All posts by Shivam Verma

Shivam Verma, Co-Founder and CTO at Chat360, is a seasoned technology leader, boasting a wealth of experience in product development, architecture, design, data engineering, reporting systems, and team building. Armed with a Bachelor's in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Shivam is dedicated to driving technological innovation and excellence. His journey is marked by a profound passion for crafting exceptional products and tackling real-world challenges through advanced technology and superior software engineering practices. At Chat360, Shivam has played a pivotal role in providing AI-Powered Tech solutions to industry leaders in the B2B domain, onboarding renowned clients both in India and overseas, solidifying the company's footprint in the global landscape. Shivam's expertise extends to the realms of Generative AI and Conversational AI. Under his leadership, Chat360 has developed and evolved an AI-powered SaaS product that empowers enterprises worldwide to generate digital revenue more efficiently, significantly reducing the Cost Per Lead and maximizing conversion rate. Beyond technical proficiency, Shivam is recognized for his exceptional leadership skills. He actively engages in training and mentoring new and existing team members, infusing an analytical and logical approach to design tailor made products that meet the unique needs of diverse industries. His ability to provide optimistic solutions reflects a commitment to driving success in the technology domain. Shivam stands as a driving force in the technological landscape, leading Chat360 to new heights with a focus on cutting-edge solutions, client satisfaction, and team development.

AI powered Banking Chatbots for streamlining Banking

In an era defined by digital transformation, the banking sector stands at the forefront of embracing innovative technologies. Among these, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing force, reshaping how banks operate, serve customers, and make strategic decisions. This article delves into the dynamic fusion of AI and the banking industry, exploring its diverse applications, benefits, and the transformative potential it holds.

Transforming Banking: The Paradigm Shift of AI Integration

The integration of AI into the banking sector has sparked a paradigm shift, where traditional practices are being reimagined through the lens of advanced technology. From enhancing customer experiences to optimizing operational efficiency, AI has carved a path of innovation that is reshaping the industry.

Applications of AI in Banking

1. Customer Service and Engagement:
AI-powered chatbots in banking industry and virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer interactions. These intelligent systems provide quick and accurate responses to customer queries, offer personalized recommendations, and facilitate smoother self-service options.

2. Fraud Detection and Prevention:
AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify unusual patterns and detect fraudulent activities in real-time. This proactive approach helps banks protect their customers’ assets and maintain the integrity of financial transactions.

3. Credit Scoring and Risk Assessment:
AI-driven credit scoring models leverage various data points to assess an individual’s creditworthiness. This not only streamlines the lending process but also ensures more accurate risk evaluations.

4. Financial Advisory:
AI-powered robo-advisors provide automated investment advice based on an individual’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and market trends. This democratizes financial advisory services, making them accessible to a wider range of customers.

5. Algorithmic Trading:
Investment banks utilize AI algorithms for algorithmic trading, making split-second decisions based on market data and historical trends. This boosts trading efficiency and can yield improved results.

Benefits of Integrating AI into Banking

1. Enhanced Customer Experience:
AI-driven personalization and instant customer support lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty, fostering stronger relationships between banks and their clients.

2. Efficiency and Cost Savings:
Automation of routine tasks through AI reduces the need for manual intervention, leading to streamlined operations and decreased operational costs.

3. Fraud Prevention:
Real-time fraud detection powered by AI ensures a secure environment for both customers and the bank, preventing financial losses and preserving trust.

4. Data-Driven Insights:
AI’s ability to process and analyze vast datasets generates valuable insights that inform strategic decision-making, leading to more informed and effective business strategies.

5. Regulatory Compliance:
AI aids banks in adhering to complex regulatory frameworks by identifying potential compliance issues and minimizing risks.

The Future of AI in Banking

The journey of AI in banking is far from over. With the relentless progress of technology, we can foresee:
1. Hyper-Personalization:
AI will enable banks to offer highly personalized services, from tailor-made financial advice to customized product offerings, based on individual customer behaviour and preferences.

2. Advanced Fraud Detection:
AI models will evolve to detect even more sophisticated fraud patterns, safeguarding customers against emerging threats.

3. Chatbot Evolution:
AI-powered chatbots will become more intuitive, capable of understanding natural language and emotions, providing an even more seamless customer interaction.

4. Predictive Analytics:
AI’s predictive capabilities will improve further, assisting banks in foreseeing market trends, customer behaviour, and economic shifts with greater accuracy.

How Chat360 Can Help Banks Automate with AI

The amalgamation of AI and the banking sector marks a transformative chapter in the industry’s history. The future holds promise, with AI poised to revolutionise customer interactions, predictive analytics, and risk management even further. Banks that embrace AI today are poised to lead the way in delivering innovative, efficient, and customer-centric financial services, paving the path for a new era of banking excellence.

Chat360 is a conversational AI platform that can help banks automate a variety of tasks, including:

Customer service:
Chat360 can be used to create AI-powered chatbots that can answer customer questions, resolve issues, and provide support 24/7. This can free up human customer service agents to focus on more complex tasks.

Chat360 can be used to create AI-powered marketing campaigns that can target customers more effectively and generate leads. This can help banks to improve their marketing ROI.

Generative & Conversational Healthcare AI chatbots

In recent years, the healthcare industry has been undergoing a remarkable transformation thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI).

The integration of AI technologies such as Generative AI and Conversational AI has paved the way for more efficient, accurate, and patient-centric healthcare services.

This blog explores the impact of AI in healthcare, focusing specifically on how chatbots are changing the future of healthcare, and how they are reshaping the landscape of medical diagnosis, patient interaction, and treatment planning.

Chatbots in Healthcare

Why Chatbots are important in Healthcare?

Artificial intelligence has transcended its role as a mere technological tool and has become an integral part of the healthcare ecosystem. From diagnosing diseases to predicting patient outcomes, AI is enhancing the decision-making process for healthcare professionals.

This technology involves training models to generate new content, whether it’s images, text, or even medical data.

Chatbots helping human in case of sickness

AI, is reshaping the way patients and healthcare providers interact. Conversational AI employs natural language processing (NLP) to enable human-like conversations between machines and users. 

This technology of healthcare chatbots is enhancing patient engagement, providing instant responses to medical queries, and even offering medication reminders.

Imagine a scenario where patients can have real-time conversations with AI-powered virtual assistants to assess their symptoms and receive preliminary medical advice. 

This not only empowers patients to take control of their health but also reduces the burden on healthcare facilities by addressing routine inquiries without direct medical intervention.

Benefits of Chatbots in Healthcare 

The integration of AI in healthcare is yielding remarkable benefits. Let’s explore some of the key areas where it’s making a significant impact:

1. Patient Triage and Support:

Conversational AI-powered chatbots can assess the severity of patients’ conditions and guide them to appropriate care levels. This helps to efficiently allocate resources and prioritize critical cases.

2. Appointment Scheduling:
By automating appointment scheduling, healthcare providers can streamline their operations and offer patients a hassle-free experience.

Chatbot helping in scheduling appointments

3. Remote Monitoring:
Patients with chronic conditions can be remotely monitored through Conversational AI interfaces. Any concerning symptoms can trigger immediate alerts to healthcare providers.

Chatbot helping human in remote monitoring

4. Post-Discharge Follow-up:
AI-driven conversations can ensure that patients adhere to post-discharge instructions, leading to improved recovery rates and reduced readmissions.

Chatbot and human post discharge follow up

5. Patient Education:
AI-driven virtual assistants provide patients with information about their conditions, treatment options, and recovery guidelines.

Chatbot guiding human in patient education

6. Language Translation:
Conversational AI breaks language barriers by providing real-time translation services for patients and healthcare providers who speak different languages.

Why Choose Chat360 as a solution

Chat360 revolutionizes healthcare communication by seamlessly integrating chatbots across various platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, websites, and CRM systems. In the healthcare industry, this innovation enhances patient engagement, streamlines appointment scheduling, and provides instant responses to queries. 

