.