Voice360: Human-Like Gen AI Voices for Real Conversations, Sales & Support Explore Voice360


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Conversations to
transactions with Chat360 &
Stripe integration

Chat360 and Stripe integration to automate payments for seamless customer service.

Trusted by the best around the world

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Why does your business need

chat360 logo & stripe logo integration?

Make the payment process easier for your customers and faster for your business. With Chat360 integrated with Stripe customers can pay while talking to the chatbot itself without having to visit a new site or new window.

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Reduce geographical boundaries

  • Stripe is available in 40+ countries and it accepts 135+ currencies.
  • Integrating it with Chat360 will ensure ease of payment for international customers.
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Automate Payment through Chatbots

  • With Stripe, capture payments automatically through the chatbot.
  • The integration can auto-generate payment links as well as create & manage order payments.
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Multiple payment methods

  • Stripe integration offers several modes of payment, making the chatbot more user-friendly.
  • Being friendly to versatile payment methods will also help you get higher ratings from the users.

Get your Chat360 and Stripe integrated solution

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Step-By-Step Integration

To Integrate:


Watch the video about
how to integrate with Stripe

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Grow your Business Manifolds

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Frequently Asked

frequently asked questions
Do I have to pay for chatbot and Stripe integration?


Chat360 and Stripe’s integration is completely free. However, you will have to pay for the chatbot services.

Do I need to learn to code for the chatbot and Stripe integration?


There is no need to learn to code to integrate Stripe with Chat360. Chat360 ‘s chatbots can be linked to stripe within few clicks.

Where can I get the best chatbot and Stripe integration in the market?


Chat360 is one of the top providers of chatbots in the market. They also offer stripe integration with it. Signup now to get your Shopify Chatbot.