Patients can receive personalized assistance, access relevant health information, and even receive medication reminders through their preferred channels. With Chat360’s adaptable solutions, healthcare providers can optimize workflows, reduce administrative burdens, and ultimately improve the overall patient experience. 

The integration with CRM platforms ensures efficient management of patient data, facilitating better communication and coordination among healthcare teams. Chat360 transforms healthcare interactions, making them more accessible, efficient, and patient-centric.

Sign up for a free trial today!

How Artificial Intelligence is Evolving the Future of E-Commerce

Back in time where people used to imagine landing on the moon, which was a reality in the last century. Likewise, the evolution of AI has transformed the way we live. It has found its way in our daily lives, let it be personal or professional.

Businesses are no exception! Where you can find multiple instances where you find AI, specifically chatbots to assist you to make a decision. You might have experienced this in Ecommerce apps or websites, where a pop up appears on your screen, with a motive to help you shop for the perfect product you’re looking for. 

In this informative blog, we will learn about how AI is helping online businesses  stay  ahead of the competition. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences, AI is reshaping the e-commerce industry. we will delve into the role of AI and its impact on business processes, and how it is elevating the customer journey.

How AI can help your online E-Commerce Business

AI-powered chatbots have revolutionized the e-commerce industry by providing efficient and personalized customer service. These Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA’s) can take customer’s data, interpret and process the information and deliver personalized information by using Natural Language processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). 

The source of integration of AI to your Ecommerce platform is a chatbot, which can perform these operations and can interact with your customer’s using GenAI and Conversational AI abilities, to deliver human like conversations.

Let us understand how the operation works inside an AI powered E-commerce chatbot:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

AI chatbots leverage NLP to understand and interpret human language. When a customer types a query, the chatbot processes the text to grasp the intent and context, enabling it to respond appropriately.

2. Machine Learning Algorithms:

These chatbots use machine learning algorithms to improve their responses over time. By analyzing past interactions, the chatbot learns to provide more accurate and relevant answers, enhancing customer satisfaction.

3. Integration with E-commerce Platforms:

AI chatbots are integrated with e-commerce platforms and databases. This integration allows them to access real-time information about product availability, order status, and customer details, providing instant and precise responses to inquiries.

4. Efficient response time:

Once the information is gathered, these AI powered Chatbots respond to the user query instantaneously, with accurate information. This can increase the customer satisfaction rate and enhance the user experience, thus ultimately increasing the brand value.

Benefits of using AI in E-commerce

The integration of AI in e-commerce is changing the dynamics of online businesses. Advancements in NLP and ML are constantly refining the technology to deliver maximum outcomes,  empowering online businesses to make smarter decisions, optimize processes, and deliver personalized shopping experiences.

Let’s explore the benefits  of AI across different aspects of e-commerce.

1. Elevating Personalization:

AI enhances  personalization in e-commerce by analyzing customer behaviors, preferences, and purchase history. This data is then used to create tailored product recommendations and marketing messages, resulting in a more engaging and relevant shopping experience.

Customers are more likely to convert when they feel that the platform understands and caters to their individual needs.

2. AI-Driven Customer Support

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are making customer support more efficient and effective. These AI-driven tools offer instant responses to customer inquiries, assisting them in real time.

This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces the workload on customer service teams, allowing them to focus on more complex issues.

3. Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting:

AI algorithms can analyze historical sales data, market trends, and external factors to accurately predict future demand.

This enables e-commerce businesses to optimize their inventory management, ensuring that they have the right products in stock at the right time. This reduces overstocking and understocking issues, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

4. Efficient Supply Chain Management:

AI is transforming supply chain management by optimizing routes, reducing transportation costs, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most efficient shipping methods and routes, ultimately speeding up delivery times and reducing operational expenses.

5. Data-Driven Marketing Strategies:

AI enables e-commerce businesses to develop data-driven marketing strategies. By analyzing customer data, AI can identify patterns, preferences, and trends, allowing businesses to create targeted and effective marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience.

6. Predictive Analytics:

AI-powered predictive analytics assist e-commerce businesses in making informed decisions. These analytics forecast future trends, helping businesses anticipate market shifts, optimize product offerings, and tailor marketing efforts accordingly.

What is the future of AI in EcommerceAs AI continues to evolve, its potential impact on e-commerce is boundless. The introduction to AR and VR are transforming user buying behaviour, where a customer can try out the product like clothes, glasses, accessories on their phone using AI.

Here are some exciting possibilities for the future:

1. Visual Search:

AI-powered visual search tools allow customers to find products using images, enhancing the search experience and potentially increasing conversions.

2. Voice Commerce:

With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, AI-driven voice commerce is on the horizon, enabling customers to make purchases using natural language.

3. Dynamic Pricing:

AI can optimize pricing strategies based on real-time data, demand fluctuations, and competitor pricing, ensuring businesses remain competitive while maximizing profits.

Chat360 Can Boost your  E-Commerce  Business using AI

As we have seen that  the synergy between AI and e-commerce is reshaping the Ecommerce industry, leading to enhanced customer experiences, streamlined operations, and data-driven decision-making.

From personalized recommendations to efficient supply chain management, AI is proving to be a valuable asset for businesses seeking growth and innovation in the digital marketplace.

As technology continues to advance, the e-commerce industry stands poised to leverage AI’s full potential, paving the way for a future where businesses and customers alike reap the benefits of this transformative technology.

Chat360 is at the forefront of the AI technology providing smart and efficient ecommerce chatbots for your business. The AI powered marketing automation platform helps you create, integrate and deploy chatbots on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and websites, with no technical expertise. You can use our automated platform to easily create chatbot with drag and drop elements.

Schedule a free demo today!

Instagram Business Account Vs Instagram Personal

In today’s world, social media reigns supreme, and Instagram has become the go-to platform for people to share their personal lives and businesses to showcase their brands. 

But, choosing between a personal or business account can be a head-scratcher.

Sure, a personal account may be more suitable for your everyday users, but if you’re looking to level up your brand and expand your reach, a business account is the way to go! It comes loaded with unique features that can help grow your following and connect with a wider audience.

So, if you’re a social media influencer, small business owner, or simply someone who loves to share their daily life, you’re in the right place! 

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between Instagram personal and business accounts and help you determine which one is right for you. So, keep reading to know more about Instagram Business accounts vs. Instagram Personal accounts.

What is an Instagram personal account?

An Instagram personal account is a profile created by an individual for their personal use. It’s the go-to account type for sharing daily life updates, connecting with friends, and expressing your personality. 

Instagram personal accounts are typically used by everyday users who aren’t looking to promote a business or brand. With a personal account, you can share photos, videos, and stories with your followers, engage with your community, and follow your favorite accounts.

What is an Instagram business account?

An Instagram business account is designed to help companies and individuals establish a professional presence on the platform. 

With a business account, you have access to a suite of features that enable you to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. 

  • You can add a contact button to your profile, which allows users to call, email, or text you directly. 
  • You can also run targeted ads, reach new customers through sponsored content, and track your performance using analytics tools. 
  • Business accounts also let you create shoppable posts, making it easy for customers to discover and purchase products directly from your page. 

With these features and more, Instagram business accounts are a powerful tool for driving growth and building brand awareness.

Difference between an Instagram Business account and personal account

When it comes to distinguishing between an Instagram personal account and an Instagram business account, there are several features to consider.

1. Insights and analytics

Instagram Insights and analytics

As a business or creator on Instagram, you have access to free insights that can help you better understand your audience and the performance of your content. This feature is exclusive to business/creator accounts and not available on personal accounts.

With Instagram Insights, you can view trends across your followers, as well as the performance of specific posts, stories, videos, reels, and live videos. 

You can see how people engaged with your content and view metrics like accounts reached, accounts engaged, and content interactions. 

Plus, you can tap on each metric for a more detailed breakdown and see demographic information on the accounts you’ve reached and engaged with. 

You can even view insights on your boosted posts to see how they’re performing as ads. 

With Instagram Business’ insights and analytics, you can make informed decisions about your content strategy and improve your audience reach.

