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Using Instagram API to Retrieve Detailed User Posts & Follower Data
- Shivam Verma
- 29 March 2023
The significance of API has grown tremendously due to businesses increasing dependence on digital technologies to boost innovation, improve efficiency, and stay competitive. The API allows communication of various applications, services, and systems that share data. It helps businesses streamline their performance and reduce costs.
Likewise, Instagram API has a major role in providing developers with a set of powerful tools and features that help businesses leverage Instagram’s data to drive engagement and increase brand awareness.
The blog will help you to understand the way you can derive user posts and follower details with the help of Instagram API and the best practices to use it.
Setting up Your Instagram API Account
Before you set up your Instagram API account, you must create a Facebook app developer application and then work on either of these models:
- Development mode, which only testers can connect to.
- Live mode, which any member can connect to.
However, you’ll notice that Facebook App is in the Development Mode by default. If you want to switch it to live mode, you will have to request permission and go through App Review.
Step1: Create a Facebook App
- Browse Facebook Developers
- Click on My App and create a new app.
- Once you create the app, go to the dashboard and navigate Settings>Basics.
- Scroll down and click on Add Platform.
- Add the website’s URL you choose and save your changes.
Step2: Configure Instagram Basic Display
- Click on products.
- Navigate Instagram Product.
- Click on Set Up to include it in your app.
- Click on Basic Display.
- Scroll down the page and click on Create New App.
A form will occur on the screen which will ask you to complete the section using the following guidelines.
- Display Name-You should enter the name of the Facebook app you just created.
- Valid OAuth Redirect URLs- Here you must enter your website’s URL
- Deauthorize Callback URL- it’s your website’s logout page URL.
- Data Detection Request Callback URL-here you’ll have to once again enter your website’s URL.
Step3: Add an Instagram Test User
- Select Roles>Roles.
- Scroll down and click on Add IG Testers.
- Enter your Instagram account username and send the invitation.
- Now, open a new tap and browse the account
- After that, search for tester Invites and accept the invitation.
- You can access your Instagram account through the Facebook app while it is in Development Mode.
However, to review the App via Live Mode, permission needs to be approved.
Configuring Instagram Settings
- Log in to your site, and click on Instagram settings>settings.
- App ID – paste your Instagram App ID shown in [ App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display].
- App Secret – Paste your Instagram App Secret in [App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display].
- Redirect URLs – Paste your Valid OAuth Redirect URLs are shown in [App Dashboard>Products>Instagram>Basic Display>Client OAuth Settings].
- Select Save Changes.
- Now Click on the Execute button.
How to use Instagram API to Retrieve Detailed User Posts and Follower Data
Before you retrieve detailed user posts and follower data, you must have an access token.
A. At first, you are required to have a developer account on the Instagram Developer Platform and create a new app.
Once you have your account created, you can derive an access token by making a GET request to the following URL: Instagram Authorize
? client _id={client _id}
& redirect _uri={redirect _uri}
& scope=user_profile,user_media
& response _type=code
Instead of {client _id} use, client ID of the app you created and use, redirected URI you specified while creating the app instead of {redirect _uri}.
This will redirect you to the Instagram login page. Here you’ll have to authenticate your Instagram account and authorize the application to access your data.
After you authorize the app, you’ll be redirected to the redirect URI you stated, and the authorization code will be included there.
B. Now, for an access token, exchange the authorization code by making a post request to the following URL:
? client_id={client _id}
& client _secret={client_secret}
&grant_type=authorization _code
& redirect _uri={redirect _uri}
- Replace {client _id},{client_secret}, {redirect _uri}, & {code} with the values that were used in the first step.
- This will give you a JSON response that includes an access token. You can use that to access the Instagram API.
1. Instagram API to get post insights
To get post insights, you’ll have to make a request to the Instagram API by making a GET request to the following URL:
Now replace ‘{media-id}’ with the media item you want to get the insights for, and ‘{metric}’ with the name of the metric you’re looking for (eg, engagement, reach, impression) and {access-token} with your API access token.
Once you’re done with the request, you’ll receive a JSON response that contains insight about the post.
2. Instagram API to get followers’ data
Make a GET request to the following URL:
Now, replace {user-id} with the user ID with the Instagram account that you want to retrieve data from, and {access-token} with the token you obtained.
You’ll get a JSON response including the IDs and usernames of the followers.
3. Instagram API to get user’s details
Make a GET request from:
Now replace {user-id} with the user ID of the user whose details you want to retrieve.
You’ll get a JSON response that contains the username, account type, media count, follows count, and follower count of the account.
Best Practices for Using Instagram API
1. Understand Instagram’s API policies
Your application must comply with the terms and policies. So before starting to use the Instagram API, make sure you study and ensure the policies carefully. Failing to comply might result in the suspension of your account, or your access to the API might revoke.
Complying with the policies protects the user data. It ensures that the developers are not misusing user data. It helps build user trust and ensures that their data is being handled responsibly.
2. Cache API responses
Caching API responses enhance your application’s performance by reducing the number of API requests. You will need to request the data repeatedly, instead, your application retrieves the data from the cache. As a result, the speed of your application improves significantly. Along with that, caching API responses helps bring down network latency by storing the data closer to your application.
3. Handle errors properly
Since errors are common in API usage, you must handle them to prevent affecting your application. It prevents confusion and frustration caused by error messages and improves user experiences. Also, handling errors avoids cascading failures that can result in prolonged downtime or system outages.
With the rise of e-commerce on social media platforms, brands are using the Instagram API to build a wide range of applications and services to enhance user engagement, analyze performance and sell their products and services.
And no doubt the implementation of Instagram API is only growing as it helps businesses stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. Hence, if you want to make more informed decisions for your business and stand out from your competitors, leveraging Instagram API can be a major boost.
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