2. Instagram shopping

Instagram Ads

Image Source: Freepik

Another way Instagram business accounts are different from Instagram personal accounts is that business accounts can set up their online shops on the platform.

Instagram Shopping is a feature that allows businesses to sell their products directly on Instagram. Essentially, it turns your Instagram profile into a virtual storefront. You can tag your products on photos and videos, including posts, stories, and reels.

To start using Instagram Shopping, businesses must create a catalog of their products and connect it to their Instagram account.

To use Instagram Shopping, businesses need to have an Instagram Business account and connect it to a Facebook Catalog. 

Once the account is set up, businesses can tag their products in whatever they post. When a user clicks on a product tag, they can view the product details, including the name, price, and description. 

If they’re interested in purchasing the product, they can click on the “Shop Now” button, which takes them to the business’s website to complete the transaction. 

One of the great features of Instagram Shopping is the ability to create product collections, making it easier for users to discover and browse related items. Businesses can also tag multiple products in a single post, making it easy for users to shop for the entire look or outfit.

Instagram Shopping is the perfect solution for businesses looking to boost their online sales game. With easy product tagging, your followers can shop for your products directly from your Instagram profile. It’s like having your own virtual shopping mall, but better!

3. Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads example image

Image Source: Freepik

Instagram Business accounts can run paid ads, whereas personal account holders can not. 

In fact, Instagram Advertising has become an essential tool for businesses looking to reach a wider audience and increase their brand exposure.

The platform provides a range of ad formats to choose from, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads.

Businesses can target their ads to specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and even lookalike audiences based on their existing customers. Instagram’s Ad Manager allows businesses to track their ad performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their ad campaigns.

Instagram also offers a variety of ad placements, including in-feed ads, story ads, explore ads, and IGTV ads, providing businesses with multiple ways to reach their target audience.

4. Customer support on Instagram

Customer Support

Businesses on Instagram can deliver superior customer support with the help of automation. Instagram allows businesses to set up AI Insta chatbots to provide quick and efficient support to their customers, freeing up valuable time and resources for their teams.

But don’t just take our word for it. According to Statista, 40% of online shoppers use a chatbot to communicate and buy online. By implementing a customer service bot on your Instagram account, you can empower your customers to send you direct messages (DM) with questions, doubts, and queries.

Not only that, but Instagram chatbots can also help you collect valuable data about your customers, including their preferences and behaviors. This information can be used to improve your products and services, and even personalize your marketing efforts. 

Features Personal Account Business Account
Account type Personal Business
Profile Single profile, contains bio and personal information Business profile, contains contact information, category and call-to-action buttons
Instagram Insights Not available Available
Instagram Ads Not available Available for Creator and Business accounts
Instagram Shopping Can only shop on personal profile through Instagram Checkout Can access Shopping features, including product tagging and Instagram Checkout
Direct Messaging Can’t deploy automation Can deploy automation like AI chatbots
Instagram Stories Available Available, with additional features like links and call-to-action buttons
Instagram Live Available Available, with additional features like the ability to schedule and promote upcoming streams
Creator Studio Not available Available for scheduling posts and managing multiple accounts

Instagram Business Accounts have additional features and tools that are specifically designed to help businesses grow and engage with their audience. From access to Instagram Insights and Ads to Shopping and Direct Messaging tools, businesses can leverage these features to drive sales, build their brand, and provide better customer service.

How to set up an Instagram business account and Instagram personal account?

Starting an Instagram business account is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. 

Here’s how to set up your Instagram business account:

  1. Create or log in to your Instagram account: To set up an Instagram business account, you must have an existing personal Instagram account or create one.
  2. Tap on the Menu: Once you’re logged in, go to your profile and tap on the Menu icon in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Go to Settings: From the Menu, select “Settings.”
  4. Switch to a Professional Account: Next, tap “Account” and then “Switch to Professional Account.”
  5. Select a Business Category: Choose a category that best describes your business.
  6. Add Contact Details: Enter your business’s contact details such as email, phone number, or address.
  7. Connect to a Facebook Page (optional): If you have a Facebook Page associated with your business, connect it to your Instagram account to unlock more features.
  8. Review Your Business Information: Review the details you’ve entered and make any necessary changes.
  9. Display Your Business Information: Go to your profile and tap “Edit profile.” Then, under “Public Business Information,” choose whether you want to display or hide your category label and contact info.

To set up an Instagram personal account, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
  2. Tap the Instagram app to open it.
  3. Tap “Create New Account” and enter your email address or mobile number, then tap “Next.”
  4. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email address or mobile number, then tap “Next.”
  5. Create a password, then tap “Next.”
  6. Enter your birthday and add your name.
  7. Create a username.
  8. Read Instagram’s terms and policies, then tap “I agree” to create your account.
  9. Add a profile picture, then tap “Next.”

Limitations of Instagram business account and personal account

While the business account boasts an array of helpful features for you to explore, there are a few limitations that still prevail.

The limitations of Instagram business accounts are as follows:

  • Limited organic reach: Instagram’s algorithm favors personal accounts over business accounts, which can result in limited organic reach for business content.
  • Restrictions on posting: Business accounts can only post photos or videos, and are limited to certain aspect ratios and file sizes.
  • Limited link options: Business accounts are restricted to including only one clickable link in their profile, which can make it difficult to drive traffic to specific products or pages.
  • Limited analytics: While Instagram does provide analytics for business accounts, the level of detail is often limited, making it difficult to gain deeper insights into performance.

The limitations of Instagram personal accounts are as follows:

  • Limited privacy options: Personal accounts offer limited privacy settings, making it more difficult to control who sees your content.
  • No access to Instagram Insights: Unlike business accounts, personal accounts don’t have access to detailed analytics, making it more difficult to track engagement and performance.
  • No access to paid advertising: Personal accounts are unable to create paid advertising campaigns on Instagram, limiting their ability to promote products or services.
  • No access to shopping features: Personal accounts don’t have access to Instagram’s shopping features, which can make it more difficult to monetize content.
  • Limited opportunities for collaboration: Brands are more likely to collaborate with business accounts, which can limit opportunities for personal accounts to work with brands or monetize their content.

Examples of Instagram business accounts

Looking for inspiration on how to level up your Instagram game? Check out these top-performing business accounts that are crushing it on the platform.


Oreo’s Instagram account is a colorful and creative visual feast for fans of the iconic cookie. With 3.5 million followers, the brand regularly posts mouth-watering images of its latest cookie creations and fun videos showcasing its beloved product. 

Oreo also uses its Instagram presence to engage with fans through interactive contests and clever memes. 

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Oreo or just love beautiful food photography, the brand’s Instagram account is a must-follow for any lover of sweet treats.


FedEx’s Instagram is visually engaging, featuring bold colors and dynamic imagery. 

Their Instagram is also a prime example of a brand that knows how to leverage user-generated content (UGC). They use their platform to showcase customer stories and experiences, featuring real people and businesses that have benefitted from their services. 

From stunning photos of packages in transit to heartfelt testimonials from satisfied customers, their feed is a window into the world of shipping and logistics.

Their use of UGC helps to build a sense of community and trust around their brand, showing that they value and appreciate their customers. It’s clear that FedEx understands the power of social media and how to use it to connect with its audience in a meaningful way.


Vans’ Instagram business account is the haven for 16.7 million fans of the brand and skate culture. 

With a focus on authenticity and inclusivity, Vans shares user-generated content and collaborate with artists and musicians, making their followers feel like a part of the family. 

From breathtaking aerial shots to up-close and personal portraits, the account perfectly captures the essence of Vans’ laid-back, rebellious vibe. Vans’ Instagram Stories and posts keep fans updated on new product releases, skate events, collaborations with other brands, and behind-the-scene glimpses from their creative process.


Whether you’re an individual looking to share your personal life or a business owner looking to expand your reach, Instagram has the right account type for you. 

However, if you want to boost your business’s online presence, an Instagram business account is the way to go. With unique features like Instagram Insights, Shopping, Ads, Insta API and automated customer support, you’ll have everything you need to grow your following, drive sales and deliver awesome customer service.

And if you’re looking for an easy way to create a conversational AI chatbot for your Instagram business account, look no further than Chat360. With Chat360, you can build a customized Instagram chatbot that will help you engage with your audience and increase your conversational commerce efforts. So why wait? Sign up for the Chat360 Insta bot today.

What is a Customer Service Chatbot

AI has been making its way into our daily lives since the inception. It is evident that, with AI, we can create a sustainable and smart future for coming generations and it has begun.

In this blog, we will be specifically focusing on AI and its application in customer service. We will touch upon, what chatbots in customer service really do, their features, and how we can create an effective customer service chatbots with its benefits.

Let us start by understanding the definition of a customer service chatbot.

A customer service chatbot is an AI-driven tool designed to interact with customers and assist them with their queries in real time. With the two essential components, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, these chatbots provide instant support, answer frequently asked questions, and handle routine tasks. This technology enhances customer experience by offering 24/7 availability and quick, accurate responses, reducing the need for human intervention in initial stages of customer support.

Let’s discover how these AI powered customer service chatbots can help customer service teams to efficiently resolve customer queries in detail.

How Customer Service Chatbots Work

As we have seen, a customer service chatbots operate by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user inquiries. 

Here’s a breakdown of their functioning:

1. User Interaction: When a user initiates a conversation, the chatbot greets them and identifies the user’s intent through keyword recognition and contextual understanding.

2. Natural Language Processing: The chatbot processes the user’s input using NLP algorithms to comprehend the query’s context and sentiment.

3. Knowledge Base Access: It then searches its pre-programmed database or knowledge base for relevant information, drawing from FAQs, support articles, and other resources.

4. Response Generation: Based on the information retrieved, the chatbot formulates an appropriate response, which can range from simple answers to guiding users through complex processes.

5. Learning and Improvement: Advanced chatbots use machine learning to improve over time, learning from past interactions to provide more accurate and helpful responses in future conversations.

6. Escalation to Human Agents: If the chatbot encounters a query it cannot resolve, it seamlessly escalates the conversation to a human customer service representative, ensuring the user receives the assistance they need.

What are the Customer Service Chatbot Features

When it comes to implementing a customer service chatbot for your digital platforms , there are several features that businesses should consider. The features can range from helping improve the overall user experience of a website to increasing the customer satisfaction score. In this section , we’ll explore the features for a customer service chatbot.

1. Omnichannel Support

The omnichannel support feature tops the list as it is required for every business. This is further classified as omnichannel messaging that is generally attributed by the chatbot platform companies.

Omnichannel messaging is a feature that allows users to communicate with chatbot across multiple channels using a single dashboard. The channels can be Website, eMail, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and other channels. With this feature, customers can receive instant support through their preferred channel, making it easier for them to communicate with the business. And for businesses, there is no hassle of opening every platform if they have to interact with customers as they get a unified dashboard.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is another important feature that user needs to consider before opting for a customer  service chatbot for the website. As NLP is a vital branch of AI when it comes to chatbot development, it enables the chatbot to understand and interpret customer messages, regardless of how they are phrased. 

This helps to ensure that the chatbot provides accurate and relevant responses to customer queries when they are prompted.

Along with NLP, there are other AI branches that you can look out for ML, NLU, and NLG. These are also equally important when it comes to distinguishing the chatbot features from the rest.

3.  Live Chat Handover & Management

Live chat handover and management is a feature that enables the chatbot to seamlessly inter-exchange the conversation with a human representative when required. This ensures that customers receive the help they need in a timely manner and can get their queries addressed if any human intervention is required.

When there is a huge influx of customer service queries, chatbot users also need to be ready to manage them. This is why you need to see whether the chatbot can intelligently manage and hand over customer queries based on criticality or if it needs to be manually operated.

4. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is an AI feature that powers the chatbot to detect the tone and emotion of customer messages. This can help the chatbot provide more empathetic and personalized responses depending on the scenario and make the customer feel valued through it. 

This feature also helps businesses to identify the areas where they need to improve their customer service. It instantly boosts customer retention and ensures that customers will not get disassociated from the company. 

7. Easy Customization

Similar to visual chat flow builder, businesses also need to consider this feature if they do not have a vast tech team to support it. Because easy customization is a feature that helps businesses to customize their chatbot without any technical knowledge. And when you do not have associates without tech knowledge, it becomes hard for them to use the chatbot for customer interaction.

Customization can include changing the chatbot’s appearance or visual identity, modifying its responses, managing users, or adding new features whenever it is introduced. 

6.  Chatbot Training

Chatbot training is about training a company’s chatbot to better understand customer queries and provide more accurate responses. It is a major component of machine learning and business need to have the input where they can have their own datasets uploaded to the server to train the chatbot.

Training the chatbot can help improve the chatbot’s performance in terms of better message delivery and increase customer satisfaction rate when customers get relevant solutions to their problem statement.

7.  Integration with CRM and 3rd-Party Apps

CRM integration with a chatbot is a key feature when your business has a huge customer database. As companies look forward to tracking their customer service teams’ performance, it is a helpful feature for businesses to have. This also helps the CS teams to be more organized and know the activities happening around them.

Integration with other 3rd-party apps is also needed. For instance marketing automation software. The integration can help businesses streamline their marketing workflows and provide outreach facilities to support the customers.

8.  Multilingual Capabilities

When your business has customers from across the globe, multilingual capability is a must-have feature for a chatbot. As the chatbot can communicate with customers in multiple languages. This can help businesses reach a wider audience and provide service to customers who may not speak the same language as the business.

You also need to ensure that the languages are thoroughly tested before deploying them to customers. Because using a mere translation features can be a disastrous move, so training the chatbot before deploying it to customers is important.

9.  Security & Privacy

Security and privacy are critical features for any website customer service chatbot. Businesses should ensure that their chatbot is secure and compliant with relevant data privacy regulations to protect their customers’ data and are certified by the relevant agencies.

With the security compliance badge, it easily helps companies to build trust with their customers. Ensuring that there will be no threat of data loss and it will be privately regulated within them.

10. Instantaneous response time:

Customer service is all about responding to customer queries quickly and accurately. This establishes a brand loyalty and enhances customer satisfaction score which can be beneficial for your business. These AI powered Customer Service Chatbots can respond to queries instantaneously and with maximum accuracy.

How to create a versatile Customer Service Chatbot

Creating a versatile customer service chatbot is now more accessible than ever, thanks to a variety of no-code tools available on the market. These platforms allow businesses to design and deploy chatbots without the need for extensive technical expertise. With intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and customizable features, anyone can build a chatbot tailored to their specific needs.

These no-code tools often include features like natural language processing, integration with existing customer support systems, and analytics to monitor and improve chatbot performance. This democratization of chatbot development means that companies of all sizes can enhance their customer service capabilities, providing 24/7 support and improving customer satisfaction without significant investment in technology or specialized personnel.

By leveraging these user-friendly platforms, businesses can quickly implement a robust customer service chatbot, streamlining operations and ensuring a consistent and efficient customer experience.

You can also schedule a demo with team Chat360, to see how efficiently one can create and deploy chatbots for your business.

What is a Customer Service Chatbot – FAQs

Other popular AI features can be Deep Learning and Expert systems that can be considered. Both features together help businesses identify areas where they need to improve their customer service. By analyzing the datasets and training, the chatbot can better understand the customer’s needs and provide more accurate and relevant responses.
You can personalize the chatbot experience based on how well you have trained them on factors of sentiment analysis. Because analysis and training are key when it comes to delivering personalized responses and making your customers feel privileged.
A few advanced chatbot features include sentiment analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and multilingual capabilities. These features can help improve the performance of a customer service chatbot by providing more personalized and accurate support to customers. Additionally, they also support businesses to automate customer interaction workflows and provide a better experience to them.
It depends on the chatbot platform you are using and the third-party apps you want to integrate with. Some chatbot platforms offer pre-built integrations with popular third-party apps, while others may require custom integration work. Additionally, some third-party apps may not offer open APIs that allow for integration with external tools. It is important to research the compatibility of your chatbot platform with the third-party apps you want to integrate with and ensure that the necessary APIs are available for integration.

A Comparative Overview: WhatsApp Vs WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps in the world. You can find WhatsApp on any type of device as well as different OS making it more desirable.

Now WhatsApp has introduced multiple variations such as Beta, Business & Personal to diversify their audience. While originally, the app was designed for personal use, but now WhatsApp has now introduced a separate platform for businesses, known as WhatsApp Business. End-users were often confused between both platforms hence it was required to distinguish them clearly.

In this blog, we will discuss the differences between WhatsApp Personal accounts and WhatsApp Business accounts.

A Comparative Overview: WhatsApp Vs WhatsApp Business

Difference Between Whatsapp And Whatsapp Business

Both the communication application WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business comes with a distinctive feature based on the usage. As WhatsApp is a social app, but WhatsApp Business is for business to sell their product and services.

Comparative Analysis Of WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

Comparison Between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Vs WhatsApp Business account: All the differences you need to know

Below is a compilation of the major factors that help in distinguishing the difference between WhatsApp personal and WhatsApp business apps.

1. Objective

The primary difference between a WhatsApp Personal account and a WhatsApp Business account is their intended objective. WhatsApp Personal accounts are designed for personal communication between friends and family, while WhatsApp Business accounts are designed for businesses to communicate with their customers.

2. Profile

WhatsApp Personal accounts use the user’s phone number as their profile. They can also update their profile with a display picture and upload status in the form of images and videos. The app also supports a bio section through text and emojis.

WhatsApp Business accounts allow users to create a business profile with additional information such as a business description, email address, website, and physical address.

Recently WaBu has also introduced catalog section where they can display their products or services. These details help customers to learn more about the business and its solutions offered in the market.

3. Accessibility

Both apps are available to download and free to use on Android and iOS platforms. While the size ranges from device to device, functionality and purpose, remain the same.

4. Features

WhatsApp Personal accounts offer basic messaging and calling features; apart from that, you have broadcast and creating WA groups as an option. 

WhatsApp Business accounts offer additional features designed specifically for businesses. Some of these features include:

  1. Automated Messages: Businesses can create automated messages for greeting customers, sending away messages, and quick replies.
  2. Labels: With WhatsApp Business accounts, businesses can add labels to their chats, making it easier to organize conversations. For ex: marketing, sales, transactional and customer support.
  3. Catalogs: Businesses can create a catalog of their products and services and share them with customers through WhatsApp Business accounts.
  4. Analytics: WhatsApp Business accounts provide businesses with analytics on their messaging performance, including the number of messages sent, delivered, and read.
  5. Business APIs: If you wish to take your business on WhatsApp to the next level, like creating chatbots and all. WhatsApp Business APIs can be integrated with your Business Account to do so.

5. Customer Communication

WhatsApp Personal accounts are designed for one-to-one communication between individuals. And companies were refrained to use this platform for mass marketing.

But WhatsApp Business accounts are designed for businesses to communicate with their customers. The main feature of this app is for businesses to communicate with multiple customers at once. This makes it easier to manage customer communication.

6. Devices

WhatsApp personal account can be used only from a mobile phone and one additional device which can be a laptop or desktop computer. WhatsApp Business has introduced a web version that can be accessed from multiple users and devices making it more business friendly.

7. Policies

WhatsApp Personal accounts are subject to WhatsApp’s standard terms of service and privacy policy, while WhatsApp Business accounts have their own set of policies. Businesses must agree to these policies before creating a WhatsApp Business account.

8. Cost

WhatsApp Personal accounts are free to use, while WhatsApp Business accounts may be subject to fees. However, at the time of writing, WhatsApp has not yet introduced fees for WhatsApp Business accounts. The pricing happens only when there are APIs utilized during integration or deploying a WhatsApp chatbot.

9. Identity

WhatsApp Business accounts can be verified by Meta. They also provide businesses with a verified badge on their profile with a green tick. This verification process involves confirming the business’s phone number and other information, indicating to customers that the business is legitimate. In comparison, WhatsApp personal accounts do not require verification apart from a dedicated phone number that is accessible for OTPs.

10. Audience

WhatsApp Personal accounts are intended for use by individuals privately. WhatsApp Business accounts are intended for businesses of all sizes. Businesses can use WhatsApp Business accounts to communicate with customers, suppliers, and other business partners. But if they wish to contact individuals by using any advertorial means, they need to have their consent first, or the account may get blocked.

11. Availability

WhatsApp Personal accounts are available in all countries where WhatsApp is available, while WhatsApp Business accounts are not available in all countries. Businesses should check if WhatsApp Business accounts are available in their country before creating an account.

Is WhatsApp Business Better Than WhatsApp?

WhatsApp Business is better suited for businesses due to its tailored features that enhance customer communication and engagement. Unlike the standard WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business offers automated responses, labels for organising chats, and analytics for tracking customer interactions. These tools help businesses streamline their operations and provide more professional, responsive service. For businesses aiming to build stronger customer relationships, WhatsApp Business is a more powerful and efficient choice.

To sum it up 

In conclusion, while WhatsApp Personal and WhatsApp Business accounts share many similarities, but there are some significant differences between them. WhatsApp Business accounts are designed specifically for businesses where they get a lot of features and WA automation tools that are not available on WhatsApp Personal accounts. Businesses that are looking to communicate with their customers through WhatsApp should consider creating a WhatsApp Business account to take advantage of these additional features.

WhatsApp vs WhatsApp Business – FAQs

While it is technically possible to use your personal WhatsApp account for business purposes, it is not recommended. It is better to create a separate WhatsApp Business account to keep your personal and business communication separate so that the data is not mixed up.
It all depends on your requirement. Generally, you do not need a separate phone number to create a WhatsApp Business account. You can use the same phone number that you use for your personal WhatsApp account and enjoy the benefits of both platforms in a single place.
While WhatsApp Business accounts are primarily designed for businesses, you can still use them for personal communication. However, it is recommended to keep your personal and business communication separate by using separate accounts as the end-ser gets notified that they are interacting with a business account which makes it weird to have personal conversations.
WhatsApp Business accounts and personal accounts are free to use. But if you wish to scale up your WhatsApp Business using Chatbots and other advanced features, there is WA bot pricing involved with it.
You can add a business description, email address, website, and physical address to your WhatsApp Business profile. Along with it, you can also showcase your products or service through catalog section. This helps customers learn more about your business and its products or services.
One of the major intents of using WhatsApp Business accounts is to use automated messages. It allows you to create automated messages for greeting customers, sending away messages, and quick replies.
Yes, WhatsApp Business can be used for personal communication, but it is designed primarily for business interactions. It includes features like automated messages and business profiles, which may not be necessary for personal use. If privacy and simplicity are your main concerns, regular WhatsApp might be a better choice.

Chatbot Vs Chatbox

We often use the terms Chatbot and Chatbox interchangeably when talking about website chat functionality. That’s because both of them act as automated conversational agents that interact with humans through text-based messaging platforms. However, you should take into consideration that Chatbot and Chatbox have distinct purposes in a chat experience. 

Chatbox is a chat interface that pops out once you click the chat icon or bubble on a website. And that allows the user to interact with an AI chatbot or a live agent.

On the other hand, Chatbot is an AI-powered software application that conducts a conversation via text or voice interactions.

This blog will help you understand the contrast between chatbot and Chatbox, provide examples, and guide you in selecting the right one.

Difference between Chatbot and Chatbox 

1. Functionality and purpose


Chatbox are designed to provide a means of communication between users and the chat application. It allows multiple users to communicate and collaborate in real-time. And when there are any new messages, Chatbox alerts or notifies the users. Not just that, Chatbox allows users to search for messages or content via chat history.


The main function of an AI chatbot is to initiate a natural conversation with users. They are mostly used by businesses to automate repetitive tasks and workflows and help customer support, sales, and marketing departments. They do so by responding to FAQs, troubleshooting issues, and providing useful information related to products and services. At the same time, engaging with users and providing product recommendations, and offering personalized offers and discounts.

2. User Experience


Users can quickly access assistance and support with the help of Chatbox. Irrespective of location and time zone, Chatbox enables real-time communication between users around the clock. Also, brands use Chatbox to offer multi-channel communication such as text, voice, and videos to users and communicate via a preferred medium.


Chatbot keeps track of customer behavior with the help of data collected from past conversations. The data is further used to analyze the taste and preferences of the customers and offer a personalized experience. Moreover, it offers users relevant information, like product details, company policies, general knowledge, etc in the language that customers prefer.

3. Integration with other technologies


Chatbox can be integrated with websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. That makes it easier for businesses to offer flawless customer support or engage with visitors on the platform they choose. Visitors can quickly place their concerns and get instant responses at any hour of the day. 

Likewise, the integration of Chatbox with CRM helps businesses view customers’ previous interactions, allowing them to provide more tailored support. Also help them with lead qualification, appointment scheduling, and order processing.


Integration of chatbot with other technologies enhances the functionality and capabilities of the solution. It becomes more capable and provides a more comprehensive and effective user experience.

For instance, integrating chatbots with websites and messaging platforms helps brands collect user information that can be used for marketing or customer support purposes. 

Whereas chatbot integration with CRM helps brands offer customized customer experiences. Likewise, the chatbot integration with payment gateway and voice assistants takes customer experience to the whole next level.


How to integrate ChatGPT with Chatbot?

How to Integrate Dialogue Flow Bot into WordPress Website?

Examples of Chatbox Vs Chatbot


1. Chatbox for sales

Having an online chat attracts more traffic to websites, making way for more potential leads. You can then analyze your prospects’ activities, such as the pages they visited, the time spent on the page, and so on. And based on that, you can personalize the conversation and nurture the prospect, which in return encourages them to make a purchase.

2. Chatbox for customer support

Customers demand instant support and quick resolution for their concerns. Having a Chatbox allows the users to connect instantly with brands’ customer support. The support agents can have insights into the history of part conversation and have a meaningful conversation with customers.

3. Feedback

Chatbox allows you to use in-app campaigns to send out surveys to collect feedback and suggestions to make improvements in the overall customer experience.


1. Internal helpdesk support

Chatbot serves as internal help desk support by analyzing customers’ tastes and preferences and assisting agents in resolving shoppers’ queries. In the same way, Chatbot aids representatives by taking some of the questions off their plates. They do so by responding to FAQs or by offering the most relevant information with links to the knowledge base.

2. Customer engagement

Chatbots can engage customers by offering tailored messages containing promos, discounts, or recommendations. It uses various multimedia, like images, emojis, etc., to make the content visually appealing. That way, the customer remains interested and boosts engagement with your site.

3. Voice assistance

Voice bots facilitate customers to have a flawless experience on online stores, social media, or other messaging platforms. Artificial intelligence communication allows customers to make requests with voice commands without having to type anything. That becomes more favorable for users with disabilities as it enables them to easily access technology and perform tasks.

Choosing Between Chatbot and Chatbox

Chatbot and Chatbox are two different things, having individual features and purposes. So depending on your requirements, you can choose Chatbot or Chatbox. 

For instance, Chatbot is designed to simulate natural conversations and respond to user input with the help of NLP and ML. Whereas, Chatbox is an interface that facilitates communication between individuals and groups.

Therefore, if you’re looking to create automated conversations with users, Chatbot would be a good choice. At the same time, if you need a platform to initiate conversation, Chatbox might be a better option.


Connecting with customers over email or phone calls is no longer a thing today. It limits the reach and target capabilities and is costly and time-consuming.

So incorporating modern tools like Chatbox and Chatbot becomes crucial to remain competitive. 

These tools help your business deliver convenience by offering trackable, actionable, and secure interactions. They will transform the way you collaborate with customer support and sell in a conversational and mobile-friendly way, exchange real-time data, and take your business to the next level.

Further, read:

Chatbot Vs Conversational AI

Chatbot Vs RPA

Intelligent Conversations: Humans Vs Chatbots

Facebook Messenger API Guide

As an eCommerce business, one top priority is providing your customers with seamless communication channels. And what better way to achieve this than through Facebook Messenger API? 

With over 1.3 billion active users on Facebook Messenger, it’s no wonder businesses are turning to Facebook Messenger API to provide their customers with quick and efficient support. Facebook Messenger API is a powerful tool that allows businesses to automate customer service and communication, making connecting with customers and driving sales easier.

While Facebook Messenger API offers a range of benefits for businesses, it also presents some challenges. For example, it’s important to set clear expectations with customers about response times and provide value through personalized recommendations. Additionally, keeping the tone conversational and avoiding overly formal language can make customers feel like they’re talking to a real person rather than a chatbot.

This blog will explore the ins and outs of Facebook Messenger API, including how to set it up, its features, examples of businesses using it effectively, and best practices to engage with customers and drive sales.

What is Facebook Messenger API?

Facebook Messenger API is an interface that enables businesses to automate communication with customers through Facebook Messenger. This allows companies to respond to customer inquiries and messages promptly and efficiently without manual intervention.

Facebook Messenger API provides businesses with a range of tools to create custom automated responses, send messages, and more. For example, companies can set up automated messages sent to customers based on specific triggers, such as a new message or a purchase. Additionally, businesses can create custom Facebook chatbots that can handle customer inquiries and provide personalized responses.

How to set up Facebook Messenger API?

Setting up Facebook Messenger API may seem daunting for businesses. However, with the right steps and guidance, companies can easily set up the Messenger API and leverage its benefits. This section walks you through the steps to set up Facebook Messenger API for your business.

Step 1: Create a Facebook page for your business if you haven’t already. To do this, log in to your Facebook account, click the “Create” button in the top right corner, and choose “Page” from the options.

Step 2: Create a developer account on the Facebook for Developers website.

Step 3: Create a new app by clicking the “Create App” button in the top right corner of the dashboard.

Step 4: Choose the “Messenger” option under “Add Product” and follow the prompts to set up your Messenger account.

Step 5: Generate a Page Access Token and a Facebook App ID to allow your app to communicate with your Facebook page.

Step 6: Use a webhook to connect your app to your Messenger account, allowing it to receive and send messages to customers.

Features of Facebook Messenger API

Facebook Messenger API provides businesses with a range of features that can help them engage with customers and drive sales. By leveraging the power of Messenger API, companies can provide quick and efficient support to customers, personalize their shopping experience, and create a more engaging and personalized customer experience. Some of these features include:

1. Automated Responses

One of the most powerful features of Facebook Messenger API is its ability to provide automated responses. Businesses can create custom responses triggered by specific events, such as a new message or a purchase. This makes providing quick and efficient customer support more accessible, even when businesses are closed or unavailable.

Learn: How to set auto reply in Facebook messenger?

2. Custom Chatbots

Facebook Messenger API allows businesses to create custom FB chatbots to handle customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations. Chatbots can be programmed to understand customer requests and provide relevant information, making it easier for customers to find the answers they need.

3. Personalized Recommendations

Messenger API allows businesses to provide personalized product recommendations to customers based on their purchase history and browsing behavior. This can help companies to drive sales by suggesting relevant products to customers and providing a more tailored shopping experience.

4. Quick Replies

Quick Replies is another feature of Facebook Messenger API that allows businesses to provide fast responses to common customer inquiries. Quick Replies are pre-written messages triggered by specific keywords or phrases, making it easier to provide efficient customer support.

5. Customizable Call-to-Action 

The call-to-action buttons enable businesses to guide customers towards specific actions, such as making a purchase or booking an appointment, within the Messenger app. Companies can increase conversions and sales by providing customers with a more seamless and convenient experience. 

Facebook Messenger API Examples

Facebook Messenger API has become an increasingly popular tool among businesses looking to improve customer engagement and sales. In fact, as of 2021, over 20 billion messages are exchanged between companies and customers every month on Messenger. 

From customer support to marketing and sales, Messenger API has proven to be a versatile tool that can help businesses streamline their operations and provide a better customer experience. This section will look at five examples of companies using Facebook Messenger API to achieve their goals.

1. H&M

H&M, a global fashion retailer, uses Facebook Messenger API to provide customers with personalized shopping recommendations based on their browsing behavior and purchase history. Customers can browse products, ask questions, and complete purchases within the Messenger app, providing a seamless shopping experience.

2. 1-800-Flowers

1-800-Flowers, a popular online florist, uses Facebook Messenger API to give customers real-time updates on their order status, delivery confirmation, and support. Customers can also use the Messenger app to browse products and place orders, providing a convenient and efficient shopping experience.

3. Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut uses Facebook Messenger API to allow customers to place orders and receive real-time updates on their delivery status. Customers can also use the Messenger app to access coupons and special promotions, making saving money on their orders easier.

4. Sephora

Sephora, a global beauty retailer, uses Facebook Messenger API to provide customers with personalized product recommendations, makeup tips, and tutorials. Customers can also use the Messenger app to book appointments, access exclusive promotions, and connect with Sephora’s beauty experts.

5. HealthTap

HealthTap, a healthcare technology company, uses Facebook Messenger API to give customers access to virtual consultations with doctors and healthcare professionals. Customers can use the Messenger app to ask questions, share symptoms, and receive personalized advice from medical experts.

Best Practises/Tips for Using Facebook Messenger API

As with any tool, using Facebook Messenger API most effectively is important to achieve the best results. By following some best practices and tips, businesses can use Messenger API to its fullest potential and deliver an excellent customer experience. 

Using Messenger API incorrectly can harm your customer relationships and hurt your business’s reputation. By following these best practices and tips, you can ensure that you are using Messenger API in the best way possible and getting the most out of this powerful tool.

  1. Set clear expectations: Tell customers what to expect when they message your business on Facebook Messenger. For example, inform them of your business hours and response times.
  2. Keep it conversational: Use a conversational tone when messaging customers on Facebook Messenger. Avoid using overly formal language that can make customers feel like they’re talking to a robot.
  3. Provide value: Use Facebook Messenger API to provide value to your customers. This could mean offering exclusive deals or promotions, sharing helpful information or tips, or providing quick and convenient customer support.
  4. Use rich media: Facebook Messenger API supports various rich media formats, including images, videos, and GIFs. Use these formats to make your messages more engaging and visually appealing.
  5. Encourage feedback: Facebook Messenger API is a great way to collect customer feedback. Encourage customers to leave feedback and respond to their comments promptly and thoughtfully. This will show your customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible experience.

Take Your Business to the Next Level with Facebook Messenger API

In today’s competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is important. With Facebook Messenger API, businesses can do just that. By leveraging the power of Messenger API, businesses can engage with their customers in real-time, provide personalized support, and drive sales like never before.

At Chat360, we understand the importance of customer engagement in today’s digital age. That’s why we offer expert guidance and support to help businesses get started with Messenger API and drive sales. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, our team of experts can help you harness the power of Messenger API to grow your business.

So why wait? Contact us today and use Facebook Messenger API to transform your customer engagement strategy and drive sales! With Chat360 by your side, you can take your business to the next level and stay ahead of the competition.

Using ChatGPT on WhatsApp

With WhatsApp’s popularity, businesses use it to communicate with their customers and build strong relationships.

However, the increasing number of customers and messages makes it difficult for companies to respond to each customer promptly. ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, can be very useful in this scenario. 


Using ChatGPT on WhatsApp

ChatGPT can assist businesses in handling customer queries effectively and efficiently. It can take your conversations to the next level with the help of artificial intelligence, where this powerful language model can help you answer questions, generate text, and even hold a conversation with your customers.

This blog will discuss the best methods to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp in 2024, how businesses and customers will benefit from it, and how to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp.

Best Methods to Use ChatGPT on WhatsApp in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of communication and artificial intelligence, the integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp is poised to redefine the way we interact with technology in 2024 and beyond.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, represents a highly advanced language model that offers a multitude of possibilities when applied to WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms.

In this discussion, we explore the most effective methods for utilizing ChatGPT on WhatsApp across various applications.

1. Personalized Conversations: In 2024, there is a pronounced focus on delivering tailored and personalized experiences. ChatGPT can be effectively harnessed to engage in personalized conversations with users.

It is proficient in assisting with tasks such as setting reminders, responding to queries, and offering recommendations, thereby creating a more engaging and individualized user experience.

2. Customer Support: The integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp has the potential to revolutionize customer support. AI chatbots, powered by ChatGPT, can efficiently handle routine inquiries, providing swift and accurate responses.

This not only reduces response times but also ensures that customers have access to assistance around the clock, thereby enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

3. Content Generation: ChatGPT can be employed to generate content for both businesses and individuals. Whether it involves drafting emails, composing social media posts, or preparing reports, ChatGPT is capable of saving time and effort.

In 2024, this feature is expected to be a game-changer for content creators, marketers, and professionals.

4. Language Translation: WhatsApp serves a global user base, and language can often pose a barrier. ChatGPT can offer real-time language translation, facilitating smoother and more accessible cross-border communication.

This feature is set to be indispensable for global businesses and international collaboration.

5. Virtual Assistants: The utilization of ChatGPT as a virtual assistant on WhatsApp can extend to tasks such as schedule management, provision of weather updates, and even offering travel recommendations.

As AI technology advances, the possibilities are expanding, and virtual assistants are anticipated to become more intuitive and efficient.

6. Conversational Marketing: In 2024, conversational marketing is anticipated to be a prominent trend. ChatGPT can play a pivotal role by engaging potential customers in a conversational manner, providing product information, and guiding them through the sales process.

This approach is likely to enhance user engagement and drive sales.

7. Data Analysis: ChatGPT can be applied to analyze user data and provide insights. Through monitoring conversations, it can identify trends, user preferences, and areas for improvement.

This data-driven approach is expected to be an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their operations.

As we enter the realm of 2024, the integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp promises to be a transformative development. The most effective methods for leveraging this technology will vary depending on individual needs and business objectives.

Whether it pertains to personalized interactions, enhanced customer support, content generation, or data analysis, 

ChatGPT offers a plethora of possibilities that can reshape the way we communicate, work, and conduct business in the digital age. As the year unfolds, success will be contingent upon harnessing this technology to its full potential and staying at the forefront of innovation in the ever-evolving domain of AI and messaging platforms.

How Businesses Benefit From Using ChatGPT on WhatsApp

Businesses can benefit significantly from using ChatGPT on WhatsApp to improve their customer service, sales processes, and overall customer experience. ChatGPT can help companies to achieve greater efficiency, scalability, and personalization, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue. 

Here are some key benefits that businesses can expect when using ChatGPT on WhatsApp:

  1. Improved Customer Service: ChatGPT can provide 24/7 customer support, reducing wait times and improving customer experience. By providing quick and personalized responses to customer inquiries, ChatGPT can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. Streamlined Sales Processes: ChatGPT can automate certain tasks, assist in lead qualification, and provide product recommendations, streamlining the sales process and reducing the burden on sales teams. This can help businesses close deals faster and increase revenue.
  3. Scalability: ChatGPT can handle a large volume of customer inquiries simultaneously, making it an ideal solution for businesses with a large customer base. This can help companies scale their customer support and sales operations without adding additional human resources.
  4. Personalization: ChatGPT can analyze customer data and behavior to provide tailored recommendations and assistance, improving the overall customer experience and increasing the chances of upselling and cross-selling.
  5. Multi-Lingual Support: ChatGPT can support multiple languages, making it easier for businesses to provide customer support and sales assistance to customers in different regions of the world.

How to Integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp

Integrating ChatGPT with WhatsApp can give businesses a powerful tool for improving customer engagement and experience. Here are the steps to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp:

1. Choose a ChatGPT provider: The first step is to choose a ChatGPT provider that offers integration with WhatsApp. OpenAI is one such provider that offers a pre-trained ChatGPT model that can be integrated with WhatsApp.

2. Create a WhatsApp Business Account: To use WhatsApp for business purposes, you’ll need to make a WhatsApp Business Account. This will allow you to send automated messages, manage customer interactions, and access additional features and tools.

3. Set up WhatsApp Business API: To integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp, you’ll need to set up the WhatsApp Business API. This involves registering your business with WhatsApp and obtaining an API key. You’ll also need to configure your API settings and set up webhooks to receive incoming messages.

4. Train your ChatGPT model: Once you’ve set up your WhatsApp Business Account and API, you’ll need to train your ChatGPT model. This involves providing the model with a dataset of training examples and fine-tuning it to generate responses tailored to your business needs and goals.

5. Connect ChatGPT with WhatsApp: Once you’ve trained your ChatGPT model, you’ll need to connect it with WhatsApp. This involves configuring your ChatGPT provider’s API to communicate with the WhatsApp Business API. You’ll also need to set up your ChatGPT model to receive incoming messages and generate responses.

6. Test and optimize: Once you’ve integrated ChatGPT with WhatsApp, you’ll need to test and optimize your chatbot to ensure it provides the best possible customer experience. This involves monitoring customer interactions, analyzing data, and fine-tuning your ChatGPT model to improve performance.

7. Launch ChatGPT: Once ChatGPT is trained and tested, it can be launched on WhatsApp. Businesses can use custom triggers to initiate conversations with customers.

How Customers Benefit from Using ChatGPT on WhatsApp

Customers can benefit from using ChatGPT on WhatsApp to interact with businesses. ChatGPT can provide quick and personalized responses to customer inquiries, reducing wait times and improving customer experience. 

By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, businesses can provide 24/7 customer support and sales assistance, making it easier for customers to interact with companies on their terms. Here are some key benefits that customers can expect when using ChatGPT on WhatsApp:

  1. Quick Responses: ChatGPT can quickly respond to customer inquiries, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience. This can help customers get the information they need promptly and reduce frustration.
  2. Personalization: ChatGPT can analyze customer data and behavior to provide tailored recommendations and assistance, improving the overall customer experience and increasing the chances of upselling and cross-selling. This can help customers find products and services that meet their specific needs and preferences.
  3. 24/7 Customer Support: ChatGPT can provide 24/7 customer support, making it easier for customers to get the help they need at any time of the day or night. 
  4. Multi-Lingual Support: ChatGPT can support multiple languages, making it easier for customers in different regions of the world to interact with businesses. 
  5. Self-Service Options: ChatGPT can provide self-service options for customers, allowing them to get the information they need without human interaction. This can improve efficiency and reduce the burden on customer support teams.

Difference Between ChatGPT and Conversational AI on WhatsApp

While ChatGPT and conversational AI on WhatsApp can provide automated conversational experiences for businesses and customers, ChatGPT focuses primarily on generating personalized responses. In contrast, conversational AI can provide a broader range of functionalities and applications.

ChatGPT on WhatsApp is a language model trained by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like responses to natural language inputs. It is based on deep neural network architecture and can generate complex, sophisticated responses that closely mimic human language.

ChatGPT can provide personalized answers based on customer data and behavior, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to improve customer experience and engagement.

Conversational AI on WhatsApp, on the other hand, typically refers to a broader category of technologies that include natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and other AI techniques.

Conversational AI can be used to develop chatbots and virtual assistants that can handle a variety of customer interactions, from simple FAQs to complex product inquiries. Conversational AI can also automate tasks, provide recommendations, and streamline sales processes.

While ChatGPT is focused primarily on generating human-like responses to customer inquiries, conversational AI can provide a broader range of functionalities and applications.

Conversational AI can be customized to suit a business’s specific needs and goals, making it a versatile and flexible solution.

Leveraging the Power of ChatGPT and WhatsApp for Business Success

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for businesses to handle customer queries on WhatsApp. By defining use cases, using custom triggers, personalizing responses, and using multi-lingual support, companies can use ChatGPT effectively on WhatsApp. 

Businesses can save time, increase efficiency, improve customer experience, and increase sales. Customers can benefit from ChatGPT by getting 24/7 support, quick responses, personalized experience, and saving time. 

By integrating ChatGPT with WhatsApp using the WhatsApp Business API and ChatGPT API, businesses can train and test ChatGPT and launch it on WhatsApp. With the correct implementation, ChatGPT can be a game-changer for businesses and their customers.

Ready to take your customer engagement to the next level with ChatGPT on WhatsApp? Get in touch now to leverage ChatGPT and WhatsApp’s power for your business success! Contact Chat360 today to learn how our AI-powered chatbots can help you provide personalized responses, streamline sales processes, and improve customer satisfaction.

If you are looking to improve your Customer Experience using AI, schedule a demo call to see how Chat360 can help you get there!

How to Use Your Phone Number to Login WhatsApp Web?

The WhatsApp web has been receiving a tremendously positive response from end users. It is due to the ease of logging into your WhatsApp personal or business account from multiple devices using a single account. This has made it so convenient to users that they’re not entitled to use a mobile phone to utilize this application. And when we look at the business opportunities, it has created massive growth. But consumers are looking for alternate ways to log in to WhatsApp business web. This is where we reach the topic of how to access WhatsApp web using a phone number. 

How to log in to WhatsApp web using a phone number?

WhatsApp Web is a web-based version of the popular messaging app WhatsApp. It allows users to access their WhatsApp accounts on a desktop or laptop. To use WhatsApp Web, users need to open the website on their computer and scan a QR code with their phones.

Many people have been searching for ways to log in to WhatsApp Web using their phone number, but currently, it is not possible to log in to WhatsApp Web using just your phone number. 

What is a QR code for WhatsApp web login?

The QR code is a unique code that is generated by the WhatsApp Web website to link your WhatsApp account. It is a type of barcode that contains a unique identifier and can be read by a camera. It is used to link the user’s WhatsApp account on their phone to their WhatsApp Web account on their computer. Once the QR code is scanned, the user’s WhatsApp account will be accessible on their computer.

Why has WhatsApp made it mandatory for users to log in through a QR code only?

WhatsApp Web is simply a way to access the user’s WhatsApp account on a computer. It is not a separate account or a way to create a new account. The user’s WhatsApp account is still linked to their phone number and can only be accessed through the mobile app.

Here are a few reasons why WhatsApp Web uses a QR code instead of a phone number to authenticate users:


Using a QR code, WhatsApp can ensure that only the person with access to the mobile phone with the WhatsApp account can log in to the web client. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to your messages and other sensitive information.


By using a QR code, WhatsApp makes it easy for users to log in to the web client without having to remember a username or password. Instead, you only need to scan the code with your phone, and you will be logged in automatically.


Logging in to WhatsApp Web using a phone number would not be secure. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption to protect the user’s messages and data. End-to-end encryption means that only the sender and the recipient can read the messages, and nobody else, not even WhatsApp itself, can access the messages.

Data accessibility 

If WhatsApp allowed users to log in to WhatsApp Web using their phone numbers, it would compromise the security of the user’s messages. Anyone with access to the user’s phone number would be able to log in to their WhatsApp Web account and read their messages.

Cautionary note:

It is important to note that there are some third-party websites and apps that claim to allow you to log in to WhatsApp Web using your phone number. However, WhatsApp does not authorize these services, and using them can be risky. They may ask you to enter your WhatsApp login credentials, which can put your account at risk of data theft.

To sum it up

In conclusion, it is not possible to log in to WhatsApp Web using a phone number. The only way to access WhatsApp Web is through a QR code. This is because WhatsApp is designed to work on mobile devices, and logging in to WhatsApp Web using a phone number would compromise the security of the user’s messages.

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